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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. THOSE MOVES... Amazingly gorgeous! WOW... Mika is... just wow:blush-anim-cl:
  2. His nose and smile...When that boy crinkles his nose, the world stops turning:blush-anim-cl:
  3. I'm pretty sure he's got the cutest over bite I've ever seen in my entire life! I love overbites... his is the best
  4. Ok, I think people are getting worked up over nothing... I get what the thread starter is trying to put out there, just a bit of fun:thumb_yello: ... It's cool people... no one is saying MIKA isn't MIKA... I think we should stop being so defensive over things that not even MIKA is defensive over. Thus to answer the question: I would most like Mika to be compared to Freddie Mercury... When I first heard his voice, I knew... and I thought it was cool...
  5. Don't worry, he'll always make time for his fans He's just that type of person... and you will meet him... you're gonna fall in love with him ten times more too... because he's the sweetest guy imaginable:mf_lustslow:
  6. Here's a little taste of what I wrote MIKA in my relax letter... (MIKA if you are reading this particular thread.. STOP ) From the very beginning, you were an intriguing stranger to me. Never in my life have I felt so compelled to love another human being as I love you. It hurts to think that I idolize someone who doesn’t even know I exist… who may very well put me in the category of “adoring fans,†when I am so much more than that. I have respect for you more than anything and I am proud of all you have accomplished. It was amazing uniting with all of the fans in that first moment: the moment you made your grand entrance into the city. You walked on stage and the feeling that enveloped my senses was like nothing I have ever felt before. There I was, in the middle of everything, just trying to memorize you. Every smile, every crinkle of your nose was meant for my memory. Chicago couldn’t have welcomed you properly in that short amount of time. I cannot express to you how incandescently happy you made me that night.
  7. What a good big brother! That vid was seriously tooooo cute!
  8. I hope he does his usual autograph session after the concert... I hope so
  9. ooo lol forgot about so you think you can dance... I guess maybe in a few hours than... oh well, it builds anticipation!
  10. Tis story time lovelies... are you ready? lol within the hour... the next installment of the love story of Amelie and Mika...*sigh
  11. Chicago is notorious for car towing lol... It's happened to me before ... *sigh
  12. I didn't know you were at the chicago gig... did you have to leave right after or something... Where you close to him? You probably didn't see me there lol.. I'm sooo short! After the gig, we conveniently missed our train:biggrin2: ... So that's how i got to meet him... 2nd in line!! But don't worry your time will come ... and when it does... you'll be all loopy too!...it's a right of passage...
  13. lol sorta... the b-day letter and now the relax letter are both really poetic and "bonjour" if you know what I mean... I dunno, that poetry stuff is habitual for me I guess... or so I've heard
  14. I know... Its such a vulnerable position to put yourself in though... telling him all of that... luckily, I do that in the letters I write him I did feel after the gig... like I didn't want to bother him... but he came out all smiley and I was like oh cool... and when I left I looked at the long line of people waiting still... and I got tired just looking but i turned one last time to look at mika and HE WAS STILL ALL SMILES... such strength:blush-anim-cl:
  15. My sister was like, "Melanie... make sure you tell him how much he has inspired you" She whispered this to me before it was my turn... I was like "UHHH right... yeah... uh..." Blast off... "Hi!"... Sis: "She's your biggest fan!!"... I looked at him like... " Oh God I know everyone says that" and I just said... " I am..." I was very very calm... I wondered if he even knew how much I loved him... I worried about it for a while... since I was so quiet and all... but i kinda think he thought it was cute... and different... I was so twinkly and smiley... Next time in NYC i think i'll be more able to tell him how awesome he is... at the concert, I was all over the place!
  16. What a story:roftl: how did you get back stage in the first place lol I know what you mean... I was quiet when I met him... I was sooooooo shocked:shocked: ...he's so beautiful!
  17. I would give Mika a set of Tibetan meditation beads... they're also good luck! I had them in my purse when I met him lol...THEY WORK! So yeah , I think he would like them
  18. Finally, I am going to see New York city! I'm so excited and this thread really is "pointlessly delicious!" I have to visit the NYU campus anyway, to check out whether or not I want to attend next year... so I figured, why not go around Mika's Good Morning America appearance. Right now, it is 99.99% official... I'm going to NYC! Hope to see a lot of you there... and I do hope to meet up with mika after the gig again :)To celebrate, I thought I would share with you SOME OF what I wrote to him in my relax letter...it's very "Bonjour" lol "It was amazing uniting with all of the fans in that first moment: the moment you made your grand entrance into the city. You walked on stage and the feeling that enveloped my senses was like nothing I have ever felt before. There I was, in the middle of everything, just trying to memorize you. Every smile, every crinkle of your nose was meant for my memory. " This part of my letter I KNOW many of you can relate to I used to ask myself for fun sometimes, “I wonder where Mika is at this very moment.†Well for a minute suspended in time, only you and I existed…the moment belonged to us. Someone somewhere was thinking of you and I had the privilege of being the one to share a stitch in time with my hero. You’ll NEVER know how much that meant to me…being in your presence. Mika, I'm looking forward to seeing you in New York and I am glad that I chose such a wonderful person to call my hero. It is a rare gift to be able to share a stitch in time with the person you idolize... I'm very lucky to have such a humble and accesible hero... Thanks for all you have given me
  19. I've ALWAYS had a destinctive giggle... I describe it as a lazy laugh... You think somethings funny, but you don't want to open your mouth all the way and be all jolly. LOL... it's just a little giggle... I've always had it... When I heard Mika laugh for the first time in that youtube interview where he goes to the zoo, I knew there was something special
  20. I NEVER HEAR MIKA... anywhere! I'm upset about that lol... my mother has... twice on the car radio.. waiting for me no less... ***i can't wait till i hear him for THE FIRST TIME on the radio*** I've met the guy, and yet I havn't even heard him on the radio... what a riot Jamba Juice Fav: Mango Mantra...yum!! ENERGY BOOST!
  21. WOW very informative... did you take a fashion class or something? way cool... but the assignment isn't so technical for me... just a brief paragraph on my impression of the trend and a collage... fun stuff... though if I decide to actually get into the fashion industry, I'll know who to talk to... you know your stuff Oh and the mention of mika was because we had to talk about who's wearing the look today... and I thought "why not?" lol
  22. ON SUSPENDERS... just thought i'd share it with you... hopfully with my presentation tomorrow in class, i'll convert people onto mikaism lol... who'll be able to resist?! Suspenders Suspenders or braces as they are called in Europe are in the pre peak phase of being accepted into the fashion world. They first appeared during the early 20th century and were dawned by older men in society. Now, suspenders have become a trademark accessory for people wanting to achieve a unique and quirky flare. Women in the 80’s, for instance, paired this accessory with skirts and even wore them like their boyfriends under blazers. Larry King, in every decade, has been known for his trademark set of suspenders. Now a days however, he is not the only one. In Europe especially, “braces†are on the rise. British pop sensation MIKA is responsible for the catapulting popularity of this accessory. His trademark in the beginning of his career was what got him noticed by people all over the globe. He is known for pairing colorful suspenders with skinny brightly colored pants. In this way, it is obvious that those who wear suspenders are not afraid of being noticed. Currently, this trend is meant mainly as a playful means of self expression. However, most recently they have made their way onto high fashion runways making it impossible to resist their quirky appeal. In the seasons to come, suspenders may not reach staple item status, but they will continue to be a favorite among the brave fashion forward thinkers.
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