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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. Unfortunatley, I do sorta blame his managment... it's not completely their fault, but than whose is it... They scheduled a massive amount of shows ... and I think it was just too much... Hey you're from Indiana... cool, me too... well the border to Chicago
  2. Yes, I'm not so sure either but he's been cancelling... the first time I ever heard of a cancellation was a few months ago when he cancelled A Hungary show I guess... but in the last month or so, he's cancelled maybe a dozen... I don't know, you'll have to ask Freddie for the full story... I'm just a groupie lol:roftl:
  3. Mangoes mmm Audrey Hepburn or Marylin Monroe...hmmm lol
  4. Paris, always paris cuddling or kissing?
  5. Ok, so I started that thread a while ago... about being stranded on a desert island with mika... well, it kinda died alittle lol So tomorrow, if you're one of my readers, I'm gonna write some more... I think some more people should contribute stories though...even if you've never written before... They're so much fun to read...everyone is so nice and supportive too:blush-anim-cl: So how about it, any takers? Just start... "Once upon a time..." lol Here's the link to the thread when you're ready to share your imagination with everyone! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=477906#post477906
  6. lol I know so so sorry guys... I'm starting to feel a bit ridiculous sadly... writing make believe stuff... but it's what I do I guess... it's a little bit self conscious knowing that i'm putting my stuff out there... I feel a bit vulnerable... But, how about this... I'll write tomorrow... and if there's a good response than I'll know that the show must go on... expect a post... well, maybe noonish for me...chicago time I love this thread so much because of its individuality and I can't believe how long it has been up and running... I think more people should write stories though... that way it just keeps going and going... they're so much fun to read
  7. I know what you mean... It's sorta hypicrtical for me atleast... so so sad... I think he'll make it up to us somehow... I have to believe that
  8. Don't be timid... really, share the love:mf_lustslow:
  9. ****If you've just had an argument, or you're sad about something... LET IT OUT... this is going to be a support thread for all of you so NO yelling ok :-)Maybe this should go under general chin wagging, but NA, most stuff we get sad or argue about has to do with MIKA now adays (no offense lol) So what ever you're feeling (love, hate, bitterness) let it out!**** Hey there!I know there are several threads to defend and even complain about mika, but this one... this one is a "Bonjour Thread" lol So it'll be different. Me personally: I want to let you all know how much this forum means to me... I'm not on here a whole lot, but when I am, I smile and laugh... and I truly believe it's because of all of you. I've always said that MIKA attracts the nicest fans...and it's true. These past 4 months have been amazing:blush-anim-cl: So, we've been dealing with some tough times here, people have boycotted the club and are just downright sad. I think now is the time, to let one another know how much we mean to eachother... NO ONE understands us MIKA fans lol... I truly believe that MIKA will see this thread and I also believe that he has NOT and never will abandon us... He will know, that we were the first to love his songs...*sniff sniff* lol So let it all out, whatever you're feeling...
  10. Isn't it horrible not having an explanation straight from MIKA... I'm trying to have faith that he'll be ok... he'll definatley need to take a break...preferably after GMA lol But really mika, Get well soon!
  11. OOOO cool Sig. Jack LOL I just got the last part:thumb_yello:
  12. Ok Ok, everyone needs to chill... we all know how loyal everyone is to protectingMIKA's personal life... don't gang up on the girl... geese. It's ok if you didn't get accepted, but now you know PEACE, from footloose hippy #1:roftl:
  13. This was the moment, everyone either screamed or didn't say a single word... Chicago June 11th 07' (Photo taken by yours truly)
  14. I think everyone needs to be positive... attract the positive energy...manifest a good outcome in your mind and it will happen... LAW OF ATTRACTION lol We have to think of a mantra
  15. The worst part is not knowing whats up... Not that we're entitled to that sort of info, but it would be nice to atleast have closure. I really hope nothing too serious is going on... I hope all is well for everyone... Things havn't been so bright and chipper over here at the forum, but we'll pull through it... he know's how much we all appreciate him. That Birthday present would have definatley let him know, but we all know how well that went.. *sigh Everyone just needs to give one another a big virtual hug... we need to support all those whose hearts have been broken and let them cry on our shoulders... there are no fans like MIKA fans... No better people to talk with... you all are amazing:bleh:
  16. aww that's awesome How did you get backstage passes? you must have connections...
  17. I wanna try and see him after the show:blush-anim-cl: ... who else is gonna try? probably everyone right lol?
  18. So, look into the mirror and say, "MIKA" Pay attention to your pupils... most probably know that when you love someone and you hear their name, you're pupils get larger... I tried it and you could practicially swim inside of my pupils lol... Than I looked at our pic together, mika and I... and mine as well as his were the same size... Also, pupils can become enlarged when you see someone elses enlarged when they look at you.. because you like them for liking you... So try it and see what comes of it:thumb_yello: ...
  19. Jack you express yourself so well! I love it When you write your first book, let me know... I wanna buy it!
  20. Well, I'm not from Mexico but I do have hispanic roots:wink2: And I can't speak much spanish either ... You can check the fans map to see how many are from MExico...just click the Fans Map link
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