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Everything posted by yuppymunch

  1. ok, yesterday i was excited, and today, i am nervous! why am i nervous! i think its cos i had a dream last night about me getting up late and like, trying to rush to get ready but everything was in slow motion ! frustrating! hmm, actually, maybe im nervous cos i have to phone work to pull a sicky.. ok now im making myself worse!! actually, thinking about in now, im mega excited!
  2. nooooooooooo! has anyone got a spare heart i can buy off them on the day of sommerset house because i just tried to but some but my damn bank card is being refused. it did it the other day too on ebay, and i rang 'em up and they said there isnt a problem... yeah SURE there isnt!! anyway, yeah, id be very grateful as i did have a heart, but it did indeed BREAK!
  3. raaaaaaaaahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaa im getting a teeny weeny bit EXCITED!!
  4. dont worry, i havent either, although i got pretty damn close!! thought i'd come in this thread seeing as my friends say i am obsessed! i actually mention mika in most of my conversations i think! i always manage to get him in some how! even at work, when i push on some marshmallows on the shelf, i'l say something about the chubby bunnies.. and everyone will be like.. :shocked: :shocked: anyway, mm yeah, mika
  5. still havent got my tickets yet!! should i be worried?! looks like its just us three going so far!
  6. noooooooooooooooooo sara you have to come!! my motto in life: if you can do it once, you can do it again
  7. hello ladies! thought id pop in and see what the latest is.
  8. AAAAAAAAAAH!! its so close now! anyway, me and my friend were discussing, what i should go as? a kitty cat again, or alice in wonderland! i cant decide!
  9. the extended version was WICKED! they had love today on there! (that wasnt on the first one was it?) i have bad memory! i actually cant get over it! YAAAAY!
  10. AAAHH are people arguing! please stop! well, actually, i dont even know whats going on, i just came on this thread straight to the last page! il read some...
  11. IS IT!?! i didnt know!! ahhhhhhh! well, il say, i slept walked/drove .. i had no idea i was at a mika gig in london.. well, they can sack me, im leaving in four weeks anyway!! is it really being filmed? for what?!
  12. sumerset i gonna be my third time! i wanna get lucky!! maaaan he sooo wont come out. with 47 MFCers.. i would be scared! some people have met him more than once and i dont think im ever gonna get a chaaaaaaaaaaance! anyway, il get over it, cos i just like seeing him live! mmm da da di da di ..
  13. that is great! hmm, i couldnt book holiday for work.. so a sicky it is!! (my 'o' key isnt working very well and its ANNOYING!!)
  14. BABS = LEGEND! yaaaaaay! im gnna watch it over and over now that im back from work! does anyone ever feel slightly disappointed when you listen to LICM after a mika gig?! dont mean that in a bad way OBVIOUSLY cos i LOVE LICM but i mean, cos mika is just so damn good live! (which is more than you can say for alot of bands!) i just think he is sooooooooooooooooooooo amazing live!! YAY! :wub2:
  15. IT WAS BRILLIANT!! awwwww miiiiiiika!
  16. wow they showed me putting my bottle in the bin...?!! haha, seeing bexxy and sara alot! and didnt mika like, MENTION you sara?!!! BO PEEEEEEEEEEEP!! x
  17. yeah ive seen that! its just they were taking alot of piccy wics like when we were queueing (spelling?) and that, and i havennt seen any!!
  18. are there any official pics from the tba gig then?! i havent seen any
  19. OH YEAH! man, that was freaking funny!! maybe we'll see it on camera?!
  20. add me akim! as i did briefly meet ya on that very eventful night! ps everyone.. i am really excited about seeing the gig on T4 tomo!! its like being there again! (well, minus mika being two centimeters away from me)!! CANT WAIT!!
  21. Got my ticket today!! YAY!! thanks to carrie! thanks! xxx the weather looks like its getting better.. ! fingers crossed
  22. i cant stay away from this thread, every time i come back there is a new topic!! i really cant believe how excited i am about going to this gig! i'm just praying it aint gonna be raining! i was at this owl sanctury today.. and in the gift shop, guess what came on... BIG GIRLS! i got a little over excited...
  23. YAY thanks akim! i LOVE LOVE reading the reports!! memories
  24. i mean to say SEE, not say. i should start previewing my posts first i think!
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