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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Oh gosh, that description of the Sagittarian woman is so accurate, it cracked me up in places I actually find that out of all the sun signs, I get along best with Leos, 'cause we tend to have a lot in common, and they tend to understand my sense of humour too (I love being able to make people laugh). Many of my closest friends are Leos. =D
  2. I've decided that my one true label is 'Bertie's Allsort' LOL It's the phrase that I've always used to describe my ever-evolving 'religion', and now I realise that it also seems to describe my general personality well too!
  3. I'm going to Chinatown today with a friend =D Yaaayyyyyy! Hopefully, I'll get some pearl tea at some point, I love that stuff!
  4. In my first year at uni, I was living in student accommodation, and my flatmates and I had been blessed with the biggest kitchen in the place, so we'd often sit and do homework in there. One time, one of my flatmates picked up my Japanese dictionary, had a look through it, and said, "It's like a different language!" The best part was, this was a Law student. XD
  5. *pops in* Personally, I am against animal cruelty, but I disapprove of the already oft-mentioned radicality of the PETA. I define 'animal cruelty' as causing needless suffering to another animal, so doing things like keeping animals in battery farms or any similar cramped environment, shoving metal tubes down geese's throats to force feed them in order to get foie gras, crushing kittens to death for a fetish's sake, or skinning animals alive. These things I feel should not be happening. However, I believe that as long as an animal is kept happy and healthy during its lifetime, and given the quickest, most painless and non-distressing death possible, it is fine to eat its meat. I also believe that killing non-sentient beings like plants in order to eat them is on the same level as the aforementioned careful killing of sentient beings. Why is this? Because to me, a life is a life is a life. A non-sentient being, in my eyes, is not less worthy of its life simply because it lacks sentience. I doubt that many people would agree with me, but I just thought I'd offer my two pence. (And for the record, I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, as everyone's quite entitled to their own, even if I may disagree with it.)
  6. Fad Gadget - Collapsing New People I freaking LOVE Fad Gadget ATM.
  7. One time, I was helping a friend of mine out at a fete that was being held at her old primary school, and we were carrying tables back to a classroom. On the way, we happened to pass a radiator, which caused my friend to proclaim, "Ahh, heat is hot!"
  8. What makes me me, hm? Lessee! - I seem to have a complete inability to conform to just one overall type of self-expression, as people seem to be expected to do XD For example, I very much enjoy wearing masculine gothic piratey-type-clothes, but I can't limit myself only to music that is considered 'acceptable' for people who wear those sorts of clothes to listen to. I've had people say, "OMG, you're not a real goth if you listen to (insert musician/genre here)," but I just think, who said I'm trying to be a 'real goth'? I'm just doing what I want. *shrug* - I absolutely REFUSE to look at the world with rose-tinted glasses, and my perception of everything is often labeled 'pessimistic', 'cause it scares people LOL. - I'm quite happy to have the bulk of my social life on the internet. - I often find myself worrying for others' safety and wellbeing, even if I don't know them, and get upset when I can't make things better for someone who is suffering needlessly. - Music is my life! I'm always writing songs, singing, discovering artists (though they tend to be long dead T_T), buying new CDs... - I have a rather amusing tendency of torturing my poor beloved characters that I've made up over the years. They go through the most horrible of things, seriously XD - I procrastinate so much, I even procrastinate going to bed. It's actually what I'm doing right now. - I appear to be addicted to being horrified. o.o; I'll find myself repeatedly watching YouTube videos on Japanese giant hornets, or Sycho Sid's rather ghastly leg-break, or other things that make me wince. - The only foods that I refuse to try are balut and anything creepy crawly-related. I'll eat almost anything, because I love food =D - I love to laugh, and find myself getting annoyed when people take lighthearted jokes too seriously. Aaaand that's about it XD
  9. I'd take the moolah, thanks. Imagine the amount of CDs I could buy with that...
  10. It is not the fault of entire population of male human beings that I have never been kissed. It's purely down to me. And to be honest, I don't think I'd really want to 'remedy' the situation, as I'm quite alright existing in this not-been-kissed state. *le shrug* ... mostly. [Edit] Oooo, post #900! *LOL*
  11. I'm 20 and I don't drive. Though at times, I have the attention span of a hyperactive child who's just ingested 5 cans of Red Bull, so maybe that's a good thing. Me - Road = Less dead people
  12. Oh, my Sims 2 is full of SNES and Gameboy music LOL This probably won't be of much use to you now, but to put your own music in the game, just do the following: 1. Open up Windows Explorer 2. Go to (My) Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Music 3. There will be various different folders within that, including folders for the Build, Buy, Create a Sim and Neighbourhood modes, as well as one for each radio station. Find any MP3s you want to put into the game, copy them into the appropriate folder (so, if you want a song to play in Create a Sim mode, put it in the CAS folder, or if you want it to play on the Metal station, put it in the Metal folder, etc.), and you're done
  13. Duran Duran did some good songs Does anyone else like Dalek I (Love You)? My dad has their long out-of-print album Compass Kumpas on LP, and he ripped it to MP3 and now I listen to it all the time It's really quite a random album, but I think that only adds to its enjoyment factor. Also, I don't know if I've already mentioned him earlier on in this thread (would've been a long time ago, and my memory is baaad), but... !!
  14. Here's a funny one for y'all: Cliff tries to be cool... FAILS. (Good song, though!)
  15. They're new wave/dark wave, I think, the latter genre being quite popular within the gothic community.
  16. I DOOOOO!! *waves* was the song that got me into them
  17. Maybe we should have a German Music Appreciation Thread or something Anyway, here's Rammstein covering 'Das Modell' by one of my other favourite German bands, Kraftwerk =D Sie ist ein Modell und sie sieht gut aus...
  18. Einen Kraftstoff... WIE BENZIIIIIINNNNNN!! I like Rammstein Though I only have two of their albums, 'Mutter' and 'Reise Reise'. Mutter is my favourite of the two. I love those Winnie the Pooh and Teletubbies parodies XDD made me laugh, they did. And seeing as this thread seems to have taken on a subtopic of German music in general, I'll also mention that I like Herbert Grönemeyer, Kraftwerk, Karl Bartos, and Klaus Nomi, as well as my favourite band, Lacrimosa, whose leader is German, so most of their songs are in German.
  19. ... the Grace Kelly one made me LOL. BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD People need to stop taking things so seriously. XD Let yourselves go, have some fun! Skip skip skippity skip! *puts on clogs and does a dance*
  20. Lucky! It's costing me £3000+ per year, and I'm on a 4-year course too >.O Absolutely! As much as I love my parents, it's been so nice to have a place all to myself - I'm free to do whatever the heck I want! Plus, if I get bored, I can just hop on the Tube and go somewhere cool, which is not something that I can do back in my boring little hometown.
  21. L...! T_T I knew it was gonna happen, but not this soon! (I mean, there's still 12 episodes left... T_T) ERUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHUUUUHUUUUU!! It was so sudden! And and and... just too soon! I thought... I thought... ERUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! May he rest in sweets T_T
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