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Status Updates posted by PhotoJenic

  1. Sooo how much longer until you're 30? I suppose you're not too old for us to be friends......................... yet. :pinkbow::teehee:



  2. I wouldn't either. She even admitted she wouldn't want to have a kid and be like Amy. I know she said she'd want to terminate it, but I think if she really is pregnant she'll either have a change of heart and keep it or put it up for adoption.


    When I searched to see if anyone else watched the show I saw you said it was your guilty pleasure. It's definitely mine. :teehee: Just got to wait until June! I suppose that gives me time to catch up on Gossip Girl. :naughty:

  3. Tell me how you really feel. :lmfao:


    She just needs to learn that when problems arise between people you don't go out and sleep with their boyfriends/ex-boyfriends. :doh: I wonder if her luck has finally run out and she has to pay the consequences.


    Will you be watching next season?

  4. I have no idea! I was thinking the same thing before but now I'm just confused. I feel like she is pregnant but on the other hand I could see them picking up the next episode where they left off and she quietly tells them and has a big sigh of relief.


    It just makes me wonder though because if she isn't pregnant then what's this secret that rips them all apart and what drama do they have to keep the next season going since Amy's already had the baby and the short custody tiff is over. :dunno: And honestly.... how many times is Adrian going to do it and not pay any consequences? :blink:

  5. Okay I'm not sure if this all happened in the second to last episode or not...


    Amy thought she was a bad kisser because Jimmy didn't call her back. She was upset and Ricky saw and was going to go to her house that night and got her to kiss him. When he told her to close her eyes Ashley happened to walk by the room and saw Amy and Ricky holding each other. After she left Ricky kissed her anyway because I think he knew that if he didn't it'd still get out that he did.


    Word got out and made it back to Adrian. She got mad and wanted to get back at Amy and found Ben sitting outside of Amy's house in his car because he had wanted to talk to Amy. They hooked up, the condom broke, and she's late.


    So that's why you see them inside during the end of the finale. She told him at the wedding, took a test, and got the results. I think she's pregnant because if she wasn't I think she would have been jumping up and down and screaming but she was very quiet. :aah:

  6. Oh my gosh you really want me to tell you?! :naughty: OH wait.... how many episodes are you behind because I can quickly catch you up. It's a pretty big cliff hanger.

  7. You watch the secret life of the american teenager too? Yes off topic I went and did a search because I wanted to know if there was anyone else who watches it.


    I'm going to rip my hair out over the cliff hanger from tonight.

  8. I know! 2013 is so far away from now but I can see it happening. Food, rent, bills, other expenses keep getting higher but job salaries get lower and more jobs get cut so duh of course it's not going to get better! :doh:

    Like you said though, the world is suppose to end in 2012 anyway. :roftl:


    It's tough! I tried to get an internship with the local photographer and it doesn't look good at all! I told him I didn't care if it was paying and he said that he's hardly getting ANY work now. I knew there was a reason I didn't pay for a business license. :boxed: Although everyone is struggling, people with masters can't even get jobs. How is your mom doing?? If you don't mind me asking, did they cut her job? :boxed:


    Yeah it'd be cool! I like California. :) I have a great aunt that lives there. Just by googling around I think I like the Santa Barbara area. I'd love to be somewhere near LA.

  9. That's okay. Times are tough. It was reported the economy won't be better until 2013. :hair: I don't want you to annoy her though if she's struggling too.

    I'm just looking for ANYONE to network with because if you network with enough people something might come along. I'm looking into NYC and now as crazy as it is I'm looking into California. My mom didn't want me to go that far at first but now I'm desperate. She wants me to apply for any jobs I find on the east coast and quite frankly, I'd rather end up with a job in California than some place like North Carolina or Pennsylvania! :teehee: Plus it'd be a heck of a lot closer than Hawaii (as nice as Hawaii seems.)


    I'm just ready for a job and to ditch the gloomy weather and this state that's stuck in the past! I'm tired of traveling 3+ hours to get to some place as simple as Target. :aah:

  10. Laaaate! Tsk tsk! :naughty:


    Not a whole lot going on here. Just lovely family drama up the wazoo. No, sadly I STILL haven't been able to get a job! It's frustrating! If you were to look at my email account I've applied for over 100 jobs (I've counted) and I started searching back in March and fully applying near June. :boxed:


    This economy blows monkey chunks! :hair: A lot of the jobs I find are either part-time, want anywhere from 3-7 years experience, no pay, or pay $8 an hour that I couldn't live off of! If money wasn't an issue I'd start my own studio. >./emoticons/default_teehee.gif" alt=":teehee:" />


    That's awesome!!! Congrats!!!! What are you going to major in and do you start in September?!! Freshmen year of college is so much fun! It's SO much more fun than high school!

  11. I couldn't reply to you because the poster thread was closed, but the MFC's clock is 3 minutes faster than mine. Time competitions = confusion. :lmfao:

  12. I replied to your sleep paralysis thread - just to let you know. :) I've had it happen to me before.

  13. Oooh my gosh! You're too kind. :wub2: Thank you so much! They're gorgeous! I really need to start an idea book again like I had to during school. Once I do those photos are going in it to keep me inspired. :)


    And can I just say :swoon::naughty:

  14. Oh, well now you have me curious. :naughty: All that work to clear my inbox... jk. :bleh:

  15. Sorry, my inbox was full, it's not now though. Whatcha need?

  16. Heeey! Question :)

    When you add someone to your "ignore list" what does that mean? Does that mean that they can't see your posts and contact you?

  17. No prob I know you're a fan. I figured I'd post it by some off chance that you'd get on in time to see it live. I still crack up when I see him because we share the same last name and I'm part Irish too. :aah: It was a pretty good show! INSANELY big crowd! :shocked: His laser jacket reminded me of Mika's WAG video minus the laser crotch. :teehee: I think the funniest part, besides him taking a job around the whole ring, was when he was swinging around on the lit up dangling mic and it kind of dragged him at one point and he had a hard time getting up. :naughty:


    I didn't know dates were just announced! I just checked and gah I want to see them! Too bad by the time I get a job and get moved they'll probably end up calling it quits. :naughty: I'm hoping they won't stop touring anytime soon!

  18. The time I come to inform you about something you're not on. :naughty:

    U2 is playing live right now and I don't know for how long: http://www.youtube.com/u2

  19. You should be! :naughty: I would SO lose at that game. I probably couldn't get a full marshmallow in my mouth. They were huge! They'd also be a dream to roast too. It's like 4 smores worth haha.


    That's awesome that you graduated high school! Congrats! "Long story" well I hope everything is okay! :) Do you know what you want to go to college for?

    As for me I transfered colleges for my last year. I went from Graphic Design to a 10 month photography school that teaches you 2 years worth of stuff. Lots of 8am-1am days, running around, had a fractured leg, passed portfolio review first time (good thing too because if you fail re-review you don't graduate), graduated and now a professional photographer that's been unemployed for 4 months thanks to the lovely economy. :pinkbow:

  20. Hewwo! :pinkbow:


    Cuuute I didn't know we had this smiley :camping:


  21. :naughty: I was late on catching up with comments from my WAG video. I haven't been there to see if there's anymore but I noticed that not long ago it got more views. Maybe Mika? I wish. :naughty:


    I... I... I love Love Today! :shocked::teehee: It's very catchy! That's hilarious that after you found out Grace Kelly was by him you went and bought the album. :lmfao:


    As for me, I was at college and someone I used to be friends with wanted me to go to someone else's dorm because he had something to show us. It was the LICM CD. I asked to burn it to my iTunes because my computer had crashed and I lost ALL my music. I had no clue how to get stuff of my ipod back to my computer and was going nuts without music. He let me and I listened to it for weeks on end. Fell in love then him and I went to Mika's first Boston concert and I bought my own CD there and got a wristband to meet Mika. :teehee:

  22. *creeps onto your MFC wall*

  23. I'm going to bed soon so if I disappear that's why. :bleh:

  24. Do you get panic attacks often? :dunno:

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