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Everything posted by Zsina

  1. Oh ehh...when I'm on the bus or in the school with my friend my mp3 player is always in my ears and I'm listenning to Him. We were just walking through the school coz we had to go to another classrom..and my friend was walkin next to me...I was singing and making the same faces like Mika.Everyone was staring at me and all my classmates were looking at me like I was fool.Only my friend was laughing coz she likes when I make a fool of myself.It happens almost every day.Even on the bus. LOL. And the other story....I was in the car with Mom and on the radio was the Grace Kelly.I was like ohmygodddd yeee! And I was singing in the car like an insane.Uhm...At the red lights too....when we stopped.I guess anyone could hear me but I just ****in dont care! And guys why do you care about others?If you feel good like that and I know you really do why not? Its great!I dont mind it!I enjoy it and I dont feel embarassed! MIKA RULEZ! If they dont know this they are the losers....
  2. He HAS ear piercings....LOL!
  3. oh my ______ GOD! He looks AMAZING! *faint* died.alive again.died. I want Him! Kill Me!
  4. I really like His hair like that.I wanna play with it so hard.... Its weird.But that hair is just sexy. mmm :D:D
  5. The End.... Late Lady....
  6. I could not see the whole gig....do you think its on that site and I can watch it again?I dunno coz I dont speak italian and I cant find it.... and here it worked coz my youtube sux... help? thankx in advance...xx
  7. haha..he made a mistake in Lollipop Take a look at the girl next door take a look at the boy like me... haha Funny! I always do the same mistake .....but Im at home....not on a gig thank God! We love you Mika!
  8. ^^Uhm I dunno...its from an Italian fan site.From an Italian magazine.But I'm not sure.I found it on the italian site.I cant give you the link though coz I forgot... But I tried to help...
  9. *Uhhhhhh..Mommy you were right.Those candies....my tummy hurts now...ahhh...*
  10. I.Personally.Love.That.Too. I wanna eat him.And that ice cream could be the cherry on the cake! And JUlie that pic you just posted is AMAZING! I definately like Him in that hat. Anyway...I definately like HIm no matter what he is wearing...or what he is not wearing.. LOL *naughty soooo dirrty thoughts* *so blushed face* -Mika makes me thinking about so dirty things,but I dont want to be like that.Its scary.scary.scary. And what is even more scary how much I am SPAMMING.I didnt even post a pic so far.Sorry.I am SORRY.
  11. ^^^^^ then......hahahahhahhaahah #_X lmfao
  12. why is that I cant see that pic? and I wear my watch on my right hand just like Mika LOL!But I am right-handed...hah its cool to know....
  13. I cant see that pic!Damn. And this thread was dying ....lets make fun again!
  14. Thats a great idea!Mika would laugh his ass out! Hahaha...how crazy can we go?Its a bit scary..... MIKA SOUP! YEEEEE!!!! (Official Mika soup fan club?-I want to join!)
  15. So this is my new, (4.) drawing of Mika...let me know how is it... And sorry for the quality I dont have a skanner...
  16. Great pix ! Anyway I like Him with short hair.Sexy... And again great pix... Ahh and my ava in full size is on the Mika's bone thread.Its here in the Chat forum, but about 3 pages back you can find the link I posted to it....Enjoy... xx
  17. Its here on one of the threads...wait...I'll seach for it... here it is: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4084
  18. I wanna marry Him.Mika if you are reading this please...Pm me or anything.I would be a great wife.kisses. *died 1837462856187345692384719 times*
  19. ohmygosh..I had it in a small version...butt....man....incredibly beautiful...no words..ahhhh..I want that Man!. :wub2:
  20. Nevermind!Thats never a problem if you have pix to post...you know...NEVER.
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