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Everything posted by casso_77

  1. Au moins tu es juste derrière eux Vous nous enverrez des byebye 3-4 rangées en arrière Je suis certaine qu'on va super bien voir pareil....
  2. I just received some infos about our seats! We're DD 1 and 3.... hope that's in the middle... how about you girls??? ETA: yep in the middle! http://laplacedesarts.com/userfiles/File/pdf_salles/wpp_plans.pdf
  3. Merci les filles Si elle (il?) est comme ma fille, oui! Ma cocotte de 3 ans et demi l'appelle "le chanteur drôle à maman" et est persuadée que c'est Dora qui chante dans Lollipop... Je ne lui enlève pas ses illusions ////// My 3.5 year old dd calls him "mom's funny singer" and is sure that it is Dora that sings in Lollipop...
  4. Can I come too?? Pretty please? Hey does someone knows when we'll know what seats we are in? Je vais venir au concert avec une de mes amies, mais une nouvelle personne s'est rajoutée aujourd'hui.... j'ai une micro-crevette dans le bedon Personne le sait à part mon chum, mes parents et une de mes amies...
  5. Yeah it's a pretty good compact camera ... what I find hard to deal with is the noise at high ISOs compared to the 5d, and the fact that it's slower... it's hard not to compare Is there somewhere where we can read your articles? Maybe you could cover a gig with a press card
  6. Hi! Yeah I bought it with the MFC pre-sale, but at around 4:30, because I was working before... I'm a teacher and I changed school, and my new class is a real mess!!!! No time for computer if I want to be ready for my students... ...
  7. I have the Canon 5D.... so security wouldn't like me either I bought myself a small Canon G10 recently, for when I don't want to bring all of my stuff... Do you do a lot of photography?
  8. Thanks everyone! Guylaine héhé oui je me déniaise... I even put an avatar picture! whoo-hoo Unfortunately not really, my camera is big so I don't think I can sneak it inside... I'll bring my small one for some souvenirs, but that's it....
  9. I'm going too!! I'm going to miss a photography course for that, but I don't care You don't really know me, but I want to make myself a little place here and not be a lurker anymore... if I can Elise
  10. Salut! Merci du bonjour :)


    Je viens rarement... juste une fois de temps en temps, alors je ne suis pas trop connue... ;)

  11. If someone's interested, they'll be playing each night (well....5h30pm) at the Montreal Jazz Fest trough July 6th!
  12. Hi! There's a new group that's making its first album in Quebec.... it's so good, that they sold out every CDs they made in a week or so!! In this album, they have taken a couple of 80's song and "jazzed" it up... Here is the english resume on their myspace (it will be easier for me ! ) This acoustic trio based in Quebec city plays standards of the gipsy jazz repertoire (à la Django Reinhardt) as well as their arrangements of hits of the 80'. Their young history as a band has already seen them opening for the french guitarist Patrick Saussois and playing in two international music festivals, as well as playing live on several radio stations. They will performe at Montreal Jazz Festival this summer. http://www.myspace.com/thelostfingers Go and listen to them! I hope you will like it!
  13. ok, I'm mostly a lurker here (english is not my first language so I feel intimidated), but you don't have to wait for it.... Everyone can read it at Stephenie Meyer official site! http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/otherprojects_midnightsun.html
  14. Hey!!! It means I was a couple of rows in front of you, we saw that the wave started in our section, but higher! I LOVED the show, but next time, me and my friends will be on the general admission floor! On est peut-être rendues des matantes, mais on aimerait ça le voir de plus proche pareil! Il nous aurait fallu des jumelles, et on avait de bonnes places en plus! (rangée A, un tout petit peu vers le côté, mais plus vers le centre). La prochaine fois on va se "minder" à se faire bousculer un peu et on va essayer de "fitter" parmi les jeunesses C'est pas drôle la 30aine!!! Hihihi!
  15. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mon amie vient, en fait un de ses amis va acheter les billets en prévente demain et nous serons une petite gang de 5! On va essayer d'avoir des billets dans le début des rouges (on est des matantes, que voulez-vous ) J'ai hâte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Thank you very much!!! Merci!! Reste juste à trouver une de mes amies qui voudrait bien m'accompagner! C'est moins intéressant quand on travaille le lendemain matin et qu'on a des petits poussins qui attendent qu'on leur remplissent le crâne... Mais je ne manquerai pas ça quand même!
  17. Ouais moi aussi ça m'inquiète un tantinet... Est-ce normal que la seule chose que je peux faire quand je cliques sur "membres geg" en bas, c'est changer mes infos?? Ça sert pas à grand chose
  18. I'm sorry, but was is an EP? I don't know how to translate this... I understand it's a music cd, but what does these letters stand for? Thank you!
  19. Thanks everyone! CaroLollipop , yes she likes Mika Music, mais elle aime bien plus le cd de Passe-Partout... Cassiopée, no I didn't go to the show finally... j'aurais bien aimé voir Pascale Picard en show par contre! Cassiopée and Sunshine, thanks for the link! Elise
  20. Hello everyone! My name is Elise and I just joined the MFC today! I heard the Grace Kelly song on tv in march (when he came to Montreal), and went directly to the music store to buy the CD! I totally love his colorful vision of the word! I was a little sad he had to cancel the show in Quebec this friday, and started to surf internet to see if he had other shows around here, and found this site... A little about me: mother to the sweetest and funniest little 20months old girl, and teacher for autistic children. Thank you! PS: I hope I didn't make any faults... English is my second language!
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