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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. Who is Patrick Wolf? I don't know the guy, nor do I want to. Obviously, he just used mika to stretch oh i don't know... 5 min. of fame. He should not mess with our guy:mf_rosetinted: no offense to his fans of course... i'm sure you have your reasons for liking him...
  2. ok lol... in the pic was he dangling bananas over choo choo the monkey?
  3. Hey lollipop monkey, was my article good so far?! Tell me if you want me to change some things ;-)
  4. Favorite Mika quote:"You have to hold my hand and skip... well, because we're going to the zoo!" <-- this was the first interview I ever saw with him... I knew he was the one lol Favorite Mika mannerism:When that boy crinkles his nose, time stops:blush-anim-cl: Favorite Mika song from LICM:Grace Kelly... it's my anthem! Favorite Mika lyric:"Hello my baby... hello my baby puttin my life on the brink..." Favorite Mika unreleased song:Instant Martyr is amazing! The "here comes the sun" lyric at the end is beautiful... Favorite Mika moment:Meeting him of course:blush-anim-cl:
  5. Just sent my letter to Julie! I can't wait for him to read it p.s. JULIE when you get the letter, can you tell me if all the pictures are at the bottom of the document? I forgot to mention that in the email thanks!
  6. JUST sent my article to the email address... let me know when you receive it please Also, if you could tell me what you think of it?
  7. Everyone knows how much I love Miss. Natalie Portman! So yes they should be friends
  8. WHICH INTERVIEW WERE YOU TALKING ABOUT? could you send me the link please
  9. I was collapsed over my text books spread over the coffee table when suddenly, a sound like I've never heard before flooded the television speakers. It was beautiful... I looked up and saw a curly head bopping around. My first reaction was, "OOOO a hippy video!" I like Indie music you see... Than I looked at the curly head singing, and he was the most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes on. From that moment on, I was in love! I have never in my life felt so compelled to love a complete stranger! Three months later, I met my hero! I will never forget that first moment though, when he came into my life What's your story? Don't be afraid to get all poetic lol
  10. This was my myspace blog entry June 11th 2007, will go down in history as a tremendous experience that I shall never forget. Every second leading up to this concert, was spent trying to manifest a good outcome. I really thought about it alot...meeting him. Look what happened, I DID. It would not have been possible without the help of my future brother in law... Rudy! THANKS RUDY :-) Honestly we waited for an hour and a half for him to come out ( he was in a signing session) " He's coming down the stairs..." The words the security gaurd spoke just as I was beginning to lose hope. And than, there he was, just having come out of the doors with a huge light around him and a smile on his face. I know he was so tired after a performance like that, but it didn't matter to him... he was still so appreciative of all of us. NON STOP touring for 9 months would take it's toll on anybody, but not MIKA. MIKA is special that way, he will be kind and polite to you no matter how tired he is. A calm enveloped me as I waited for my autograph and picture. I tilted my head and smiled while he was with some fans... The picture taker was about to snap their shot and I was standing to the right of her, just smiling and gazing lovingly at MIKA... I will never forget my smile, even though I didn't see it, I know exactly how I looked and you know what, I hope he will not forget it either. Because as the picture taker's flash went off, MIKA made eye contact with me for the longest second of my life... and he seemed tickled by my look of pure love. I was in the middle of the madness just trying to memorize every detail about him... trying to remember the moment forever.So, he turned in time for the camera to capture his face. I wouldn't go on like this if I didn't believe that this moment was special, I wouldn't give myself false hope. It is what it is, a moment framed in my memory... one that only he and I share. As I walked to him, I held out my CD for him to sign and he gently took it from my hands. I will never forget his voice... so soft and gentle... " What's your name?" and than the way my name sounded when he said it, like poetry wrapped in romance, "Melanie" just the sweetest sound I have ever heard. As I spelled it for him, he was very calm and gave me all the time I wanted. Than it was time for our picture and there was absolutley no hesitation in either of our mannerisms... I held on to him as he was holding on to me, warm... with love... with appreciation on both of our minds. He was soft, and smelled brilliantly... Our scents mixed... For a few hours, I smelled our scents as one ingenious composition. I can smell it now... *sigh As I left him, I slowly moved my hand away from his back trying to remember how he felt. As he was with other fans, I said, "Bye Mika" and he lifted his head to look at me... not for a second, but more and he seemed like he was thinking... just thinking... He smiled at me for a while and said, "Bye!" I wish I knew what he was thinking, but I don't. It was not goodbye for too long. I will see him again.
  11. My card is almost ready but the thing is, I HAVE TOO MUCH I WANT TO WRITE... I'm having a lot of trouble limiting it to one document I'm doing my best...
  12. Wow these are some remarkable photos of our golden boy! I'm so proud of him and his sis! He looks a lot healthier now... I hope he's getting better!
  13. Many here have voiced their fears about the possibility of fame getting to mika's head... that sooner or later, the glitz and glamour of celebrity stardom would change him. This to me, is the scariest thought concerning Mika. I used to fear it, but I don't anymore. and let me tell you why: I Met this man one month ago (yesterday was our anniversary lol) and I finally got to see what so many of you have seen. He has this glow about him, a radiance. He seems extremeley gounded and down to earth. I can't see him ever becoming a "Diva". No, what I fear now is that his star is rising so rapidly (which is awesome) that soon it will be harder for us to meet with him after shows Or that he'll see us as just "fans" not friends anymore. He loves us all I think because we were the first... everyone here...we were the first to say..."He's our guy and we're proud of him!" Do you think he'll ever change?
  14. I would dedicate... Think of Me from the Phantom of the Opera to him... it's a bit cheesy but very relevant to what I feel Goes like this: Think of me. Think of me fondly when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while: please promise me you'll try. and when you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free if you ever have a moment, spare a thought for me. .... There will never be a day when I wont think of you ... please promise me that sometimes you will think of me.
  15. something simple like...What's your favorite movie? From that, tons of conversation would come up I love film!
  16. Of course they should feature him! sigh I even dress like mika now adays
  17. Part 8 The next few days go smoothly as both Mika and Amelie introduce themselves properly to the massive island… which they will call home for God knows how long. They do not struggle to survive as Amelie is the driving force in figuring out what precautions to take. Mika puts her ideas into action and trusts her judgment completely. After surviving the plane crash, there is not much these two can’t overcome. They have become an inimitable tag team with a strategy of “going with the flow†and keeping each other company. The ultimate dance with death has past them and they have conquered the treacherous obstacle course. However, they both fear that the masses across the globe have pronounced them dead… or that the headline “Plane vanishes from radar†glides across every newspaper page in the world. What will they do? How will they let their loved ones know that they are safe and well? “Mika, I can’t imagine how your fans must be feeling?†Mika peers down at his feet sadly. Amelie notices this and leans in closer to him, “I would be DEVISTATED…†“I wish they could know that I was alright…†“I know… my family too.†“You’re close to them?†“Well, I’ve sort of been globe trotting for the past 4 years… yeah straight out of highschool… they think I’m wild and boundless… they don’t really bother trying to keep me in one place…. What irony!†“You mean they didn’t know you were going to the Caribbean?†“Well, no it was kinda spur of the moment. They knew Garbriel had passed away, but as far as they were concerned it was jus another fling… I was madly in love with a poet and to them… it would pass.†“But it didn’t?†“No… no it didn’t.†“Tell me about Gabriel.†She smiles and looks up at the sky as if trying to recall something. She leans back on the sand. “You would have liked him. He treated me like a princess…†Mika lies beside her looking up at the sky. “What was he like?†“Well… he was creative… romantic… hilarious… committed to me.†She holds up her ring finger and lets the band sparkle in the sunlight. “You remind me of him.†“How so?†She buries her hands in her face and starts laughing… “Your hair!†“Ahh I see, you’re using me for my curls!†They giggle some more. “Well ok it’s not just that… I think it’s the way you look at me. Not many people really keep eye contact with me like I do to them. They always look somewhere else… if you know what I mean…†She smiles mischeviously at him and he winks at her. “… but you, you’re like him… you indulge my senses.†“Well I can see why people would be a bit intimidated to look you in the eye… there’s so much there isn’t there? In your mind…†“I’m always thinking I guess.†They lay in silence for a while… Mika suddenly asks excitedly… “So, have you thought of baby names yet?!†“Oh that’s right... God why do I keep forgetting?!†“Don’t you feel something in your tummy yet?†“Not really… I feel more… I dunno, delicate I guess.†“Well what do you think it’ll be … a boy or a girl?†“I have a feeling it’s a girl.†“Why?†“Because I’m more sensitive and I’m crying all the time.†“Boys don’t cry?†“Not like girls… sometimes I think women look forward to a good cry… they see it as a cleansing.†“Speaking of crying how’s the leg?†“It’s better… I think I can walk without flinching now.†She gets up fixing her dress… Mika looks worried… “We can practice some other time… I’m afraid you’ll aggravate the wound.†“Don’t be silly; anyways what else are we going to do?†She defies his wishes as usual and starts walking… “Oh that feels… odd.†“Why?†“My legs are all wobbly… but the pain is gone… I almost feel numb.†“Ok ok that’s good enough for today… sit back down.†She sits down fanning out her dress… “Thank God I packed cute clothes.†Mika studies her ensemble...“A bit of eye candy on this island doesn’t hurt.â€
  18. Once when I had to give a speech in front of The National Honor Society and all the parents at my school... I thought... "Ok what would Mika think of right now?" So as I was walking to the podium I sang Grace Kelly in my head... and I was like " I don't care what you think of me..." and my speech was perfect:blush-anim-cl: Normally though when I see bright clothes I think... If mika were a girl, he would so buy this... and I get it because it reminds me of him!... Most often I ask my self: WWAHD (What would Audrey Hepburn do) She's my idol you see :-) And than there's WWNPD (what would natalie portman do?) And WWKKD (What would keira knightley do?) LOL
  19. Did you miss part 7 ... I posted like on friday... I missed writing
  20. Well I don't go on here every few minutes, but definatley every day... to get my fix lol... I can't help it! Why are all of you guys so nice here?! No other fans in the world are this nice :-) It's just Mika is so darn entertaining!
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