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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. Morning for you... not quite morning... not even midnight for me!
  2. I'm sure there will be a time where they will serve you well Caz... Mine aren't huge but I managed to get a cheap drink out of them... just wear a low cut top and lean on the bar... Seriously though, I can understand why you'd want smaller ones... I guess it's sort of like "The grass is always greener on the other side"... though with boobs... Ahem...
  3. I want one of those shirts! Where would I get one of those from? Strange thing is... i wasn't drunk when I decided to tie it to my wrist... just totally sober, but in a weird mood...
  4. You can always hope... just like I was hoping someone would follow the tag I tied to my wrist that said: "Please use me and take me home" If you win, you gots to share the money!
  5. Though I never had any ath the uni bar, goon sunrises are apparently good... And I want to play goon wars... I have no idea what it is or how to play it, but it involves goon so it's gotta be good...
  6. *grins* That's what I'm here for... Why am I not surprised you enjoyed that line!!! Was a good one though...
  7. *hugs* that's okay FD... I'll comfort you! I'm sure she didn't see it...
  8. Gots to be quicker FD... Pinky has my number but you have my heart!
  9. *gives phone number to pinkoranges* There you go sweetie! And a very good point Sasje!
  10. I don't ever remember you asking for mine!!! Yeah... seems girls have taken over the boys thread again...
  11. I can't think of any others... oh well... Bye soangel!
  12. Nice... I'm sure they'd love it! I'm liking the idea of the girly jukebox... *thinks of other girly music* How about Destiny's Child?
  13. Sure could... need's a woman's touch... Totally... *imagines DC yelling out "Lorelai" at random* Only fair I think... if he were here... I think he went to get some food... And RBSKY... Random things are great... Which reminds me, I'll have to stuff a Scotman in my bag when I go to the UK next year... though I'm not going till about July...
  14. *takes handful* Thank you... *moves over for Sasje* RBSKY, do you wanna watch with us too? This thread is quite cosy, isn't it?
  15. So all those other boys are really girls then? Maybe we should rename this forum "Freddie's Harem" *Sits on couch with soangel and watches Gilmore Girls*
  16. Who said you're allowed to do that??? There are plenty more Aussie MFC girls floating around this thread...
  17. True... is crappy tv... But you won't be able to watch the England v France game on this tv...
  18. *hugs RBSKY* You poor thing! That's so mean FD!!!
  19. *wanders back into boys thread* Uh... FD? Have you noticed that the tv is showing Gilmore Girls? And the remote is missing? You can't change the channels on the tv again!!! Enjoy! *wanders back to Aust Thread*
  20. Did you really think we were going to take it? We have our own now! *climbs off table* Well, I better get going... I guess I'll see you in the Australian thread...
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