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Everything posted by Zsina

  1. Finished it! You can check it out on the "Artists" thread, in the"Other Artists" section.
  2. Okay, that is officially the funniest thing I've heard about Rain today. HUH! LOL! :lmfao:
  3. I meant empty for those progressive songs that were on Mika's myspace previously. No Mika songs are empty. People please don't get me wrong!! I start to feel bad because I don't like the 'disco Rain.' and the remixes in general. Sorry lol, I wish I didn't create this thread at all.
  4. Zsina


    Okay, just finished this: In bigger here: The hair is crap but anyway it's good imo. Huh....it almost killed me. I don't care, I finished it, I don't even wanna look at it anymore...*puts it in the envelope*.
  5. Me too..I'm Lovin It. SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. I can give it a go Caz, but I'm not sure you'd like to read the result.
  6. And a little more happiness: children. I thought you would appreciate these pictures. Applehead.
  7. @Marlau: Sorry, I searched, but no luck! @Everyone: so...let him make you smile. I know he would be happy to see you smile.
  8. Yeah I know it's the Rain thread, but I love how he turned I'm falling into I see you.
  9. Yeah indeed, maybe it's because it's only a preview and not great quality. It's not that it's whiney, it's always been quiet repetitive, it's the beat under it that really annoys me and that it's faster! But guess I'll get used to it. And yeah, maybe I'll even like it once I hear it in better quality. But not yet.
  10. Yeah, but it's not coz I don't want him to get more famous. I just don't want these 12 year old disco butts to know Mika like this. I would dance like hell to his songs they were played in a disco, coz I love him. I know the real songs. For ex, there was this classmate of mine showing me a remix of Relax back in high school, and said that "oh yeah, this is great...." and I told him that "no, the real one is loads better"...and he kept telling me that he doesn't care, because the real one sucks, and this disco remix is a good one. So it's not really Mika music he is listenning to, it's more like Mika contributed to a dance hit with his song. That's what I don't want. Lol, I guess I can't really explain it, but it's really not that I don't want him to get more famous!
  11. Huh, weird... but I'm glad they are not his songs after all! *happy*
  12. Sounds a bit like laser from StarWars. But I like BIOTG! When he sings It rains and rains....there's this sound a bit like drums...dunno...but it feels too much for me.Starts from 00:16! (myspace) But maybe it's that it's faster. I'm starting to get used to this version though...But I keep switching between the the album version and the radio session one, and I just prefer the latter.
  13. It's the same for me, only with the album version! I don't think we can say that this/that is better. You like the album version, I like the acoustic one more. Esp. the one from the live radio session. We are different. It's not his Rain Rain Rain, it's the sound&beat that's under it, I dunno but it really bothers me, can't help it, sorry.
  14. Ha , I love the songs, seriously, but I think we are allowed to critizise, aren't we? All the songs are catchy and great, I just have this weird feeling about Rain. Might be because I've always heard it in an acoustic version. I was used to that I guess. Maybe I'll get used to this too lol, but I don't like it yet. I haven't noticed very much electric sound in the other songs on the album, but in Rain there is somehow 'too much' for my taste. Esp. after the acoustic version. His music is wonderful of course...I'm not on the wrong fanclub yet...I love all the other songs lol. So anyway...what's up with those progressive songs on his myspace? Did he comment on them?
  15. Okay so: - there were all these albums added to his myspace, under the name Mika, and they are not his songs.... interesting, I know they are removed...and I'm just happy if they are not his (!) , but it's weird. did he say somethign about them somewhere? - Yeah, sure I'd have a hard time replicating Owen Pallett, but, I shared my opinion, which is that I don't like how it turned out. Even if they are real instruments, eg. violin, they do not sound real for me. I watched the old vid where he showed us the intro of the clapping song, and the violin.....I liked them, but not like this. - I meant that "I could do music like that "- to those albums on his myspace, not to Rain, or Owen Pallett. (!!!) - Yeah, I know it would benefit him,I know they are for clubs, I'm not that dumb yet, haha, but I just still don't like the song remixes. It's not about what would benefit him/what not, I just said I don't like them. I'm still a fan, no worries lol, I just said that I'm shocked how he turned this beautiful song into an agressive massive hit. I don't like it, but it doesn't mean it's bad, or that it is not quality music. I meant that for the myspace things, in case anyone else misunderstood.
  16. I thought I would start a discussion about Mika's 'albums' that previously appeared on his myspace. EDIT: They were not his albums. Panic over. Some of you may know that I absolutely loathe this kind of stuff. Trance, disco,progressive...don't misunderstand me...it's not the music I hate,not the rythm...the sound...those nasty stupid useless computer sounds. I could make a song like that too, no big deal. He really scared me with those songs...they are awful...they are just empty, not Mika. This didn't really bother me until I've heard this new version on RAIN. I've said it on the 'Rain thread' too, I think Mika ruined the song. For me at least. I just totally feel that this repeting computer sound, doesn't fit in there. Gets on my nerves. I love the previous acoustic versions though. Yeah he turned it to a dance song. But I don't want Mika to have this kind of dance songs. We have the clapping song, Blame it on the girls....it's awesome....WAg....etc.....all great dancing stuff... But Rain is different somehow...and I just don't like how it turned out. The thunderstorm's good, yeah, but apart from that...it's not something I'd love to listen to. It's faster, has this agressive rythm that ruins the whole intimacy of that beautiful song. So that was my quick review on Rain...but to go back to the topic: I don't want Mika to turn into the kind of artist Gaga is. I don't want his songs to be played in discos... I hate the remixes too! Of WAG for ex. Why do we need them? The actual song has amazing rythm too, I wanna dance to it, everytime I'm listenning to it....so why the remixes? I hope I'm not the onlylonelyone feeling this way. I thought this could be a good topic to discuss, there will be arguments too I guess, but I would like to hear your opinion too. Do you like this kind of stuff???..... Would you mind if Mika created more songs like these in the future? What do you think of Rain? etc..
  17. Yeah I prefer the intimate version too! I dunno, it's just not enough for me like this.... I guess I'Ll just skip that song on the album...and I realy don't want to do that...I really don't want to feel it, I want to LIKE the song, but I can't. Exactly......just goes on an on, and I feel that it shouldn't be there...I mean...when I'm listenning to a song....I don't want to feel anything that doesn't fit it there..I've never felt this with Mika before. I won't mind dancing to this song in a club though....the rythm is shouting for dancing...but I will always think of the old version, and how he messed it up. I fell slightly angry lol! They might be real sounds....lo..but they do not sound like that...I want drums, guitar and stuff like that.....clapping or whatever....these sounds are soo computer-like, and for me totally do not fit the song. relax is a diferent case..I love relax's acoustic version, but relax is amazing on the album too. I am frustrated. I love the thunderstorm part, but not those nasty 'falsettos' playing over and over again..and the whole song is faster. NOOOO! All in all....I don't want Mika to turn into a disco song artist like Gaga. Yeah, I do loathe trance and progressive and stuff like that. Even though I know Mika could get more famous like that...I don't want it. I want him to be on stage with a piano, and just sing. That's Mika for me. Not the remix artist. Remixes suck. Ah and those 'albums' that were on his myspace...all with prgressive stuff...they are ridicouslous, terrible, he scared me to death.
  18. Hey! Just thought I would comment on the album version (it's on Mika's myspace now) I think he totally made it sound like a techo/disco song..which I hate. I LOVE the acoustic version though, so amazing..I don't undersant why he put all those nasty useless caomputer sounds under this amazing song. So basically....I don't like the album version. Anyone?
  19. Yeah! They are amazing...and I love them because they are so down to Earth....and nice...talented....huh....is it weird that I would LOVE to be part of that family? I mean...like....really. They could adopt me or something.
  20. I know I already posted a reply here...but I can't stop staring at the pictures..they are so breathtakingly beautiful!!! They're lucky...it's in the genes!
  21. IT'S JUST SOO FUKIN ADORABLE!!!!! awwww...I love it!!!!! :mf_lustslow:
  22. Oh thank you very much guys!! Even though I've been following them from the very start I got really confused here...I remember Mika saying his youngest sis was Allegra....in an interview when he explained what each of their names mean. So they are one and the same. And the cousin is Audrey...I feel totally stupid now.
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