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Everything posted by casso_77

  1. Le prin...quoi??? Ça existe alors? Ce n'est pas une légende? Il reste un mini-peu de neige sur notre terrain. Les perce-neige de ma voisine sont sortis, ça donne espoir!
  2. I'm in too! . I'll come to the second show for sure, don't know if I'll go to the first one yet... We'll see
  3. Happy dance!! My daughter might be going to Montreal's Games (a sports competition event for kids) in judo the same day... I'm going to cry!!! I'll try to do both!!
  4. Bienvenue!! I was at the show too, but further away since I had my daughter with me Glad you liked the flags, cathouzouf and me cut a lot of them Elise
  5. The only time I've had a dream with Mika in it, I asked him to help my students who were washing the dishes!
  6. Great reading all you guys! I had a really good experience too, even if I did not stay with the mfc gals for the day. I had my 6 years old daughter with me, so of course she and my friend's daughter went to almost every games available on the site! She was supposed to go back at my inlaw's home for the dinner and the show, but we never got hold of my FIL and she stayed with us. She was soooo tired, poor little thing! We were further back than the others, but I brought my big zoom with me! I loved the face he made when he saw the flags everybody was waving!! He had one of the fabric I did on stage, yeah!!! (I've cut LOADS of them!! ) In the meet and greet, I was on the back too, and missed a little of the conversation, but I was happy when I told that he love the fabric squares idea! So here are the picture overload!
  7. I found for you this website, with a couple of hotel in St-Jean: http://www.regiondesaint-jean-sur-richelieu.com/en/Hotels-&-Motels.php Hope this helps!
  8. Super bonne nouvelle aujourd'hui!! Je serai au show certain!! J'espère pouvoir me reprendre et rencontrer quelques-unes d'entre vous au spectacle! Je n'étais pas allée au souper avant celui de la PDA (comme je venais de savoir que je faisais une fausse-couche le moral n'était pas là ), mais si jamais vous faites quelque chose du même style, j'aimerais bien y participer!
  9. Yes they said he will be back! He'll do the two titles you said, and Big Girls too! My oldest is sick and had a major coughing scene when he was signing Happy Ending, my favorite song!!!
  10. It's not even wikipedia, it's a kind of wiki where fans share infos, so yeah it's not official at all, and it's probably just someone writing something she/he wants... This songs selection looks a lot like the ones they sang at regionals and I don't think the Jesse thing the person wrote could be true either... But I just wanted to share it anyway Once, a episode spoiler was so spot-on and detailled a week before airing, it was like reading the script! But I agree that the more the episode is far in time, the more it's likely to be false!
  11. Ok, I don't know if it's real information or not (maybe the person just wrote what she/he would like to hear), but look at the comments of users on this page: http://glee.wikia.com/wiki/Nationals Someone wrote that ND will sing We are Golden at Nationals!
  12. Hey vous avez essayé ça les filles hier?? Ça fonctionnait super bien! http://blog.akiletour.fr/2011/01/18/lancer-de-leau-brulante-a-30-degres/ Ça a impressionné pas mal d'enfants hier
  13. Hihihi! Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas un autre chiffre avant
  14. Moi aussi c'est une de mes chansons préférées de Noël!!! Joyeux Noël à toutes!
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