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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Well, given how you never know what happens, I'll be patient and wait for Ticketnet or Fnac. This Digitick thing can get tricky if people can't come anymore.... Yop, how do you get all this information I wonder ? And by the way, did the lady answer to you?
  2. Suis assistante de direction bilingue dans une boite américaine. C'est pas très rigolo mais ça me paie mes concerts de Mika (et Police aussi cette année )
  3. Oui c'est bizarre que ça prenne autant de temps généralement c'est rapide. Comment ça se fait? Tu fais quoi comme métier?
  4. Exaaaaaaaaaaaact comme disent mes potes! Disons que je la crée, la possibilité (acheter place + prendre RTT + louer voiture + chambre d'hôtel)! D'ailleurs si ça branche quelqu'un de s'incruster dans l'affaire... Départ Paris le vendredi 12 matin. Voyager à deux ou plus c'est plus sympa et ça réduit les coûts!
  5. Ben j'y vais aussi . C'est juste que je suis dans le trip de deux concerts coup sur coup... Et comme mon pote branché Mika vient déjà à Paris il est pas chaud du tout pour Nantes...
  6. Cool alors on pourra se voir là-bas (enfin si je me dégonfle pas, comme j'y vais toute seule lol...)
  7. Cool c'est toujours sympa de rencontrer des gens ! Tu dormiras sur place?
  8. No not yet, my friend and I have both registered on ticketnet for the alert so we know when sales are open to buy the tickets right away.... I'm planning to go to Nantes also (certainly all by myself). Who will go there? Pamette?
  9. Well, I feel a bit old for that... You see I'm nearly 35 and my guess is that I'd be the only one that age in the whole crowd lol. Everybody will be in their teens (you know with all these Avril Lavigne and Tokio Hotel thing) and their 20s, I think I'd feel out of place... But I'm definitely coming to the Olympia! I want to go also to the Zénith Paris, and maybe be crazy and go to the Nantes one too - is anyone going to this one by the way? I just love all this craziness about concerts you know, the traveling thing etc... I'm a fan of R.E.M. too and I went to Cardiff to see them live (cost me a lot of money that one...)
  10. NO they did not say anything, it was just like those big announcements on TV with all the names of the guests appearing on the screen, showing a stage and a huge crowd (I guess last year's concert) and the guys listing all the names on the same time. And the add's music ends with Mika. My guess is that he'll be one of the last ones. They always keep the biggest for the end so... My guess is that he'll come, perform one or two songs in the middle of the show, and then come back towards the end with a third one. We could make a bet . My bet is that of course he's gonna sing Relax, Grace Kelly and Love Today (gotta do a bit of promotion on the last one ).
  11. This afternoon I saw an add on TV about the concert for the Fête de la Musique and Mika is in the list! So guys no worries - that means it's confirmed.
  12. So from June 27 to July 1 he's going to perform every single night? Five nights in a row? That's far too much who can survive this? Bummer though, I'd have loved to go to London for July 1st gig... Would have given me an occasion to stay in London a couple of days... But given the game it's only for people living in the UK.
  13. Or just party all night and don't go to bed !
  14. Ah oui, ça j'aimerais bien savoir aussi! Du coup toutes les semaines je regarde s'il n'est pas programmé dans le Trabendo... Je voudrais bien voir le concert en entier bout à bout.
  15. Thanks Mirtilla. Actually I'm already buying the last one she has spare for myself. She has no more and I still need one extra to bring a friend along...
  16. Wow I could never manage that many at a time lol! That's the first time I see him wearing glasses.
  17. Hello, I'm looking for an extra ticket at a reasonable price for the Olympia June 30th, so I can bring along a friend... If you have a spare one, please PM me!
  18. Non c'est rigolo Lucky Luke et en plus c'est pratique tu es en jean donc à l'aise! Pour l'Olympia bon y'a encore le temps pour s'arranger. Perso je crois pas que je me battrai pour le 1er rang, d'ailleurs si j'avais pu j'aurais fait comme beaucoup de trentenaires de mon âge: une p'tite place assise bien à l'aise. C'est la première fois que je vais dans la fosse risque à souffrir des heures debout tellement j'ai envie d'aller à un concert! Je suis déjà bien contente d'y aller alors tant pis si je ne suis pas tout devant (mais bon j'avoue j'aurais bien aimé quand même lol).
  19. Je propose qu'on y aille à plusieurs tôt, et on fait une relève lol: deux attendent, deux vont boire leur kawa, et toutes les heures on change lol! Perso je sais pas à quelle heure je viendrai parce qu'attendre tout un après-midi ça va me tuer (j'ai des problèmes de jambes), et si c'est pour que j'aie tellement mal que ça me pourrisse le concert c'est pas la peine...
  20. Disons qu'il y avait plusieurs idées au choix: Au concert: * se pointer avec des ballons avec des trucs écrits dessus * tous brandir un coeur (sur Love Today) ou une sucette (sur Lollipop) Après, bon, il n'y a pas eu de vote, et encore faut-il que les gens jouent le jeu Avant le concert: Faire des jeux, ramener de la musique, il y en a même un qui proposait de faire un jeu à chercher Mika dans tout Paris (et du coup y'a plus personne pour faire la queue dans l'après-midi lol). Moi je me demande s'il y a plein d'animation si les services publics vont pas jeter tout le monde pour trouble de l'ordre public lol! Ca a l'air d'être au point mort là mais quand le concert va se rapprocher ça va bouger j'imagine. En tout cas ceux qui veulent vraiment être tout devant vous allez vous battre! Les gens ont apparemment bien prévu de venir tôt genre midi/début d'après-midi.
  21. Dites vous avez vu ce qu'ont prévu ceux de mikawebsite pour avant l'Olympia? Ca va être du gros bordel!
  22. Does anybody have any idea if it's possible to attend even without those codes? Like how to discover where the secret gig will take place and turn up? Paris-London: less than 3 hours and hop you're there! Can't count how many hours I've spent in it lol (Oh God I miss London so much). Agree with you: he's working far too much (I already posted my thoughts on another thread) and I guess he must have a lot of pressure to do more and more, and maybe he's willing that too, but he's got to realise that sanity and health is the most important and without these he won't be able to to go on. He's going to collapse if he does not get a bit reasonable.
  23. I exactly think the same and was afraid I was the only one seeing it. His singing is weaker, he does not have the same energy when singing and talking, his expressions are less joyful and he seems less playful, fresh and spontaneous, like he's gettting very used to interviews and repeating the same thing it becomes more and more professionnal (and boring for him)... I'm afraid all this promotion and traveling all over the world is far too much even for a bloke aged 23 full of energy. I think it's pretty worrying because he still has all these concerts and trips ahead and he seems that he won't stop. And I guess that his record company must be pushing him in doing more, more and more. He's a human being after all and he needs a good long and enjoyable break, as well as a minimum of a private life. Being on the way to stardom is great, and I guess he's really happy with it, but his health and sanity are the most important. I just hope he realises that and does not let his professionnal life and ambition put him into danger.
  24. Looking for a ticket for the Olympa gig in Paris on June 30th. If you have a spare one, please let me know! Thanks!
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