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Everything posted by mommylovesmika

  1. Melanie: I had assumed that after the show it would be easy to find you! I am so sorry that you didn't get your book signed -- that was the one bad thing about the HOB -- too easy for Mika to leave in peace!! LOL --Joanne
  2. Call me next time you're in NYC. I have to run...so much to do before I leave! Joanne
  3. Titty: Found you here! Just wanted to say that it was really nice to meet you in NYC. I'm getting ready to go to Chicago tonight...hope it all goes well as I know the weather isn't good there right now! I feel a little silly about the whole thing, but it just feels fun to travel to see Mika -- at least this once! I'll let you know how the show was, assuming we get there! Best wishes, Joanne
  4. Hi fellow Oldlings! I'm not organized enough to get a one-year-old pic of myself up as an avatar! Deb -- I've been hoping to find you (hope you're still here) on a thread just to say that I'm going to look for you to say hi after the NYC gig. I don't know if I'll be able to get to a meet-up, but I'm sure that I'll hang out for a while after the gig. I really want to get a photo if possible of Mika with my lovely daughter!
  5. Sarie: If you study US history, you'll find that America was founded not on Christian principles, but on Enlightenment principles. Most of the founding fathers -- including Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, did not consider themselves Christians, but "deists," meaning that while they believed in God, they rejected the divinity of Jesus. Also, the world has had --and currently has -- many women at the helm of various countries. These include, Germany, UK, Ireland, Israel, Pakistan, India, Chile, Argentina, the Phillipines, Finland, Sweden, etc. Happy New Year!
  6. Oops! I must have been typing while jackviolet was sending you my thought exactly!
  7. Melanie: How about changing prideful to proud? Joanne P.S. I insanely purchased 2 tix for the HOB show. My daughter will have to miss 2 days of school if weather permits us to go! She's reserved, so there will probably be no blinking hearts on us, but I'll look for you!
  8. Please don't worry about that -- I'm sure you need a break with all the work you've been doing! And I'm guessing you're busy with college applications too! Eventually, I'd love to have it, but in the meantime, we have our memories! Thanks again, Joanne
  9. Thank you so much Melanie for all your efforts and thanks to everyone else who worked so hard on this project! It's a wonderful thing not only to express yourself, but to help others express themselves as well! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write about Mika!
  10. My daughter is 14 and I still read to her! But now, she's informed me that the book we are currently reading together will be the last book she wants me to read aloud to her (thank goodness, it's long). I understand... But it's been great reading to my kids all these years. It gave me a chance to read some of the childrens' classics I missed out on and also to learn a lot with the children.
  11. I joined the "Oldlings" a while ago. Might as well throw in my lot with the mothers who love Mika as well -- especially with a user name like mine! I have 2 children -- one boy, one girl -- who shall remain ageless! I love Australia (I've been there twice and looking forward to going again in the not too distant future), but I'm in New York.
  12. To all my fellow "oldlings" going to Glasgow -- I hope you have a great time! Looking forward to hearing all about it, though I hope I won't be driven mad by jealousy! I wish I could be there too, but I just couldn't swing getting away from my responsibilities. Aaargh!!!
  13. Melanie, I sent in my piece earlier tonight! Hope my email with all attachments arrived. Let me know if there are any problems. Thanks!
  14. There's always a possibility, I suppose, but I think it's a very remote one. You have to make sure you go to a good doctor. The procedure itself is very quick. When I had it done, each eye took about 1 minute. The prep is much more time-consuming -- but it's still just about 20 minutes. I was just sick of glasses and contacts. I've seen some pix of Mika in glasses that I think are prescription -- and he looks adorable in them in kind of a nerdy way, that on him is very refreshing! He seems so sweet and clever, it doesn't really matter what he looks like.
  15. Mika should have the Lasik surgery. The doctor who did mine also did Annie Lennox -- that might be a good omen for Mika!
  16. Melanie: I didn't want to be one of those "last minute people," but it looks like I will be! My piece and pix will definitely be in to you a day before your deadline, but I was so hoping to be earlier. Wanted to finish up this weekend, but my son (whose birthday is on the same exact day/month/year as yours) came home sick from college yesterday and it took lots of TLC to get him back on the bus to school tonight! You might have seen him at GMA -- judging from your video, he was to your left and a little forward -- a tall, blonde guy with glasses? Tomorrow, I'm going to be away all day, so I'll get everything to you on Tuesday, I promise!
  17. Melanie: I hope you had a good retreat. Thought I'd have everything for the fan project turned in by now, but some other things got in the way. I'll definitely make your deadline, but I'm trying to get things to you sooner -- Monday morning at the latest. Sorry I don't have the skills to help you with the layout! Thanks again for taking the initiative on this... "mommylovesmika"
  18. Yeah...how my daughter turned me on to him...seeing him...being inspired...reawakening the 15-year-old in me, etc. Something along those lines. It's probably a good thing you put a 400-word limit on me!
  19. Melanie: I'll submit a general Mika story and a few nice pix from GMA! Thanks for getting this together! mommylovesmika
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