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Everything posted by yuppymunch

  1. ooooo i can see my cat ear in that last pic jennie! nice meeting you yesterday!!
  2. ew mika looks HORRIBLE!! keep your shirt ON. no one wants to see your rank, sweaty torso!
  3. yeah yeh! we did! vally has got all the pics on her cam! and saralou! so we just need to wait some more!!
  4. originally it his hand was on my bum, but i was like.. MIKA... how rude!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!
  5. sparkly on left, mika in middle, me on right! awww my first time with mika was amazing!! he caressed my shoulder just perfectly! THANKS to vally for taking it!
  6. bex! amazing pics! getta crotch one??!! HAHA!! koko is quite impressive isnt he!!
  7. just beeing reading all this thread since after the gig.. and as for kokolondon... mini mika INDEED! if i cant have the real mika.. ya know..
  8. FINALLY HOME!! and clean! i probably wont give a report cos i am crap at them! and i know others will anyway! but in short, mika was pretty dam good, well amazing, as always! and i got to meet him (for about two seconds!) but i havent met him before so i was all :wub2: loved meeting everyone! love you all!! sparkly, where ever you are, pm me with your email so i can send ya the pic! got a couple of good pics, but my camera is poo, so most of them are blurry! and you guys wont be seeing 'L' for a while... heheheh
  9. HAHA!! that is WICKED!! i love wigs! i dunno why, i just think they are COOL!! mika will be like... whaaaa? i am on stage.. AND in the crowd?!
  10. think we're all meeting around 10 and 11! aim for 10
  11. yeah i am a cat! got a tail and everything! i think im just gonna go for it! why ever not! if anyone says anything, il just go: 'Meeeeaaaooooooow' what you wearing?!! ooooooooo im getting excited about us doing the parade!
  12. hmm well, i think it will be too fiddly to do my face in the queue! (i have posted a pic on here some where - it was quite hard to do!!) so i reckon il brave the funny looks i get! but anyway, thats what mika loves about his fans right? braving the public with craaaazy outfits!!
  13. well im not that worried about getting on the train in full cat mode! im not gonna be alone. if i was alone i definately wouldnt!!
  14. hmmm i am planning to have alot of make up on, (instead of face paint).. shall i wait til i get there to do it? i think i will mess it up if i do it in the queue! so i may just get up and put it on straight away, then all i have to do is touch it up! wha'd'ya think!!!????? WOA, i have butterflies!
  15. THANKYOU!! will send you mika vibes back "spiritually"!! hey, maybe you can spiritually make the day be sunny! that would be WICKED!
  16. i have made FOUR lists! and they are stuck on my wall! and dont worry i have my ticket!! yeah ok, i have that so who cares if i forget anything else!!
  17. ok, i planned it would take me an hour to gather my things.. it took 20 mins. so i have the feeling i have missed something out! what do i need?! arrrrrrrgh! i really dont wanna forget anything! ok calm down emmy..
  18. woa woa woa!! im way too excited! im hyperventilating! i need to pack, NOW! i know il forget something!! and and and, im annoyed, that its raing, cos i might not be able to weat my giant fluffy boots/paws! arrrrrrrgh! i know im gonna forget something! like my ticket :shocked:
  19. well, when its my time of the month, id say milka! but besides that, definately MIKA!! or, i could be greedy and have both at the same time!!
  20. wasnt tinky whatever the gay one? he had a hand bag!
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! i hate the teletubbies! sorry everyone! i actually cant/couldnt stand them!! mika should never ever be one! stick to the chicken mika!
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