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Everything posted by stien

  1. Belgian iTunes: Top Albums: number 1 !!! Top Songs: Big Girl : number 2 Relax: number 6 Love Today: number 9 and it's in the list of the BEST SELLERS OF 2007 :punk:
  2. I'm sorry to hear that... Congratulations to the ghost though. Pretty good writing with your semi-invisible hands!
  3. found this one in my collection of Mika-pics witnessed this in Brussels
  4. Hoi! Leuk dat je't hier gevonden hebt! Pak je tijd om rond te snuffelen en je een weg te banen door de eindeloze hoeveelheid threads. Maak je geen zorgen over je Engels, hier zijn heel veel mensen van heel veel landen, en iedereen doet zo maar wat Zolang we mekaar verstaan is er geen probleem he! Voorprogramma was inderdaad alphabeat, je kan een aantal van de nummers die ze gespeeld hebben in Vorst herbeluisteren hier: http://www.myspace.com/thisisalphabeat Er is ook een thread met filmpjes en foto's van Vorst trouwens!
  5. I knew there was something strange about the first picture! You might be very right! Don't mess with MFC'ers, they notice everyting:mf_rosetinted:
  6. It would be hard to take it off quickly during Love Today.... al the buttons...
  7. I'll try, discussing serious things in English is hard:blush-anim-cl: Ok, you were talking about a morning-after-pill, right? And you said that you don't think that is murder, am I right? So I agreed with you about that, but then I also added that I think that abortion and murder don't HAVE to be the same things. If you're talking about partial birth: then I agree, that's unbelievablie cruel, and inhuman! But, in my opinion, abortion doesn't equal murder in this case: when you're -let's say- 2 weeks pregnant, the thing in your uterus is just a cell division (I hope that's correct English) , a chemical reaction. At that stage, there's no heartbeat and in fact no "child". The reason why I'm not against abortion (in an early stage ofcourse!) is that it prevents things like partial birth from happening. It's a very very strict procedure, and you can only be "X" weeks pregnant, after these weeks, abortion is forbidden because then you are indeed murdering an unborn child. My fear is that, if these regulations don't exist, young desperate girls go to the wrong people and then horrible things can happen. My last comment was this (but it's only directed to people who are anti-abortion AND pro-death penalty: I see an inconsistency (?) when you're saying that you're against abortion because it's murder and then on the other hand say that murderers should be killed themselves. And the argument that "it's not the childs fault" doesn't work for me. It's mentioned before that sometimes mistakes happen and innocent people are sentenced to death, so it's not "their fault either" Is that more clear?
  8. If I say that I agree with legalizing abortion, I'm talking about abortion in exactly that stage! By making it legal, you prevent horrible things from happening (like partial birth,...). That's why you make it legal in the first place! There's a very strict procedure for it, and there is a max. weeks of pregnancy, precisely to prevent the murder of a "child". And about death penalty, I find it odd that some people say on one hand that they are all against abortion because it's murder, and a life is sacre, but on the other hand they're convinced that a murderer should be killed... Don't you think that's contradictory?
  9. none of them have been completed... ... ... ... so far
  10. and do we really want to go there?
  11. I couldn't look at it anymore! that poor wall...
  12. We haven't spoken to eachother before but I know what you mean really...
  13. what happened to innuendo? the reason why this thread is called the knitting thread has has history, and that has a lot to do with innuendo! please check the history of the knitting thread ladies!
  14. Oh god.... that sounds awful really.... We have an interim-gouvernment at the moment. Belgium is actually a combination of a Flemish and a Wallonian part. The election were June 10th... 6 months later we still had no government because the two parts couldn't agree on what to do with the country (we have some very separatistic Flemish parties:thumbdown: ). Anyways, after six months of negotiating they decided to make an interim-gouvermnent with the old prime-minister on top... I have no idea where it is going, I don't want our country to split. But at least we have freedom of speech, and during these six months everyone kept just talking (in stead of taking guns, if you know what I mean)
  15. This is getting a risky subject. I'm pro-abortion. I'm ofcourse even more pro-anticonceptiva. Believe me: not every girl or boy having sex is ready to raise a child. Those things really don't go together. And IMO sex is not only about getting children anymore. You can be as careful as possible and still accidents happen. Some girls (and don't forget the boys that suddenly become fathers) are just NOT ready for a kid. Abortion doesn't equal murder to me. If it's done early enough, you're just talking about an interrupted chemical reaction really. It's just cells that split and split and split. I hope I don't shock people by saying this... I'm also a leftie, pro gay-right, gay-marriage and gay-adoption. The idea of "a child needs a father and a mother" is very old-fashioned. And believe me, I can say that ;-) I believe women can be presidents (look at Angela Merkel). We may think more emotionally, but that's certainly nót a disadvantage. Hope my speech was not too long.... don't want to offend anyone, just share opinions!
  16. let's not talk about whether the comments are correct... the one with the white outfit on the left page and the fake braces is commented as: "this is how we saw him in Forest National" PEEEEEEUH Wrong! He wore black trousers in Forest National (I should really get a life.... *sigh*)
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