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Posts posted by Matt1984

  1. I voted Freddie, because I really don't see Mika on stage lip-synching while partecipating in very elaborate choreographies as Michael does (did?). I love Michael too, it's just I don't think that kind of larger than life attitude can apply for Mika too. In the last few years Michael seems also to have lost his touch, while Freddie never faced the downfall, so that's why career-wise I'd say I wish Mika to be more like Freddie than Mike.


    Private life-wise, I wish him all the luck and serenity and joy that these two icons never really had. :)

  2. honey, there are 2 from stuck in the middle.. :wink2:

    *love both* love the whole song as a matter of fact....


    but my very fave in stuck in the middle line with be another, to be honest.. :biggrin2:


    oyoyoyoy... didn't see the other... *walks away silently*

  3. hehe these lyrics ring a bell.. cannot think why.. :fisch:



    for me all the stuck in the middle ones, o.c. and then i have a soft spot for the kertchingggggg :biggrin2:



    so i didn't vote, cause I'd have chosen more than 1 option. sorry.


    Oh come on!!! YOU of all can't abandon the "Stuck In The Middle" Cause!!!! There's only one line YOU can show your support to, and we both know what it is! lol :biggrin2:

  4. I don't really care about pictures that show him during his private life. I'm not particularly curious to see him shop for clothing or go to a restaurant... that's why I voted no. But I think that maybe my answer should've been "yes" instead. If anyone feels like posting paparazzi's pics or commenting on them, well that's their business, but I'm afraid I won't partecipate in the discussion because I don't care much! :)

  5. Matt can i ask you what have you used to record it? cause i always listen to it and the quality is very high!


    This is a very interesting question, dear Mirtilla! :) You know, each time I post a recording of a concert I made on a forum, people say the quality is amazing, but usually never ask how, as if it was something that they couldn't do or something.


    The answer is very easy: I bought a pair of binaural cardioid microphones designed by Core-Sound (http://www.core-sound.com/cardioid/1.php), which are especially designed to record loud music from very loud audiences. This particular set of mics has the peculiarity of recording only the sounds that come from the front, not from the back; hence why the sound is even clearer than it was at the venue, because they don't record the echoes.

    The mics were clipped on my eyeglasses and were linked to a Mini Disc (MD) Player/Recorder. Mine is a Sony MD Walkman MZ-NH900. (it can also be used as a portable music player, even if it's not exactly an mp3 player)


    As simple as that! A little, yet very hi-fi recording system in my pocket... :)


    Please also note: I had been dancing/jumping for the whole concert, that didn't affect the sound quality whatsoever. The only thing you really shouldn't do if you have mics clipped on your hat or collar or eyeglasses is to sing loud or scream too much. For example: on My Interpretation you can hear a friend of mine who was behind me on the right who sings along all the time, or on Grace Kelly you can hear me singing along for the whole song because I went completely bananas.

    No audio editing is necessary (filters, etc.), except from splitting the whole recorded track into songs.


    It's really as easy as that. Of course it's a little expensive (especially the mics), but as far as I'm concerned, I'm really glad I bought it because this way I can keep record of the concerts I go to and listen to them again and again... :D


    I hope I was clear enough... if I wasn't drop me a line on MSN and I'll explain to you in italian! lol

  6. I've been in bed with flu these last coupla days, but that didn't prevent me to watch the broadcast... what a treat!!! I was really surprised they kept almost the whole concert!

    Valeria's comments during the show were repetitive, annoying and awfully inaccurate... her interaction with Mika wasn't entirely awful, but I guess it was once again his savoir-faire.

  7. Update: I watched it again and the Scissor Sisters show ran 70 mins long and it included 8 songs.


    That Valeria girl, whoever she is, is utterly unable to speak english (the band members failed to understand what she was saying a couple of times), moreover, most of her comments during the show were out of line, repetitive and annoying. The moral of this story is: all you need to host a tv show in Italy is a pretty face and a lot of courage. :D


    On the positive side: there were lots of cameras on (and off) stage, so the show was beautifully filmed and contained a lot of closeups of us fans. (Please mind I'm still talking about the Scissor Sisters show!)

  8. I agree with those who have mentioned Annie Lennox, Nelly Furtado, Kate Bush, Elton John, U2 or Scissor Sisters.


    I'd also say Madonna (how about a groovy piano version of Lucky Star???), Shirley Manson from Garbage, Geri Halliwell or Joss Stone (they have a really low pitch, so I guess it would work with Mika's falsetto).

    Among the guys... mhm... some Beatles song with Paul McCartney? R.E.M.?

  9. the tv show is of an hour...and matt said there's an interview too...so i think they'll see the whole gig plus the interview... :blink:


    I'm afraid you're being too optimistic... For the Scissor Sisters there were about 40 mins of interview/reharsals/introductions and less then 20 of music.

    I don't think the whole gig was even filmed. I remember seeing cameras on stage for Everybody's Talkin' and a couple of others. But I could be wrong here.


    What I mean is: don't expect they're gonna show the whole gig because you may be disappointed in the end! :) of course I hope to be wrong... :punk:

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