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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. I've totally forgotten it! All I can really remeber is the star light, star bright thing and that song "I've got no strings to hold me down..."
  2. Haven't seen that since the dark ages! I remeber it was never my favourite, but I liked it!
  3. Yup... also a tear jerker! I like when he and the mouse get drunk and they see all the pink elephants! Ah yes! Sooo cute! Hated the stupid sequel though!
  4. Yes, my mum gets sooooo cross with me! Does your spine click?
  5. hahahaha... no ways! I have a friend just like you! It is just hair though... it all grows back....
  6. Noooo... I refuse to watch it ever again! It makes me soooo sad! Bambi also gets to me! You know when his mum gets shot and he's running around shouting "mamma! mamma!"? I just break down!
  7. hahahaha... cute I still have that on video from when I was tiny... I still have all my Disney classics actually....Aladdin's my fave Disney film....
  8. I went short last year.... it was slightly above the bottom of my ears... over it now... growing it to my shoulders again....
  9. I have 2... Madagsacar and Flushed Away.... Yours?
  10. Anna Kornikova... (I know I spelt that wrong)
  11. You sound like one of the penguins from Madagascar... the Private.... awwww, he's cute!
  12. Ah ha! Well consider it done then really!
  13. Well bang goes that theory then... Nick Baker! (I know we've never had THAT one before!)
  14. Not sure.... maybe that we start part 3?
  15. awww... but I LOVE England too .... It's sooo cool and they have such cool shops and such nice weather (for me) and such cool touristy things to do.... sigh.... I've been to England once... I miss it!
  16. Tommy Lee Jones.... (don't think that's been done before either...)
  17. Don't worry! He'll never go normal... that's waaaay too boring for his taste! Besides maybe the haircut is just a temporary thing... they say you should cut your hair short every now and then to make the regrowth stronger.... That might be the reason!
  18. Ashton Kutcher... (however the hell you spell it!
  19. Coolness! I love Scotland... to be honest I've never been... but it's soooo pretty and it rains a lot... I love rain
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