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Everything posted by Eir

  1. Oh....I can understand But thank you anyway... Lollipops crossed
  2. Yeah! And that's good, because L'unione fa la forza (mmm it's difficult to translate )
  3. *rises and gives her a biiiig hug* Oh....please, don't disturb and let me dream
  4. Oh, I 've lost my hopes about one and now I'm looking for SOMEONE not too stupid or mean... But I want MIKAAA It's on my Myspace!! Run run! You can't lose it!
  5. YOU ALL ARE JUST CRAZY!!!!! I love this! Ahah...I won't talk with you a lot on this thread because thinking of him really HURTS ME...I'm already too addicted and thinking that I will never have him doesn't help my mood... BUT, I just have to say that definately he's the HOTTEST man in the world for me...especially when he sings or dance... I mean...HAVE YOU SEEN Sweet dreams COVER??? PURE SEX Oh my God...I need a man
  6. I quote myself I love this pic! does anyone has it bigger???
  7. Do you believe me if I say I can't stop stairing at him in that pic? He would need a hug (not like that one, of course )
  8. LOL!!!!!!! He doesn't seem to have a good time Where did you find them?
  9. Ahah, thank you! Now I'll think to you when I'll see it ^^
  10. FOR SUUUURE!!! You are number one too! You gave the name to the group
  11. Thank you Violet_Sky!!! It's awesome and (today I'm unleashed ) what about this?
  12. oh Thank you sooo much!!! ^^ I was thinking to print it on a t-shirt and wear at the next concert (f I'll be able to go... ) This is serious and official group, he MUST know!!! That was my angelic task today...I've not studied for doing it Of ourse since we are a group you can do whatever you want with it (just...please, leave on my sign )
  13. Oh...I would like to be part of Penniman Posse! ..but I don't know...I've been just in Milan, even if I'm planning to see him in Florence and, maybe in October, if it's true that he will come back again here in Italy But I just don't know, because my parents are so strict!!! They can't understand me Maybe I shall come back in this thread in the future....
  14. Thank you But maybe this is better... Which one should I send him in your opinion?
  15. Ehy Angels!!! What do you think about my today creation? I'm not sure about the background...I can change it maybe... Give me some suggestion, then I'll add it on my Myspace page with the link to this site and I will send a private message to mika too... If you like it you can copy it...WE ARE THE MOST ANGELIC ARMY IN THE WORLD we must have a logo...
  16. hello! Probably someone will have already ask and been answered....But I have not time teo read all this time, even i I usually do it in order not to annoy anyone... Does someone knows a good converter from 3gp format to avi, mp4 os something that works with MediaVideo??? thank you...I have one, but it puts a banner in the middle of my face...that's not such a lose, but I don't think that would be useful for the video
  17. Yessss! My best country veninde ...my secret twin!!!
  18. Loveee it Sophie!!!!! Sorry if I was a little cold in the pm..but I saw 'Sam? and got confused And...I've just read your e-mail...don't worry...Mika will like it!!!
  19. WHAT A SHAMEEEE!!! My lyric was completely wrong
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