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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. Fair enough... that comment made about reporting posts was more directed at everyone... it didn't seem like it the way I posted so I apologise.. Though the issue had gone further than just that thread... I suggest you check out the link I posted... No I don't think you were personally attacking us... I get a bit frustrated when something like this occurs... and it seemed like you were a sorta easy target... I'm sorry if it felt like I was attacking you or anything... just frustrated is all...
  2. lollipop_monkey: thank you... you summed it up beautifully. I suggest everyone checks this out... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=721137&posted=1#post721137
  3. I understand that Christine, but it really irritates me when some people (I'm not saying you) attack us for trying to do our job. It's not the first time it's happened. It happened to me not long ago where people were posting personal attacks against each other, I stepped in and someone had a go at me. The thread was closed in that instance... I'm not saying we get it right all the time, if we did we would truly be deserving of the "Super Mod" title, but it would be nice to see some support occasionally. We have 6 mods (FD, me, happikali, dcdeb, Sivan and now Sasje), as well as deano, when he is on. Do you honestly think we need more (because I would be curious to know if you think we do)? I understand you're not happy about the thread being deleted, but as FD has said a few times before, it can be fixed... I do think people should be aware of what they post. What is concerning me now is, if people found what was posted in the thread so offensive, why was it not reported? People can do that. In short, I wouldn't like for the forum to implode in itself becasue of bitchiness (yes, bitchiness - some of it is just that!). This is a great place, and I don't think anyone wouls like to see that happen (hopefully that made sense).
  4. I suppose we have to expect it at one stage...
  5. I disagree with you Christine on most of that... Yes, it probably should have been stopped before then, but it wasn't. Simple as that. However, attacking the moderators for trying to do a job isn't really needed. Let I remind you that it is voluntary, and it isn't as easy as you may think... we can't be everywhere, and we're not all on at the same time. I believe the reason it was deleted was to stop it getting out to Mika or someone in the band. Imagine how they would feel if they read that crap. Now, I have a question to ask you: Do you feel the moderators are doing a bad job? I really want to know. I have asked this question before when someone was having a go at the moderators and I'm going to ask it again... If you feel we aren't doing the right thing, feel free to complain to deano. We try as hard as we can to keep this forum going as well as it can, and if the majority of people thought before they posted we wouldn't have this same issue cropping up. It seems to end up being an "Us versus them" issue (well, that's the way I see it). Thank you for standing up for us Sasje. I'm sure everyone appreciates it.
  6. *stands up and applauds lollipop_monkey* I totally agree! None of us really know what she's like, so it's wrong for anyone to go around trashing her... especially as most of us haven't actually seen her perform... Change is good!!!
  7. Well, if there are "more disgusting things" that you have seen on the forum, don't you think you should bring it to the attention of a moderator? There are a few of us floating around... we can't see everything... It sounds like you're taking the whole situation personally. Do you feel like you're being attacked because of your opinion? Because I don't think you are... I think if a mod says something is going too far, they usually are right in saying so. Occasionally we make mistakes (we can't be perfect)... I suggest you simply look at what they're saying, you can either agree or disagree, and move on. And really, I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not... I'm expressing my opinion, which I am entitled to do. And yes, I read through this post to make sure there wasn't anything that I might regret saying, or anything that may be considered inappropriate.
  8. We should start a picket line!!! "What do we want?" "The winners of the competition!" "When do we want it?" "NOW!!!"
  9. It's not fair!!! How about announcing it Tuesday Aust time... which is right now!!!
  10. I'm sorry, but this had been sitting in my mind for a while... and brought up again by this thread... Why is it when a youngling gets told to do something (like think before they post for example), they take that as "I better keep my mouth shut"... I just don't understand it, and to be quite honest, I find it quite childish... if you can't take being told what to do by someone, just be more careful what you write! Get over it!!! Rant done...
  11. Shouldn't it be Weasley rather than Potter??? She also insisted that the movie be filmed in England... I have no problem with that, considering it is her story... Gotta say, now that the thread has been resurrected... I cried when Fred died! and when Tonks and Lupin died too!!! Poor Teddy!
  12. No-one's saying that you should apologise for your opinion... but as you said, the way people expressed their opinion was the problem... But I'm worried about why you think you need to shut your mouth, just because you expressed an opinion...
  13. No Sasje! Don't worry, I wasn't talking about you! (actually, it was more directed towards the mod with the sheep in her avatar! )
  14. Hey, we all make mistakes like that Sarah... I just think the lesson people need to learn is to check what they write before they press the shiny "Submit Reply" button... I agree Sasje... actually, it seems that everytime something like this happens (inappropriate comments of general bitchiness), we say we should be more aware of what we type, then after a while we type as if no-one can read it... I'm all for self expression, but we have to keep in mind what we put out there.. mods included!
  15. I totally agree with you Christine... I did find it amsuing how you mentioned people jumping on the "Lets attack Sara" bandwagon... now it seems to be the "I'm sorry about saying nasty things" bandwagon... That's just the way I see it... Though I do have to say, PMS shouldn't really be used as an excuse for bitchy comments... I know there have been times where I've wanted to put a bitchy comment on here (usually spurred on by PMS), but I reread what I typed and realised it wasn't appropriate... I'm not attacking anyone (especially not Fmbm - you know I love you!), but I think sometimes people just need to think about what they post... It would make the mods lives a lot easier if people did so! Fmbm, i don't think you should have to apologise for what you wrote, other people went overboard with it... the people who were saying "Let's kill her" should be (fair enough if you don't like Sara, but that's uncalled for)... If you disagree with me, feel free to say so! Nico the mod!
  16. Geez you're a good aunty! Brittany (my niece) asked me why I couldn't take her to the concert in Sydney... she desperately wanted to see Mika!
  17. Don't feel the need to edit your post, you were just going off what you had heard...It's always good to ask people, and see what they think... I honestly think something like that would go over the heads of young children...
  18. Hi, welcome to the forums... I agree with Sasje... he isn't really a child performer, I mostly think that cause of the taking his shirt off and the swearing... There were similar complaints in Australia about Christina Aguilera and Gwen Stefani, people said that the shows were inappropriate for young children... which they were, they were swearing, and definitely inappropraite dancing and so on... My view is, young children shouldn't go to concerts till they're about 14 anyway (I wouldn't take my niece to a Mika concert, and she loves him)... Actually, I wanted to ask where you heard about the "having Sexual Intercourse with people dressed as bears, right the way through the concert"... It is quite concerning that this might be going on (though I doubt he would)...
  19. Oooh! We get to find out who wins the t-shirts (hope it's me *finges crossed*) Actually Mum wanted to know if I won a shirt or not...
  20. Yes, I am holding a packet of cigarettes... and I am going to grab one out... (I don't smoke, so it's all good! )... I'm 11 months old there... Awwww, ain't I cute... I'm about 5 months old... I'll post a couple more when they upload...
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