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nani summer

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Everything posted by nani summer

  1. I think its always nerve-wracking meeting people you don't know and then having it being rushed and trying to be personal with each person but it can probably get really hard..
  2. I know what you mean.. Well meeting him after the concert he was in a really silly fun nice mood, but the next day at the instore signing he was really nice but it was really awkward and he seemed uncomfortable..
  3. Perez is actually an OK guy..maybe I'm just used to all my gays in LA..all they ever do is gossip, perez is just public about it. If a celeb is looking like crap, he's gonna point it out, he's just saying what everyone else is thinking but is afraid to say. He was actually very pleasant to meet.. People are saying that Perez is getting paid off for promoting mika like he is..but seeing him at the troubadour show and the in-store performance singing along to every word- i think he really is a huge fan, nothing more. Just like we go around telling everyone we know about Mika..when you find something that great, you want to share it with everyone!
  4. haha yesss!! i know he really wants to go to disneyland we should take him next time he's in cali! you know what would be really fun? BOWLING with mika!! there is this bowling alley in hollywood called lucky strike and its like night club blowing, black lights, loud music and lounges http://www.bowlluckystrike.com I was thinking about that for my birthday party PART 2 The first night in the concert and second night is bowling its VIPs only = MIka haha
  5. This is the forum he reads, because he said Mika Fan Club and he also knew that the book was coming so he had to have read it here :-)
  6. oh my gosh that is the cutest picture EVER!! peter pan! i want to take him to disneyland :-)
  7. aww! this year you will have a good birthday ok?!! even if its not right on your birthday night, but sometime in the week i will come up and we'll have a blast! :-D
  8. oh i'm so sorry! well i hope everything works out, i hope you stay in LA!
  9. I have a tape! I don't know how to get it on the computer though. Maybe if you ever come over! or when I move there! btw how did the apartment hunt go?
  10. round table pizza :-) hahaha commercials are great because you get paid every single time it plays!
  11. I'm not rich yet but once I move to LA I know I'll be making enough money! From one commercial I made $10,000 so I figure in a years time, if I move by August then I'll have a year if I book 10 commercials in one year i'll have 100,000 and I want to put it all toward my 21st birthday, its the most important thing! Plus Mika will know us by then..i figure we'll meet him at least 3 more times before then and he'll be more likely to play for someone he knows! I mean he definitely knows you and he remembered me and my sister too! :-D
  12. how do i call them?! i wonder if there is an email i could write to? i'd pay like 50-70,000 :-) I want it at the troubadour!! i want a disco ball and dancing too!
  13. how much do you think it would cost?? 50,000?? more?
  14. aww lol!! yeah my mom thinks he's gorgeous and talented (which he is!!) and my dad likes the music too and thinks he's really cool! my brother even was watching the show today :-) I want mika at my 21st birthday party! october 2008
  15. yes!! eek so much fun! and we can turn up mika real loud and sing and dance!
  16. eek i really hope i don't have to work on friday but knowing my boss he always schedules me on weekends! we should hang with val :-) i want to play music with him!
  17. OH my gosh!! I am seeing a concert on the 14th- Augustana. But I would LOVE to do something maybe the day before or after? We can go out to dinner or we can go to disneyland too!! I just have to get my work schedule for next week and then we can plan something!!
  18. Isn't venice beach amazing?! I can't wait to hang out with you again! I might be coming up next weekend :-)
  19. Actually I might be able to upload the ripped version to my computer and then email it and then if you have a dvd burner you could do that? i dunno how all that works
  20. Yeah he worked really hard to make it! Took him about an hour, but its amazing! Siv, I can give you a copy next time I see you. I wish I could send everyone on here a copy but it would be so much in shipping!
  21. So amazing!! My brother burned it onto a DVD for me its so clear!! Now I can watch it on my tv anytime!
  22. Sivan you should email Mika and see if he can get you in, you're practically best friends with him :-) (oh and swing me a pass too) haha but seriously he loves you and he wanted your contact info obviously he wants to see you again!
  23. Since we're on the subject of Mika merchandise.. I have a Mika Box!!! from the in-store :-)
  24. These shirts were given to us at the in-store made by the LA radio station :-)
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