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Everything posted by Moonlightchild

  1. If that is true, it would take almost another year. You know what I don't understand;can some one explain this to me please. why did he first recorded demo's and after that the real thing. Does it always go like that? I always thought demos where for unknown artist,to send them to record companies to get a contract.
  2. And the red pants and the Suspenders. Maybe they are right about that one:naughty:
  3. Could you believe the same old story It (bores me) though I've heard it all before Her name was Georgia and she was gorgeous When she had all the (bible?) get to know That's probebly not it but maybe it can be aa help for you for an other word that sounds like it
  4. Thank you all for the reports,videos,pictures,lyrics,searching for stuff,... I've been enjoying this thread for days now. Every day a little(huge)part. Sorry for my late "thank yous" but I was always thinking,when I'm at the end I thank everybody. I just couldn't think it would take me this long to get through it. Anyway.... Thank you all very,very much!!!!!!!
  5. *feels like a zombie*I'm off too, need some sleep,
  6. same here,I want to go to sleep but can't leave the screen
  7. OH:naughty: I thought you were somewhere very different when you said you might miss out on the european gigs.....sorry...must be my befuddled brain! I understand your confusion. I was say that because a lot more people will be at a gig in Europe from MFC and with twitter it will be hard to follow them all while on the MFC. Oh,I'm tired,I hope you understand what I mean. BTW;I :taz:wanne hear the music!!!!
  8. So it IS the middle of the night:naughty: Where are you? Belgium(europe)
  9. it's ok,I don't have to work tomorrow,we have holidays here till next Monday
  10. I know,its a bit frustrating. I was wondering how it will be if the gigs are in Europe. I would be scared that I'm not following everyone on the gig and so miss a lot.
  11. I really hope we can hear some new music or I will really cry.
  12. I'm getting hyper,I'm so nervous,I've never been so nervous for reports. oh my stomach,this is not normal
  13. I know what you mean,I hate my laste name. I always find it a plus when a guy I date has a good lastname that fits my firstname. I know,it's stupid but somehow important for me because I hate my own one.
  14. yes,that's why we call it that,it looks a bit like it.
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