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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Oh, it is! I think you can watch the event live on the official Eurovision website, but if not, the entries will most likely end up on YouTube Some highlights from previous years: Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai (Ukraine 2007) Alf Poier - Weil der Mensch zählt (Austria 2003) Vanilla Ninja - Cool Vibes (Switzerland 2005) (Lithuania 2006)Ruslana - Wild Dances (Ukraine 2004) (Latvia 2001) Thanks! I love it too, it really is one of the main highlights of my year XD If all goes well, I'll be going to Japan for an academic year abroad in September, so I'm getting my mum to tape the Eurovision in 2009 so that I can watch it when I get back
  2. It's a song contest where a whole load of European countries each send in one artist or group to represent them. People vote for their favourite entries (though a lot of political voting goes on!), and the country that wins gets to host the next year's Eurovision. The contest is known for its general abundance of cheese, but you do get some very good songs being entered. It's generally seen as a bit of a joke here in the UK (especially because of the political voting) to the point where a person's often considered 'sad' if they bother to watch it (but that never stopped me! ), while other countries seem to take it more seriously.
  3. Well, I thought last year's one was pretty damn hilarious - I mean, there was Verka Serduchka, Les Fatals Picards, Teapacks, DQ, The KMG's, hell, even Scooch, and they all kept me roffling. I'm looking forward to this year's Eurovision, but I won't get my hopes up about potential hilarity yet, as it's got last year's high comedy factor to contend with!
  4. Oh, he is, one of my friends was slightly obsessed with him for a while after the Eurovision that year XD And yeah, I don't know any of his other songs either. Oh well. Shake shake shake shake shake mi amor... ... Oh goodness. Verka Serduchka just started playing on my iTunes XDDD "ME ENGLISH NICHT VERSTEHT"
  5. Why Mika should NOT date me: 1. I don't fancy him. Sorry. 2. Is he even into girls? 3. I'm about to get shot for mentioning his sexuality. Unless he's into necrophilia, I don't think a dead girlfriend would be much good for him. *RATATATAT* *falls down dead* x_X
  6. Anything's better than , I say. The UK deserved to get nil points that year.
  7. *sends calicojasmine some good karma!* I believe in things happening for a reason, like bad consequences for bad actions, etc., but I also think that sometimes, Fate likes to screw things up on purpose and make horrible things happen to good people and wonderful things happen to bad people. As for weird coinky-dinks, well, nothing all that interesting tends to happen to me, but I find I'll often read about something new to me and just days later, something related to it will happen.
  8. My brother's into club dance music at the moment, so recently I've had this blasted danced-up cover version of Supertramp's 'The Logical Song' stuck in my head a lot... I've also had various Kraftwerk songs stuck in my head at different times, so I'd walk around singing them, causing my mum to get them stuck in her head too
  9. Yes, they can... Ireland managed to win for three years running once!
  10. Shake shake shake shake shake mi amor! Crazy for love! Give me some more! My classmate at the time represented Cyprus in the Eurovision that year (I'm serious!), so she got to meet him!
  11. I haven't listened to any of the songs that'll be in this year's Eurovision (apart from the UK one, of course), as I like to wait until the actual event to hear them. I'm looking forward to seeing Dustin the Turkey XD and just looking at Wikipedia, some of the other entries sound interesting too, like the Maltese one, which is about some spy who's on the run from someone after having figured out a code... o.o and the Belgian entry's in an imaginary language again! Last time their entry was in an imaginary language, it was my favourite of that year. =D (Urban Trad's 'Sanomi' represented Belgium in 2003) Ahhh, I can't wait to see the Eurovision! It's one of my main highlights of the year (I'm not even kidding XD)!
  12. Yes, I'm 20 Aaaand here's the Austrian Eurovision entry from 10 years before I was born :eek: : Is it not made of win? Unfortunately, though, it seems that people didn't get this sort of humour back then, so it did really badly. I, however, think it's hilarious!
  13. Men and women are equally stupid, just in their own annoying little ways. (Misanthropy is much more fun than misandry - more people to hate on! *LOL* ) But anyway, onto my random splurge: I just had a major fit of the lulz. XD So, I'm slightly obsessed with Kraftwerk at the moment, and I started talking about them to my mum. I showed her a picture of Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider, and said which one was which. My mum being my mum, she somehow managed to hear Ralf Hütter's name as 'Fritter', and decided she'd call Florian Schneider 'Dear Old Flo' Then I showed her the cover to the album 'Trans Europa Express', and pointed out Karl Bartos and Wolfgang Flür. Of course, she somehow managed to mishear Wolfgang Flür's name as 'Führer' (which cracked me up, as he wrote a book called 'I Was a Robot' after he left Kraftwerk with some details in about the band, which p***ed off the actual leaders), and named Karl Bartos as 'Batty Barter'! Fritter, Dear Old Flo, Führer, and Batty Barter. Oh goodness gracious me... *dies from the lulz*
  14. I actually felt a little sick when that song was chosen on Making Your Mind Up. At the time, the whole Gary Glitter paedo thing was going on, and then I saw this act with a middle-aged wannabe rapper and cutesy little schoolgirls posing on school desks, and I just thought, "Oh my goodness, the whole of Europe is gonna think that everyone in Britain is a frickin' paedophile..." *LOL* I remember that! I would've been 11 at the time, if my maths skills serve me correctly...
  15. Meh, I don't know. I think it makes him look older, and I'm not sure if I like it... Though, the 'Lebanese James Bond look', as I like to call it (more commonly known as 'the Q Awards look'), also made him look a little older, but I thought it really suited him... Meh. *le shrug*
  16. Erm... Yeah, y'know, I can really see how swapping amusingly dysfunctional family hijinks with Pamela Anderson's surgically enlarged breasts promotes moral integrity in children.
  17. WE ARE THE WIENERS. Lithuania, the real winners of Eurovision 2006.
  18. Sieben sieben a lyu lyu Sieben sieben EINS ZWEI!! Sieben sieben a lyu lyu Eins zwei drei! TANZEN!! Changing the subject slightly, I think Dragonforce should represent the UK at some point... they're cheesy enough
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