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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. Awww everyone is very pretty Mika attracts beautiful people lol
  2. LOL that is a hilarious thought! If it helps, I worked hard to take that pic... I missed my train for that boy! that moment was all worth it:blush-anim-cl:
  3. Ignore me? lol how come? You're the lucky one... meeting him so many times:mf_lustslow: :
  4. Name: Melanie Bianca Age: 17 Birthday: March 12th Fav. Mika song: Grace kelly... though instant martyr is amazingly beautiful Fav. Food: Thai food! Fav. Drink: strawberry lemonaid... yum Interests: Art, writing, reading, music, film, THE WORLD... and my studies Mika and I were pretty compatable... lol I fit right in his arms
  5. Currently, i can't really fish throught this thread, to answer my question but... I read somewhere that mika mentioned sometime on the radio that Patrick wolf was giving up music... did anyone hear this on the radio?! Just curious
  6. Dunno if this topic already exists, but i'm curious to know: who you converted into a mika fan... maybe you yourself are a convert Not me... I always was and always shall be a fan... lol... I did convert my cousin and my sister... my mom too I suppose... The first time I saw him on youtube... I said "Mom come here!" I showed her his gorgeousness lol and she was like "OOO he's cute!" So yeah lol... pretty hardcore Who have you converted?
  7. I abondoned you guys once again lol... sorry about that, didn't mean to... Fashion class... summer reading... stuff in general... I will try to write sometime soon... Mika_obsessed... I agree with Jack... your mika is the most realistic ... I told everyone before I even wrote mine that "my mika" was a combination of Will Turner from Pirates and Johnny Depp from Chocolat... not that the real mika isn't awesome enough, but generally speaking I'm a drama queen and wanted to play with this thread :-)... but yeah guys awesome job keeping my baby alive lol ~ciao~
  8. WOW those are really great! I didn't even notice his braces were silver lol coool
  9. I need your opinions: Would you say that the braces are mika's trademark and that he is popularizing them today? I hate to ask the obvious, but I just wanna be sure its not just my imagination
  10. lol that would be great ... thanks to all for the pics!
  11. If you look at the Mika Penniman facebook profile, it has the option of viewing friends... the Mica Penniman one doesn't have that option... The friends from the Mika Penniman facebook amount to about a dozen:blink: and they are all apart of some highschool...so I don't think that one is his... Anyway, it's all a bit confusing to me.
  12. I need some awesome pics of mika in his trademark suspenders... I'm taking a fashion course downtown and i'm doing a collage of a particular trend... and I chose suspenders... I have to say who is the one bringing braces back and of course, besides larry king... our boy Mika owns that look! So give me your best and coolest braces pic... anything you can dig up please:wink2:
  13. LOl where did I come up with "good?" You get a virtual hippy hug lol
  14. Thanks to all of you who take an interest in what I have to say lol... I hope i expressed myself clearly enough... you guys are awesome and I am proud to call you my fellow footloose hippies! @--Lollis all around --@
  15. Well, I have always loved your sarcasm *gives you a virtual hug* I see what you mean, honestly... the privacy issue bugs the heak out of me too...some people can't figure it out, his personal life is just that... so on that issue i'm with you all the way... however, I still feel like I see way too much arguing over silly things... and too much judgment being past...
  16. actually jack, this sort of defensive thing is exactly what I was "talking about." I don't want more arguing to come from my threads so I'll leave it at that... I just know that I'm not the only one who has witnessed it.
  17. awww that's sweet Wow an authentic flower child... i've always wanted to know one... care to join the footloose club?
  18. Edited for a more lighthearted effect:original: Hey guys! If you're like me, and want there to be only happy times on the forums, than you're in the right thread...Basically, I would like us to be more of the "family/community" that I used to picture us as being. I notice sometimes that we get divided over the silliest things. I havn't been involved in any quarrels, so thank goodness for that, but still I have witnessed grusome brutality and harsh judgment passed... I applaud the moderators on here for doing such a great job in keeping everything clean... but no one should have to be reminded to be a nice fancluber... Thus, I dedicate this thread: The footloose hippy thread for all of you who WANT PEACE ON THE FORUMS!... remember, the ultimate footloose hippy is and always shall be... our boy MIKA! --> "I was born in lebanon and rasied in Paris and London, hopping from country to country like a footloose hippy with my four brothers and sisters." -Mika myspace What constitutes a footloose hippy? Well, being a "hippy" in my mind means being peaceful and well the "footloose" part is just cute isn't it lol? LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA JOIN PLEASE PM me if you want! Footloose hippy #1 : BonjourMika1990 Footloose hippy #2:LoveLoveMIKA Footloose hippy #3:Mel_tinydancer Footloose hippy #4:Sunshine931 Footloose hippy #5: Charlemaine Footloose hippy #6: Calicojasmine Footloose hippy #7: GraceKelly_Mika24 Footloose hippy #8: Mikaluvr Footloose hippy #9: Vanessa Footloose hippy #10: Sonjalovestoday Footloose hippy #11: Sesil17aa Footloose hippy #12: Me-Mi-Ka Footloose hippy #13: Becky Footloose hippy #14: Lucy Footloose hippy #15: Phunkygal Footloose hippy #16: Kavi Footloose hippy #17: love.love.me Footloose hippy #18: Marianne84 Footloose hippy #19: IngievV Footloose hippy #20: FreddiesDouble Footloose hippy #21: Evelina Footloose hippy #22: Bexxy Footloose hippy #23: buttnugget040 Footloose hippy #24: Laura Footloose hippy #25: Canderson Footloose hippy #26: backflip_76 Footloose hippy #27: HollyD Footloose hippy #28: Mikas_Gal07 Footloose hippy #29: esperia75 Footloose hippy #30: Mika_forever Footloose hippy #31: TheOnlyLonelyOne Footloose hippy #32: Mariposa Footloose hippy #33: Leonita Footloose hippy #34: greta Footloose hippy #35: Flopii* Footloose hippy #36: martine Footloose hippy #37: elanorelle Footloose hippy #38: Kelzy Footloose hippy #39: Louiza Footloose hippy #40: Sarah_lollipop Footloose hippy #41: I've been Mikafied Footloose hippy #42: Sofi_89 Footloose hippy #43: flor_arg_16 Footloose hippy #44: Mika Mania Footloose hippy #45: pica_mica Footloose hippy #46: Haley & Megan Meyer Footloose hippy #47: Mika Freaka Footloose hippy #48: lalalifegoeson Footloose hippy #49: Sarah loves Mika Footloose hippy #50: Marilyn Mastin Footloose hippy #51: Lovelove_ Mika Foorloose hippy #52: Daydreambeliever Footloose hippy #53 : Shonith Footloose hippy #54: ~Mikaboo~ Footloose hippy #55: Findingmywords Footloose hippy #56: Norwalk174 Footloose hippy #57: Guineverer Footloose hippy #58: Cattie Gurl Footloose hippy #59: Laurel Footloose hippy #60: Anouk
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