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Everything posted by Zsina

  1. Oh those skanned pics are HOT, and uhm...I dont have photos of Him when He was younger,only that one above, and the nearly staight-hair one, if you know which one I'm talking about.But if anyone has, dont waste time to post them! Requests?
  2. Ohhh Man!I've never seen that before!And its sexy..Mikaish sexy!Grrrr... I took hun... Thanks everyone!xx <3:mf_lustslow:
  3. So ..no one has requests... I'd like a very sexy photo of Mika...not any particular one...just a sexy one...ehehh...as sexy as possible... or one with a huge grin! Anyone?
  4. Yeah so do I!I love everyone here! Even myself.... *blushing happily*
  5. So guys...if you can't find a pic, or you want it in a bigger version or you want it to be in better quality,etc. ask for it here and this way we can help each other. -If you have the pic that is requested please send it...coz you know...we are great here and we are always trying to help each other,arent we?! So any requests?
  6. "Ahhh... Partial eclipse of the sun,or my sunglasses really protect eyes from the sun...I cant see anything... "
  7. "H?Santa doesn't exist?"
  8. "Ssssss....Its a bit unconfortable down there..."
  9. OMG!This looks great!what did you use?Ahhh....fantastic:shocked:
  10. He reminds me of Bob Marley here....Its weird I know...but I cant help...
  11. Hi!Have a nice time here with us!(Its not a wish coz I'm sure you will!)Welcome!Mika <3 !
  12. Heya,may I join? Okay...not Mika related... Uhm...my deviantart: http://www.fruzsina.deviantart.com Traditional drawings.Nothing special.I dont have a skanner,but some are skanned... And uhm...they are not so good... Angelina Jolie: http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/121/d/6/Angelina_Jolie_by_Fruzsina.jpg Jennifer Lopez: http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/113/f/7/JLo_by_Fruzsina.jpg Frank Iero(MCR): http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/093/b/b/Frank_Iero_by_Fruzsina.jpg Prince Harry: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/093/3/2/Prince_Harry_by_Fruzsina.jpg Orlando and Kirsten: http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/112/b/5/Orlando_BloomandKirsten_Dunst_by_Fruzsina.jpg But anyway no stealing please coz I had problems cause of it already...
  13. A pic-nic!Yeah! I dont fancy restaurants....and..uhm..he had better not to see me while eating..so maybe we should go out at night.....
  14. "Oh!Its not what it seems to be!I am not stealing these!Really not!*sweating*"
  15. Zsina:-Oh she is a bit strange but funny and totally my type.Note to self:Call her for a dinner. Ps.:Lauren...ehehh..
  16. Ohh..haha....It is funny! wow....body hair thread,nose thread,tongue thread,etc....whoa...poor Mika...It must be funny and scary for Him at the same time! We are so MAD! X_X
  17. I dunno what is this about? I am dumb...ehh
  18. "It's raining Man!Halleluja,Its raining Man! " Ps.:I've never senn this pic before...
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