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Everything posted by MIKA_OBESSED

  1. Wow!Those are awesome pics! He's so funny!I love that!
  2. How do you get one of those!? Well,it's probably in London or UK or something,so I wouldn't be able to anyway.
  3. 37%. Aubrey and Mika...but I don't even belive in that stuff.The internet things that see if your compatible.
  4. It was my first time seeing him to! I didn't stick around for the second show,because the weather was crap and me,my dad and mom were tired because we had to wake up at 3:30 in the morning.But it was still an amazing time!
  5. Oh my god!That's kinda cute! And the Lollipop girl,and even Billy Brown! That's funny.
  6. Oh I saw you there! Cool,you got a picture with Clerice!(sp?)
  7. Is it ok with you to share with the rest of us MFCers?
  8. That's actully how close I got to him,but it didn't happen...
  10. I was SOOOO CLOSE to huggingand getting a picture with him,but his manager,(I think)kept yelling that he has an appointment and COULD NOT be late. Mika..Me. THAT'S HOW CLOSE!!
  11. I DESPRETLY wanted to be in the front,but had to be in the backish.I was near the drummer.(I don't know her name)
  12. I have light red hair,yellow shirt,light blue shorts,a rainbow scarve,and a Tamagotchi.If you don't remember that,I'll post a pic of me in line at the concert.
  13. Yesterday I saw Mika on GMA.( )That day when I got home from the concert,I missed him.This morning,I missed him EVEN MORE!It's like once you see Mika you wanna see him all the time!Have you ever missed Mika after a gig?
  14. I want Mika back in America again! I wanna see him!
  15. My god he's cute! His hair looks good still,though! HE'S TO CUTE!!
  16. LOL!! He's so cute! "It took me two ****ing years to fugure out what he was saying!"
  17. 4!Well,techniclly 3. In Order: Love Today. Big Girl. Lollipop.(twice!)
  18. This is actually Mika_Obessed's Mom. well it all worked out. Arrived at 5:20am, stood in line (about 46ish) then the GMA rep (Sara) I believe made the WONDERFUL announcement that VIP letters will be accepted. As time went by the VIP's were lined up and ID's checked. One by one the band starting in for sound checks. We finally got in just before 8am. Mika was concerned for the lot outside getting wet, so he started writing signs to them. So, the weather sucks. was on of them. Then he wrote "We are working on it" Later was, within the hour, that he would give an acoustic show later in the day. Mika really worked the room not only whilst performing but during the waiting bits. We were tucked in near Cherriece (?) He came over to sign stuff. He gave one of my daughters a highfive and the other daughter he signed her Mika sign. I asked about his home schooling experience and he said he did it about a year then went back. I told him that we home school and he said home schooling was great. I wish we would have stuck it out and gone to the other free gig, but we were pretty beat up after waking up at 3:30am (I personnaly on had two hours sleep) I wonder if I could write some questions for him and him mom about home schooling and what she had to do to get him out for that year. Anyone know how I could get about doing that? He is even more endearing (if that is possible) in person. And he really is 6'2" I was a little worried that the height was fudged, but they might do that more in Hollywood than in the music world. The girls and I are having Mika withdrawl Little surprised at myself frankly, but that is the power MIKA HUGE KODUS to the Admin. for being quick and accurate not to mention helpful and accommodating.
  19. Oh my god! I was at the GMA gig today!I was SOOOOO close to hugging Mika and taking a pic with him,but his manager kept telling the fans he had to go to an apointment and COULD NOT be late. I was one person away from him knowing I'm the one for him!
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