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Everything posted by violet_sky

  1. Actually poor Daniel K got roped into this involuntarily In fact it is not so much the comparison itself that annoys me but the insulting intention behind it. You may think about him what you want, some people really adore(d) him for whatsoever reason (well, not me ) but as a matter of fact at times when that pop idol season with him was aired, Stefan Raab (meantime well known in here ) constantly was taking the mick out of him in almost every single episode of his TV total show. So you know what he is thinking about Daniel K and the audience as well knows that and can therefore draw their own conclusions on how that statement is to be classified... and for me that's the point. Not Daniel K, beware
  2. "Of course, this being a place-holder sort of song, there's not a right lot to say about it beyond the fact that it's alright." o O, another 3 out of 6 stars article , Mika won't like that Me too, I haven't noticed the slightest trace of arrogance in Mikas behaviour or in his talk. Far from it! He still is surprised by his success and you can't help believing him because he does all the interviews with such a natural and fresh approach that you could get the impression that he is sitting in his own living room while talking. What is so wrong about being self confident? He has got so many good reviews on his music and besides so many compliments on whatever else there might be about him that even if he should have been insecure about all that before, now he can't have any serious doubt that everything's alright. And still he is close with his fans and I'm sure, if he ever should get detached there are the right people around to put his feet back on the ground. So keep on , MIKA! Thank you Satu!
  3. I sent one last night just asking why there was no interview (which ist really a bit unusual ) But I didn't get an answer so far and frankly I don't expect one
  4. :no: I will ignore every single youtube link referring to Daniel K. only to protect myself from becoming a basket case...
  5. I hope he will! And then come over and do what he has to do!!!
  6. yes we ALL were pretty happy that he was finally out of sight
  7. you can see the freaky idiot here near the end of the mika performance (and hear him saying ....er....what he said) http://tvtotal.prosieben.de/show/letzte_sendung/
  8. it wasn't an article, worse: it was a tv show and the presenter (that damn nerd) said that as Mika and his band had hardly left the studio.
  9. which date was it planned for?
  10. "enough intricacies and layers that a sophisticated musician wouldn’t necessarily feel like shooting himself after two minutes" One of my favs too! Thank you for posting
  11. Maybe she's already here... ? Thanks for posting Satu
  12. Basically we were kinda disappointed because most of us had expected Mika's appearance in that tv show to be sort of a personal highlight for us. We had expected an interview, which is absolutely usual in this tv programme whenever a newcomer is there to perform. But.... no interview and a kind of strange performance as if Mika was missing... physically he was there of course and it was all professional again and he looked gorgeous and I fell in love as I always do but somehow the charms and the power we are used to were not there... Then the presenter rarely shook hands with Mika and his next sentence was just unbelieveable It was aready mentioned in here so luckily I don't have to repeat it, actually it just seemed that there was no good chemistry between them I'm so annoyed
  13. habs doch gemacht, ich ärger mich einfach viel zu arg
  14. ich mag mich da grad nicht einloggen (bin nicht angemeldet) aber ich hab ne email geschickt
  15. wenn's überhaupt noch soweit kommt... vielleicht wollte er selber kein interview bei tv total nach den dämlichen fragen und dem ganzen desaster am freitag bei 3 nach 9...
  16. immer gern! *niedergeschlagen sei*
  17. capriccio oder so glaub ich, da gabs letzte woche nur so ne art ankündigung auf die nächste sendung, aber das wird nur so'n kurzer beitrag sein wie in ard und zdf letzte woche...
  18. was meinst du? konzert oder tv? mir tut das jetzt voll leid, wie das alles gelaufen ist - das haben die nicht verdient
  19. würd mich auch interessieren coccinella: ärger mit mika??? wie geht das denn? kann ich mir jetzt so gar nicht vorstellen ;o) aber schon blöd, das doofe interview am freitag im ndr und jetzt das. super eindruck... hauptsache die bescheuerten No Angels werden gepushed wie blöd
  20. WAS? Halsschmerzen??? Oh mann, jetzt hab ich plötzlich auch so'n Kratzen... Ne echt, ich bin im Moment soo drauf, dass ich die nehmen würde (also die Halsschmerzen), selbstlos wie ich bin
  21. So, TV total ist fürs nächste halbe Jahr tot. Für mich jedenfalls
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