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Stormy Weather

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Everything posted by Stormy Weather

  1. Could someone please post the link to that interview. Was it in Australia? Thank you!!
  2. I am pretty sure he does because when ever I hear that song I am constantly correcting him in my mind. Drives me a little crazy, I am sort of weird that way.
  3. Very thought provoking thread indeed!!
  4. My mom doesn't mind Mika but she is still stuck in the Neil Diamond stone age.
  5. I don't care, any dance with Mika in it is A-okay!!!!!!!
  6. I think I may have to fake being scared so Mika can comfort me
  7. This is why he is so freaking amazing!! LOVE LOVE HIM!!!!!!
  8. When I saw Mika perform on Jay Leno, I remember thinking that this guy must be really tall because he seems taller than Jay. Also it was a little freaky that he was wearing a panda head or some animal. It all makes sense now though. I never knew it was Mika until I saw it again on Youtube months later
  9. I have noticed this too, seems to be a facebook thing. I try not pay too much attention.
  10. Count me in!! Someone add moi please!! Thanks!
  11. I agree, we may be just a little bias
  12. Goodness me you morbid people!! P.S Suzy, maybe you should use that gorgeous sign anyway. Maybe Mika will be watching from a hospital bed somewhere
  13. Oh Christine! I really feel for you!! Sux big time!! Now instead we get someone that I can't remember the name of.
  14. I must admit too that I visit perez website from time to time. I remember how goo goo gugu he was over Mika in the beginning. I agree quite refreshing indeed.
  15. I am upset since Mika was supposed to be performing on Canadian Idol tomorrow and Tuesday but now on the website it says Mika had to back out due to illness. We hardly get Mika anything here in Canada. Oh yes, I am sorry Mika is sick honestly. Sorry if I sound like a spoilt brat
  16. OMG, I am soooo with you on this one!! Better make sure you send him to the west coast too!
  17. Yup, I have noticed a few of those groups too but I have not bothered (as yet) to read what they say. I know I would probably get too mad, not worth raising my blood preasure for those pathetics!
  18. How on earth did you guys get from "posting on other forums" to "talking about Aliens on other planets?" Never a dull moment around MFC!!!
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