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Posts posted by Matt1984

  1. The doll's not enough cute!!! Those thick eyebrows make him look like the USSR leader Breshnev... Mika's eyes are bigger and there's something in the shape of the face that doesn't convince me either.

  2. MIKA, sorry, there will be no room left for you....:naughty:

    we are many!

    ok, matt, this is quite risky of you...me, kath from uk, mirtilla, esperia and bf...we all need a bed to rest!!!:shocked:

    seriously...if you can help, it's ok. at least you can suggest a cheap place to stay, near the venue...

    can you be our tourist info centre? please............:blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:


    sure! I'll try my best... as for the room I can provide for free... I've got a cozy little apartment in Bologna with a doublebed and two sofas. And I'm almost sure my parents would let me invite you over there. Then there's another double bed in the guest-room here at my house (San Pietro in Casale, near Bologna). I'll ask my parents. :)


    as for the hotels... Mika is staying at the Baglioni Hotel, which is in front of St. Peter's Church in via Indipendenza. If you're willing to spend the night under the same roof, you must be willing to spend 240€ for a double room.




    The Giardinetto Hotel is close to my apartment for example... anyway, I will be your guide if you'll let me... we'll have a nice walk and take everyone to their place safe and sound! :)

  3. This thread made me think about a dialogue from the Peter Bogdanovich movie What's Up, Doc?:


    [Howard walks into the hotel gift shop, wanders around, picks up a big rock, a souvenir of Alcatraz, and starts tapping it with a tuning fork]

    Judy: What's up, Doc?

    Howard: I beg your pardon?

    Judy: We gotta stop meeting like this.

    Howard: I think you've made a mistake. You see, I only came in here for something for a headache.

    Judy: You're gonna need an awful big glass of water to get that down.

    Howard: What? No, you see I was just testing this specimen for inherent tonal qualities. I have this theory about early man's musical relationship to igneous rock formations. But I guess you're not interested in igneous rock formations.

    Judy: Not as much as I am in the sedimentary or metamorphic rock categories. I mean, I can take to igneous rocks or leave 'em. I relate primarily to micas, quartz, feldspar. You can keep your Pyroxenes, magnetites and coarse grained plutonics as far as I'm concerned.

    Howard: I forgot why I came in here.

    Judy: Headache.


    So my guess would be: Mika's not a gem! He's a igneous rock!!!

  4. ...Altogether in Bologna!!!:thumb_yello:



    and if anyone needs a place to stay, I may have got room at my apartment in Bologna and at my home here in the countryside (about 30 mins by car). Of course I'd have to ask my parents first. And you mustn't be intimidated by my mother, the italian version of Bree Hodge from Desperate Housewives.


    In case Mika's reading this: the invitation stands for you and your band too of course! LOL Don't go to the Baglioni Hotel and spend all your money in there!!!

  5. ti sei perso un notizione!!!:thumb_yello:

    well you absolutely have to run and buy the tiket!!!:biggrin2:


    già! devo iniziare a dare il mio numero di cell in giro per gli aggiornamenti rapidi! ^^


    I'll buy the tickets tomorrow... I'll collect my friends first... We're going to be a big bunch!


    oddiooooo!! non riesco a smettere di postare... sto andando in tilt!! MIKA A BOLOGNAAAAAA!!! Tortellini, torri e... vabbè lasciam stare.

  6. :tears: love that place. oh i'm so jealous!!!hope you had awesome holidays


    awww! thanx sweetie! I love Vieste. My parents and I have been going there every summer since I was a toddler. Maybe we met in the past, who knows? lol


    The weather was a gift from God above... Sunny, and dry warm! It was a really pleasant week, however I haven't really studied for the exam I have next week at university... :P

  7. non lo sapevi:wink2: ? really amazing!!!!


    macché! ero a Vieste, sul Gargano in vacanza!!! :D


    (trans: no I didn't! I was in Vieste, in Gargano on holiday!!!)


    devo assolutamente trattenermi dall'urlare la mia gioia... ho tutte le finestre aperte e i miei e il cinno dormono...


    (trans: I have to keep myself from crying out loud my joy... all the windows are open and my parents and the kid are sleeping...)

  8. matt, are you going to any october gig? pls, write your name in the attnding list!

    and come to florence....say bye bye to your group and come!:biggrin2:


    that's what I'm planning to do... you see, my friends know that I'm a lil' heartbroken after the Streisand concert was cancelled, so maybe they will understand... :roftl:


    I'll be in Bologna for sure. I don't know about Turin, but a friend of mine lives there and I told her a thousand times I was going to visit her... so that may be the chance! lol


    And I'll bring my recorder! ^^ So we'll keep memories of the concert...

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