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Everything posted by ella

  1. "I can't even look after a tamagotchi, so imagine me with a kid!" LOL, it reminds me of the funny saying that goes like: "First try to have plants. If they don't die (what means you water them regularly, etc, etc, all in all take care of them), you can try to have pets. If they don't die of famine, stay healthy and happy animals, then... maybe you can try to have children." Ok, of course I know it's not that simple, it just came to my mind. ...and maybe one should try to have a tamagochi before the plants Anyway, thank you so much for sharing the link He looks (again) cute and lovely, and the interview is great!
  2. Ok, so first of all I don't want to sound boring, but Mika is Mika . And I'm pretty glad about this fact, because he's someone incredibly uique, and sadly enough nowadays it is very rare in music industry and among celebrities. But anyway, if you want to ask me if I would like him to be compared to Freddie Mercury or to Michael Jackson... then I would definitely say Freddie. Moreover he already IS compared to Freddie, even by critics in my country. Guess what Hungarian critics wrote in a magazine! It was something like: "Mika's appearing in contemporary music-life is just like as if Freddie's secret son suddenly and unexpectedly turned up." My first thought when reading the magazine: Then after thinking it through again: Ok, I know it sounds silly, but I can get what they wanted to express, and I love that thought.
  3. Congrats to your Grannie, she must be very cool having such a good taste! Anyway, this is one of the things I love so much about Mika. I mean being his fan or loving his music is not a question of fashion, trends or age. Just look around in this forum! Personally I am in my early twenties, there are very young teenagers as well (12-13 year old girls), middle-age fans, and here's your Grannie, 93. It must mean something! He must be doing something extremely well!
  4. Yeah, I totally agree. I just love "Erase", I think it's very moving, and his voice is wonderful when singing it. (Yep, when isn't it wonderful?) Moreover I love his cover "Hips don't lie" too. I mean I don't like the pure song itself, I don't like Shakira, but it's so sweet and funny when Mika sings it! Somehow I can't take this song serious, it's like a joke, when he's only having some fun. Just so very sweet. And sorry, but there is no song of Mika I don't like. My number one Mika song depends on my mood, so it's pretty pointless to choose one. Same thing with the song I like the less.
  5. Hello everyone! Sorry, if this thread is pointless or silly a bit, but I just needed to communicate you. So a few minutes ago I finally saw the video for "Love Today"! Ok, it's not such a big piece of news for you all who can simply sit down on the sofa in your living-room and turn on MTV, but for me it is! As I said before, unfortunately I don't have MTV or any other foreign channels in my rent. Ok, of course I saw this video before, but it was only some kind of small sized, poor quality youtube version with my computer. But now I am sitting in my office, my boss annoys me to death watching his stupid cooking programmes on the TV while I'm working hard, and suddenly guess what?! He randomly changes to another channel (MTV), and it's Mika ! "Love Today" on big screen, great sound, fantastic quality...hmmm... I guess I sound pathetic, but I almost fainted . It just made my day. LOL, having only rare opportunities to watch him on TV makes you even more happy when it finally happens, and appreciate these seconds more. Anyway, I know it was already asked, but I still don't know the answer: Has he got only 2 videos? I mean "Grace Kelly" and "Love Today". If yes, I wonder what song would you all like to see by video? (Just to give some point to this thread.) I personally would be interested in a video for a slower song. I mean "Grace Kelly" and "Love Today" are pretty crazy (of course in a good way), they are adorable, extremely vivid, alive, party-feeling videos. I may would like to see him in a more romantic or sentimental (??? sorry, I can't express myself, only hoping you get it) video, for example "Erase", "Over my Shoulder", or "Your Sympathy". I bet he would fit this style too on videos as well, in fact it's his own style, his own songs. Ideas?
  6. Though I myself don't smoke, and would honestly dislike the fact if Mika smoked, I don't really think it's a question of being smart. I wouldn't judge anyone based on things like this. Moreover it's absolutely true, lots of great singers do smoke, for example Freddie Mercury, one of the greatest singers ever smoked like a chimney, and his voice was still amazing. I'm not saying it does good to your voice anyway, these are just facts. But somehow I think Mika doesn't. I don't have a clue why, it's just as I imagine him.
  7. I'm so happy reading all your posts, I guess it means you find it an interesting topic as well, and have your opinions about it. But let me warn you all: I didn't want to start a thread of debating in no way, but a thread of discussion. I read some pretty hurting and causeless comments like "Mika is snobbish" , and stuff like that. Everybody has his/her own opinion, we are all different and individual, and that's the best thing about life. So let me say very quickly at the begining of this thread: let us respect each others' thoughts. Anyway normally I don't feel sorry for Mika at all (and that's not because I know the song "Your sympathy", but because of his impressive and energetic personality), neither want to give him a hug (or if I do, it has nothing to do with pity, but I'm not going into that ). I only said that the mentioned part of the interview pulled me down. But I also said that he told all those things smiling! Anyway the rest of the interview is pretty funny, he also says jokingly that he doesn't need mental help from doctors any more, because he can discuss all his problems in talk shows. The main point of my post would be to express how much I respect and appreciate him for moving over, and instead of feeling sorry for himself all the time, making a lot of people happy with his music. P.S.: I will try to find the interview again, and post the link later. But I really think that a lot of you have already seen it, just didn't pay too much attention to this very quote about the "fear of loud noises" part.
  8. Ok, so first of all sorry if there are already similar threads to this one, but I thought this topic is far too thought-provoking to ignore it. Yes, it's about Mika's childhood. In all his interviews and concerts he seems to me so happy, funny, entertaining and energetic, I almost couldn't believe when I read about his background for the first. Ok, I suppose everyone who dares to consider himself/herself as a real Mika- addict or fan has already heard the "45 quid for an Orbit chewing gum ad" story, and that his father was kept in hostage in Kuwait for 7 months when Mika was an 8 or 9 years old little boy. Not to mention his moving to London, when he became so depressed and confused that he had to be taken out of school for a time since he "forgot" how to read and write and talk. But last night I saw another interview with him on youtube, and it was something new for me. Some of you has probably seen it, but it made me so sad and feeling sorry for him . He was asked if he remembers anything about the war in Libanon. He said he doesn't remember anything exactly because he was very small (1 year old) when his family was evacuated, but as a child he had some kind of strange habits and fears. For example he was terribly afraid of big, loud noises, and this is why he refused to travel by the undegrgound for a long time, because he just couldn't stand to hear the sound of it. The strange thing about the interview is that he told these stories smiling. I mean just imagine that you simply read a story like that, and don't know the storyteller himself. How would you imagine him? With a background like that, I bet I would think it's someone pityful and bitter, such a tortured soul. And no! (Or he's incredibly gifted in acting as well, but I hope it's not acting, and that childish, silly boy is really as happy as he seems to be.) So I just wanted to say how much I appreciate his energy and strenght that he could move on. But don't let it be such a sad thread, and don't let me pull everyone down! Please share your opinions and thoughts, and any story you know that is in connection with this topic! Link to the mentioned interview: Thanks to Droopsy for refinding it for us!
  9. Hi Zsina! I just wanted to say hello, and let me say I was absolutely surprised and happy when I read your introduction post! I mean I didn't really expect to find someone else from Hungary on this forum. So hi, hopefully we will chat some more later. P.S.: Sorry, I'm writing in English and not in Hungarian because it's a public forum, and I don't want to confuse anyone, but let me say "örülök, hogy a magyar Mika-rajongó fogalom is létezik!" Ella
  10. I'm a new member of this forum, and just wanted to say hello to everybody. Am I supposed to write something about myself? ... Well, stupid question, I know, since this is the introduction forum, isn't it? So I'm a 21-year-old girl from Hungary. I'm still studying, but I have a job as well, so usually I'm pretty busy. So forgive me if I won't send posts too often, but I will try to do my best. Anyway, the 1st time I heard about Mika was a few weeks ago at my working place, in my office. (I saw the video of Grace Kelly on MTV, unfortunately I don't have foreign chanells in my rent.) Interestingly, I didn't like him and his music for the first... honestly I hated it. But then I heard Grace Kelly a few more times, and looked up more songs on the internet, and here I am now: posting on one of his fansites. I really think that Mika's talent brought something very new, very fresh, entertaining, yet meaningful to contemporary music. I just love his songs. It's so very nice to see a star who is free, has his own style, and doesn't give in to popular and fashionable trends, I mean he is no way a singer who looks muscular and handsome and well-dressed while just having no voice. So many people say "you have to be yourself", and then put on iconic clothes, so you can tell from a mile what music genre they like, and for me it's nothing individual, it's simply a fashion. Being yourself seems to be not that easy. But Mika has nothing to do with these things, he is free, and this is what I like about him. I think those people who are looking depressed just for fashion (I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but you aren't sad just because all your clothes and nailpolish is black, and it won't make this world better, either) should be cured with Life in cartoon motion. I was sitting in the middle of a terrible traffic-jam in a hot bus on the way to my office having tons to study, but when I turned on my Ipod, I couldn't bear not to smile... OK, I'm writing far too much, sorry. So hello everybody, and pray for me that someday Mika will come to a tour to Hungary as well! (Though it's chance is pretty pathetic, since Hungary is not like England or Germany or Spain; usually people don't know the difference between Budapest and Bukarest ) Nice day to everyone: Ella
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