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Everything posted by Sarina

  1. Ah...LOL! you told you are half italian and...don't know why...I thought you moved to US =P
  2. Yes...Dory is so cool!!! Thank you for your words! But, don't worry, I appreciate that, but you don't need to humiliate yourself!I don't want that for sure *hugs!* I'm out too!It's late and I'm so sleepy! Thank you Kierana and findingmywords!You're very kind!
  3. You're brave I must say! Lol...I guess I have to think "seriously" about that! And then...find a mic But...please...be patience if, during the conversation, you need to repeat everything because I don't understand...LOL OR...if I have to ask "please...could you speak slowly?" and everyone have to speak like Dory in the "Finding Nemo" cartoon when she spoke with the whale OF COURSE! *put some nutella on her arms!* huumm....seems a bit naughty...LOL!
  4. Awwwwww:wub2: Thank you *send hugs*
  5. Aww..thank you *waves* You're really really kind but...really...I never speak english unless when I was in London time ago...so...I think it's really TOO dangerous for me to do that...LOL!Shocking! ehehe...
  6. too shy to do that and my english is too bad to speak in a public place *go to hide herself* but maybe one day...
  7. Must be bad don't fit in the place you live... Why did you move to US? Just curious!
  8. Ahah...MA...sounds fine of course but my dream is NY...
  9. I'd like to live in US too!!
  10. LOL! I can say that for some italian people too
  11. I understand! It makes sense! And thank about my english....*blush*
  12. sorry...my bad english...I meant if they were rich before Mika's success
  13. I think the same...maybe he doesn't want to talk about his father but I'm wondering why! We know that all his family except for his father follow him during his concerts and stuff...maybe his father is too busy with his job?? Another question, is Mika's family rich? I just learn reading here that Mika's father is an international banker.. I'm wonering that because must be expensive to make music and all things linked to this...(but maybe I'm wrong) He lives in parent's basement...cutie
  14. me too...i'd like one "portable" Mika but...wow...what a big head...
  15. OMG...I read all reports and saw all pictures! I'm so happy for you all!!
  16. Awwwwwww what amazing pictures and report! THank you so much!
  17. Wow..........speedy!!! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much for who moved us to OWN Mika server...EXCLUSIVE!!!
  18. OMG thank you for those amazing reports! I enjoy the reading! And what about those pictures...AMAZING! THANKYOU!
  19. OMG! I love all pictures! He's so sweet!He seems really sorry for his fans under a "torrential" rain! Poor thing :wub2:
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