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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Me too...well, I'll be free after May 14th - I think that's my last AP *shrugs*
  2. *yay hug* hehe. Yeah it was really hard, and basically everyone got C's and D's...and your right, it's only one test! I think my grade won't be effected that much...I hope How's the reading for your history test coming along? haha.
  3. Yeah I printed off my grade report and I have the worksheet (which she already passed back to us), so I'll complain tomorrow haha
  4. Ahhhh yes you have time! GRRR on my grade it says that I have a missing hw assignment, so it lowered my grade 6%, but I turned the hw in!!! AHHHHHHHH!
  5. Yeah I'm thinking about making "acceptable in the 80s" my ringtone It's so annoying, on itunes they have a little bell next to the songs that you can make into ringtones, and NONE of Mika's songs have the little bell ): And either does Take That, or The Hoosiers, or Queen (!), or anybody ):
  6. Yeah I did save some of 'em Uh huh...history tests = BLEH!
  7. Hey hey people ! ! ! Hmmm, seeing as this is the one month anniversary of you-know-what, I've been reminiscing...and I'm pretty angry with myself for not taking enough photos when in line! In fact, I only have one, and It's just me with the group behind talking so I think you can see the back of Vanessa's head. Hahaha. OMG my history test was ridiculously hard!!!
  8. Yeah I bet he's thinking of us *MIKA, THINK ABOUT US!* Heheheee. I'm doing well thankeee! Well, I'm kinda angry that I can't make ANY of Mika's songs into ring tones for my phone *stupid itunes*...I suppose I'll have to settle for...Calvin Harris...BUT I REALLY WANT LOVE TODAY!!! How are youuuu?
  9. Hi!!! hahaha timothy!!! Awww. I bet mika is thinking about all of us right now and about all of the amazingness
  10. *waves* VANESSA!!! I haven't talking to you for ages!!! Yeah leap year = confusion! Awwwwwwwwwwww post Mika depression is a chronic disorder ): I recorded it because I was out!!! But I neeeeeed to see it tomorrow! Because when I got home it was in the last 10-ish minutes and I just saw Take That win something and then I went to sleep. MUST. SEE. MIKA.
  11. Seriously? A disposable? Bloody heck haha. My digital can't even take photos like that! A whole month *faints*
  12. Wow. Notes are sometimes boring I guess. But at least you learn! My teacher hasn't taught AP before, so she's kinda confused...well not confused, she's just making everything 1000000times harder than it should be. And I cannot stand her voice! But anyways...Haha. And this is random, but I haven't had an English teacher for about 1 month now. It's really weird... BYE!!!
  13. You're in AP US too? YAY! Aw well I'm sure your class is better. We are going really fast but everyone is doing horribly on the tests because we just take notes for a few days, do some worksheets, play jeopardy, then BAM! test time. Hahaha.
  14. Ah well Friday seems like an eternity away haha. I haven't studied for this test yet! All I know is that it's about America in WW1 and yeah...oh man the AP test is going to be tough
  15. Hellooo peoples! WOW So I have a history exam tomorrow that I cannot study for because my attention span right now is really really really short... Oh wow I need to study!
  16. WHOA $300 a month?!?!?!?!?!?!? Here it's $20 a month for unlimited internet, which means I can log into the MFC anywhere
  17. Ooooh haircuts are always fun/stressful. I got my hair cut pretty short a few weeks ago yayyyyy
  18. hey California:wink2: I'm on the Internet on my new phone hehehe
  19. Oh the CAHSEE, I remember that! It's sooo boring, you'll do amazingly well on it though, really easy (: I remember my essay prompt, it was something like "Write about your fave. place in the world" haha. I'm going to the Ducks hockey game! sorry ):
  20. YEP!!! Hehehehehe (: Probably, I was just really hyper earlier, but I have to take a practice ACT tomorrow morning, so I'm not in such a great mood... bleh. yepppppp I haven't used it yet though because it hasn't been activated but I'm excited
  21. Awwwwww. Yeah that's kinda how I feel! In one way, I'm terrified at the prospect of driving, but on the other hand, all of my friends are great drivers, so I think I'll be ok! YAY!!! Wow, you got it already!!! Hehehehe yeaaaaaaaay!!! I'm SO glad that you can (: Hahaha um, someone by the name of Mica? no, Michael?...no, I can't think of it! Haha YAY!!! It's going to be AMAZINGGGG!!! WOOOO !!! I am doing great (: For some reason I feel like I've digressed a year...I kinda feel more childish, because I couldn't stop laughing today for no reason haha. AH I GOTS ME A NEWW PHONEEE
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