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Everything posted by yuppymunch

  1. jemma is pretty dam short! aint ya! i think im like an inch taller than you!!5"3:punk: i remember at birmingham, i had some MAN in front of me and i couldnt say ANYTHING! alsom his girlfriend was getting annoyed at me cos i was screaming.. i know what you're thinking.. how DARE i scream.. at a GIG!! i am bad
  2. i have the same problem, in regards to being short!! piggy backs anyone?!
  3. OH YEAH CRAP!! my bladder is like, the size of a pee.. hmm, i better bring some tenna lady just in case
  4. i am so so so so so so EXCITED!! 45 people in fancy dress parade.. is it a world record!!!
  5. hmm i swear i heard through the grape vine that this was the ultimate of MFC meet ups, but to me, somerset house is the ultimate!?! anyway, i love glasow! my auntie lives there! wonder if shes going!
  6. YES!! probably! shall i put in on youtube?! (be BAD quality)?
  7. http://www.sendspace.com/file/osnyhd link for the whole of jackson five cover from TBA if anyone wants it! once again, sound isnt great, cos my camera is a bit of an ld crap one!
  8. YES i definately want a bed, for one night! T thanks! xx
  9. i think i counted right.. 45 MFC members going! mika... beware!!!
  10. i really hope there is! i think there will be for lillipop!! you know they took loads of pics? well, are they gonna be in a magasine or wht? and what one!
  11. well yeah he does kinda.. flaunt doesnt he!! HAHA, over active clicker finger!!
  12. was just thinking.. i cant WAIT for this to be on TV!! IM SO EXCITED.. and i just cant hide it..
  13. Hahahahahaha!! BEX! that is HILARIOUS!! :biggrin2: I LOVE IT!! i bet you have a folder on your comp titled "mika crotch pics" WICKED!!
  14. haha you guys are good at this! i dont wanna try, it will have LOL factor
  15. hmm, i think me and bexxy have started a trend with the crotch pics!! well, everyones gotta have a crotch pic right?! i mean, he is constantly thrusting it about!!
  16. hey ruthy ruth ruth!! you got any pics of us lot?1 i havent seen any!! love love meeeeeee
  17. im getting the urge to hit the town bigtime after the comotion of the gig is over! like, in our outfits! and i can actually drink, as i wont be driving! YAY!
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