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Grace Ally

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Everything posted by Grace Ally

  1. Ooh, I want! Please . Yes, she is really sweet!
  2. Yay, I'm so excited! . Can't wait to see it finished!
  3. How smartly! Thanks for the wondrful report . I can't wait for the second part!
  4. Uff... I just read the whole thread . Sounds that you guys had an amazing night! Thanks for the fantastic reports, videos and pics, I enjoyed them very much!
  5. Hahaha . You're really good, Sarah! If I had to write something like this, it would take me much more than 3 minutes .
  6. You're the star, Hannah! Thanks for all your hard job with this project .
  7. I had the problems with connection and I was also listening to the last part only .
  8. Yay! Thanks Romis! I've never heard it!
  9. I'll surely buy your CD . Good luck tonight on the radio, Sarah!
  10. Hannah, you're amazing. I can't wait for Tuesday!
  11. I was listening to your songs a few days ago. You have such a beautiful voice!
  12. I love Belgian chocolate! I'm sure that Mika'll like your present . I've never seen Mika live . Hi Beckar .
  13. Lucky girl! I hope that Mika'll come to Poland next year... Is it your first gig?
  14. Ok . Are you going to the gig tomorrow?
  15. I always do the same! And then I have biiiig problems with getting up early .
  16. To beznadziejnie, że nie chcieli przesłać biletów do Polski . Ale dobrze, że w końcu jakoś udało Ci się to załatwić! Czy 3-ego przed koncertem będziesz też mogła od razu odebrać bilety na 4-ego, żebyś miała szansę chociaż wtedy być gdzies z przodu?
  17. Thanks for the reports, Sienna! I'm happy that you had such a great time!
  18. O, Ty też tam będziesz? Ale macie szczęście dziewczyny! Tyle bym dała, żeby też móc tam być... Szczególnie zazdroszczę Wam tego ostatniego koncertu 4 grudnia .
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