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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. Well, He better get to it and send it to you! Okies... bye!
  2. Hehe... It's not all that interesting most of the time... Oh... and I have not received my rosette yet!!! Hope it comes soon!
  3. Geez, just what do you think we talk about on MSN??? And thank you FD!
  4. Damn straight you do!!! Should I ask on here how you're going to do that???
  5. Hi... Damn, forgot to change it... Well, I felt like your secretary cause I seemed to be chasing people, finding out what size shirt they wanted and where they were going to be so you could give them the shirts...
  6. I was wondering the same thing... *goes back to lurking*
  7. Okay people, this thread is going to have to be closed very soon because it's getting too big... I've sent a PM to mikas_gal07 so she can create a new one... Carry on! Nico the Mod!
  8. Awwww... how adorable!!! Isn't he cute! (geez, I sound like I'm talking about a kitten!)
  9. Yay! I feel so loved... cause I donated! Same... I kept meaning to, just needed a gentle prod to do it...
  10. I'm going to attempt to be funny here... This one's been done with a different pic, but it fits... "In case of an emergency, the exits are here, here and here" *points*
  11. Wow... I wouldn't mind seeing that! (though I'd find it disturbing if my dad did that - good thing is he can't cook pancakes!) That wouldn't be the Toyota ad with the dog, would it? (Love that ad...) Though, I was a little concerned when they took an ad down in NZ that had a model in her undies and holding a toy rhino, and a caption that read "Feeling horny?"...
  12. I think we were all thinking WTF?! then going ... least I did! I noticed that... very nice! I have to say... you have very nice eyes...
  13. Excited much Fmbm??? When I first read that, I thought, "I didn't realise Mika had balls!" Yes, I am completely and utterly mental!
  14. Well, to me, he sounds sorta upper class English... but the way he pronounces words sounds a little American... it comes from his father (friends of mine have the Ameican accent but live here, and their daughter sounds a little American)...
  15. That is so cool how he does that! So, I guess the Aussies can expect him to speak more like us next time???
  16. Go the kiwis! Most of those we say, except for jandals and maybe judder bar... hard yakka! That's one I haven't heard for a while!
  17. Mostly in particular places... Example: You see heaps and heaps of emus right out western NSW (ie, the outback, which is Bourke etc), but not so many kangaroos... you see more kangaroos where I am (NOT the outback, no matter what people say!)... I'm about 2 1/2 hours from Sydney, the outback is another 6-8 hours west of me... Damn it Baby, I wanted to keep that going! They're mostly in very rural areas... I mostly see them on the side of the road as roadkill... Uh, yeah sure... in some places they're considered vermin... They're almost plague proportions in some places, so they need to cull the population... I always found it so strange that we're the only country that eats the animals on the coat of arms (I think we're the only ones!) Yep... mostly, we do also get some Aussie movies and British movies, but because the US film industry is so much larger than the Australian one, that's mostly what we see...
  18. It's great! I hope there are gonna be some more pics... I wanna see FD in the rooster wig!
  19. That sucks! I'd be devastated if that happened! I do love FD's hair! *giggles at the hair*
  20. Nope... he enjoys going for drives, but apparently he doesn't actually drive... I assume that his father is probably from New York then... BTW Babs, I love your avatar!!! Clever!
  21. Wow! I'm clever! I didn't think I'd go that well!!! I'll keep peeking in from time to time, and if there's any more new quizzes I'd like to take them... if that's okay!
  22. Okay... I have to ask something... In the pic where Mika has the coat on, and there's safety pins on his shirt (the one Christine took the watermarks off)... when was it taken (if I can get a guess at what month it was taken that would be helpful)? Thanks! Nico
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