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Everything posted by femifrosk

  1. THE MAN HAS MUCLES!! And he is sweating too! AVOCA: Do you think I could use some of them as my avatar?
  2. OHH MY GOOOD! I've never seen so beautiful of Mika, pictures before!! DO you think I could use it to my avatar? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING!! His pants are really cool! His eyes, his shoes! :shocked: :D:D He is ****ing LOVELY!!!
  3. ADORABLE AS ALWAYS! Thank you so much for posting!
  4. Mikagasmic, right? LOVE IT! It hasn't been posted before?
  5. I dunno if it allready has been posted, but: OTHERS, POST POST!
  6. Song, beautiful! Thank you for posting!
  7. He is so faintly lovely! Thanks for posting!
  8. OHHH! He is so HOT! :mf_lustslow: By the way, take a look at this:
  9. You're too odd! That's why. No I'm just kidding. I dunno, the same thing happend to me, but I came in at the end. MYSPACE won't accept me.
  10. Thank you violet_sky! It was this one: And thanks to all you guy for helping!
  11. I've looked everywhere, I can't find it. It's a picture of Mika when he is draging on his braces, and he is wearing sun glasses. Do someone know which picture I mean? I would be grateful!
  12. No, I would feel sorry for him. If you were Mika's laundryman, would you browse in his stuffs?
  13. I were listening to the radio (Grace Kelly) and I were doing homeworks. "OH! I like that song! I'll go download it right away!" Then I did that, and downloaded some other songs, then I noticed that every song of Mika was good! So I searched for pictures of Mika( :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: ), I were curious. And then I wanted to buy the cd and so: MIKA FAN CLUB!!
  14. OH! Yes, I would! Would you like to be Mika's laundryman?
  15. I would! Yes, he is. Would you fly to China just to see Mika there about 1h?
  16. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: LOVELY PICS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING!!
  17. Thank you JeyJen! I didn't had fun actually. All my "friends" is so childish, they are laughting all the time. Most of the time I was listening to Mika or playing handball, heh.
  18. It would be a human being, isn't that an animal? No, I'm just joking around. It would be a lion or something like that.
  19. Well, Mika is gorgeous, and Ed guy is not.. Johnny is old, guess how much make-up he wears! No, don't think about it. Mika is the most beautiful!
  20. Well, I guess he has many braces.
  21. I want them! But everybody at my school have converse and I don't want to be like everybody else.
  23. No, but I guess he had noticed Mika's perfect formed, red lips!
  24. I asked a boy in my class to draw Mika, he drawed Mika and with big lips! That made a smile on my face!
  25. I would! I haven't any pretty clothes right now anyway. I would be the happiest person in the world! I would! I just have to buy another one.
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