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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. No.... That's a waste of their time! Do you think you spend too much time on MFC?
  2. Yes, and the taste Do you call people in the middle of the night to tell them something important? (not life threatening, just important.)
  3. Yes! Can you do any of those annoying things like twitch your nose or wiggle your ears or wink with either eye?
  4. Yeah. I still am, but nobody believes me:sneaky2: Are you any good at maths?
  5. Kinda indifferent. Do you have a weird food combo that only you like? e.g celery and peanut butter (it's nice!)
  6. Yes! Do you like it when it rains?
  7. Not yeterday, no. Is there anybody in this world you could do without? evil question... but I have my reasons
  8. I ordered 1! So almost a yes! Do you like Pirates of the Caribbean?
  9. Yeah.... I'm not that bad:biggrin2: I'm not laughing at the fact that they're dead, just myself
  10. Hey, I'm not a huge Beatles fan - but can I sign up on behalf of my dad? He adores their music! I like some of it but not that much. sorry... Just wanna be able to get the news and info for him:boxed:
  11. Yeah! they are so cool! Do you like boot leg jeans? (with a flare at the bottom)
  12. Btw! I have such cool news! I'm not sure if anybody has posted this yet but its a lot of posts to sort through! I heard a rumour, or rather read a rumour, that there is probably gonna be a Queen movie and Sacha Baron Cohen is gonna play Freddie, it was nearly Johnny Depp. I told my cousin, who loves Johnny but hates Freddie, and she nearly had a break down that JD was even considered! But I'm soooo stoked! My friend Emma promised me she would come with me to watch it for emotional support. he he he.... Just thought I would let you know:biggrin2:
  13. Hello fellow newbie! Enjoy it! I'm sure you will, but if (like me) you don't think mika is the hottest thing on 2 legs then you will just get used to it!
  14. I have the Love Today white jeans and I found a shop (Hilton Weiner) that has the Love Today jacket! (Guess where I'm spending my money!)
  15. Don't worry, I could read it perfectly! It's a skill! I'm also pretty much a newbie! Take it from personal experience you learn all about it fast enough! Enjoy youself!
  16. What kind of dancing? Proper dancing - I like watching but not doing Mucking around on the dance floor at a party - Yes! Could you eat the same meal every night of the week?
  17. Cool, I wanna get it! add it to my collection! Live Aid was the most amazing show ever! Wish I had been alive to watch it Live!
  18. Omg, I wish I could go!!!! One day, hopefully, I will go! It's right at the top of my "THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE" list! Queeniac - #52 "I thought we were going to be huge, and we were!" - Freddie Mercury "I think I'm a banana tree... Oh dear."
  19. Same! Cos that's what VH1 is there for: to bring back all the golden oldies and stuff! (That's a wierd statement from a 16 year old! ha ha ha) Best music ever came from 70's and 80's!!!!!!
  20. Add me to the list too PLEASE! I'm kicking myself for not finding out about you guys waaaaay sooner, but hey, better late than never... especially when it comes to Queen! I'm a serious Die-Hard fan, I drive my friends and my parents insane most of the time with all my little quotes and suddenly bursting into song for no reason! Freddie rocks my world! "I'm just a musical prostitute my dear" - Freddie Mercury
  21. I forced my boyfriend to take the quiz:blush-anim-cl: and I'm so glad he did! He was Cute Mika - which is my favourite mika! And Mika - if you do go to Greece pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzz come to South Africa too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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