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Erins Interpretation

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Everything posted by Erins Interpretation

  1. Just throwing it out there, I was thinking about it, and how AMAZING would it be if Mika released a Live CD of LICM? Him live is fantastic, and I know some people can't get around to seeing him, So I think a Live CD would be a good idea! I don't know, just a thought, wondered if anyone else thought it would be cool to have, Because I know I would buy it in a heart beat!
  2. damnnn this always happens I SWEAR to you, last night lovelove_mika and I were just throwing out ideas for the next show, and I suggested making him an umbrella with cleaver message on it, (saying "WANNA TRADE?" and it would be all LICM-y)and open it during the show facing him because I would LOVE to get his umbrella that he uses. (I collect Umbrellas.) our ideas are actually different but it's just odd. Kudos though, your umbrella is brilliant!!
  3. BRILLIANT thread loveeee Degrassi. for those that watched like, the early ones and then the newer ones, how crazy is it how much all of them changed?! have new ones started up yet?
  4. oh Goodness, LOVE that picture with Cherisse and Perez!!
  5. oh damn, I just opened this and It hasn't aired here yet ! oh well, my fault. but really though it's an honor just that he was nominated!
  6. I know! Agree with everything you saidd, how cool was it to be there to hear from Jerry's mouth? Amazing. I'm so happy for us!
  7. Looks like my name is number 20 in Britain! that's so strange to see how popular, I only know 2 other Erins besides myself here!
  8. You bet I'm wearing my shirt! I got the dodgy holiday one though, which he signed for me after. I'm thinking dark blue jeans and my beige mocasins.
  9. TINA! I really wanted to see you after the show But I'm glad you had a good time!!
  10. do you see what just happened?! I didn't even know that steph posted!! I just quoted it when I stumbled upon that post! and we virtually said the same thing. Long lost twin? no doubt.
  11. Yeah, it's a fantastic concept you made! Kudos!
  12. say stuff that you like, someone on here could be it! do you have a pal for Mika mail?
  13. haha it's all good! I think if you did have a long lost twin, you could always find one here Steph and I are so similar its crazy! anyone else paired up for mika mail realized that too?
  14. Best Night of my entire life. You can garuntee a report from me later on todayyyyyyyy
  15. a lot of people in the front got over, but it was really really hard, the barriar was so high! and after a while the security was getting harsh, but he told us before the show to do it, so when he gave the okay, everyone started to do it! He grabbed my friend Neil first before everyone, and then everyone started going, and he grabbed my hand to pull me over, it was the best time I've ever had.
  16. I was there when he told us yesterday!! you guys, WE'RE OFFICIAL!!!!!:biggrin2:
  17. I hope you all have fun tonite everyone!! I'm seeing him tomorrow night
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