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Posts posted by Matt1984

  1. I am really thrilled by the news. What do you think about her song "Hey You" ?


    I like that song, I was expecting a completely different thing when I heard Pharrell was producing it! The refrain is really operatic, she hits really high notes for her range... I hope that when she's going to sing it live at Live Earth someone's gonna help her! Mika, please, come to her rescue and sing that song with her! lol


    Btw, I am really surprised that Madonna chosed to work with Timbaland, since he cooperated with Justin, Nelly ... So she won't be the one to discover him :P That doesn't very much madonna-like right ?


    Well, neither Babyface nor William Orbit or Stewart Price were exactly strangers when she approached them to work with her! lol

  2. Oh my... He's just sooooo cute!!! I bet he kept on laughing all the time during the photoshoot! The pose for the cover is kind of cliché and a little ridiculous if you forget for a second how gorgeous he looks! lol :wub2:


    Thanx for posting them! Can't wait to read the article, I hope he won't make anymore mistakes trying to quote Barbra Streisand movies... :naughty:

  3. Being a huge Madonna fan I'd be thrilled by the news, but I'm afraid it must be just a rumor... :(


    Right now she's working on her new album with Pharrell, Timbaland and Justin Timberlake. In an interview, Justin said that perhaps he's going to sing a duet with her. She's never been very fond of duets throughout her long career (only one has been released as a single actually, the awful Me Against the Music), so it doesn't sound much realistic to me the fact that she's gonna share the spotlight with two talented young men at once. But I guess we'll never know for sure 'til Warner Music releases a statement, right?


    Personally, I think Mika's voice would blend perfectly with Madonna's. Prince and Babyface used their falsettos with her in the past (for the 1988 Love Song and the 1994 Take a Bow respectively) and the results were absolutely amazing.

  4. I really want one!!! I'm sure little-Mika would easily become my little-James Dean's bestfriend!!!




    Little-Jimmy's all alone on the shelf right now... :° I'm sure they'd hang out with the Sideshow Buffy figures who are on the other side of the room when I'm asleep! lol :roftl:

  5. Lol!!!


    you're quite similar


    and me again...(ahah I know I'm bothering you)


    1) Last summer...Sister Act (I'm the one bowing..notice: the first 'Sister' is a...MAN!)


    LOL Eir, you're so cute!!!


    Speaking of striking resemblances and man in drags, here's me as Princess Elizabeth Von Österreich at Halloween last year. The costume was handmade by a very talented friend of mine and inspired by the movie Ludwig... I'm sure many of you will wonder if Romy Schneider and I are related, because the resemblance is so strong, but no, we aren't. LOL :roftl:


    Here's Romy:




    And this is me... the last one is G Rated of course! Watch at your own peril! :naughty:


    dscn1040xc3.th.jpg dscn1048vl1.th.jpg dscn4868yl1.th.jpg dscn1082xe7.th.jpg


    Please note: since I'm already 1,87m tall, with those heels I was standing almost 2m tall... I was really scary.

  6. I think their voices are really different from one another, but IMHO it's their very dramatic way of singing that they have in common.


    Even when Freddie was singing very dramatic, sad songs (take The Show Must Go On for example), he had this unexplainable thing in his voice, this over-dramatic way to deliver the lines, like he was being very serious *and* humorous at the same time... It's hard to explain this strange feeling Freddie's voice has always given me. You know what I mean? :blink:


    Anyway, that's exactly what I feel in Mika's way of singing too.


    By the way:

    He also recorded Billy Brown on freds piano , so people are bound to say hes like Freddie.


    In the Attitude interview Mika says the whole Freddie piano thingy is a rumor, right?

  7. :shocked: but come on if your championship is after the gig, why can't you come ? because you're afraid to be tired ? but if you only watch mika's performance and then leave , you won't be tired, will you :biggrin2::thumbdown: ???

    Well it's up to you to choose what you like most between this sport and mika ( i really don't want to influence you ... not at all lol !!! :biggrin2: )


    LOL :roftl:


    it's for the rehearsals! of course I love Mika more than this embarassing activity that involves running around in tights... -.-' but I gave my team my word that I would've attended all the final rehearsals.


    Quèl dommage... :(

  8. oh no :thumbdown: why that matt ? it's a pity !


    I know! It's kind of embarassing to tell, but I'm part of a team of sbandieratori, which is a really odd italian sport... I'm not particularly into it, but I've been doing for ten years, there's all my friends there, yada yada yada...

    Bottom line is: a very important championship will take place the weekend after the Wave, so my friends prevented me from going, because I too have to make sacrifices for the team and stuff... :°

    What a pity, I was really curious to meet the whole of you! And seeing our beloved curlyhead perform again in front of me for the joy of my own eyes and ears! You have fun for me too, okay? :)

  9. well, saying that I HATE her is saying too much, but I can truly say I find her so cheap.. my hubby watched the gig too and he had the same impression..


    o.c. it may just be me: it's a free world, thanks goodness :wink2:


    I can't stand her. She just shouldn't be on television. She can't speak english nor italian. Her dialogues are crappy, but that probably isn't her fault since there's probably a whole team of bubblehead writers who think that questioning mika about the square root of 121 is smart or funny to watch. This is Italian TV. Really sad. Just think about the rest... *shakes head*

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