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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Hey everyone!!! Yeah Vanessa we'll find time really soon to hang out!!! This weekend is a bit busy, but I might find time on Sunday! And next weekend I'm going to be in Palm Desert, and the next weekend I'm free, then the next weekend I hope I'll see youuuuuuuu a mi casa hahaha. WOOOOOO I just completed the first lesson of online drivers class (: (yeah I know, I'm a year and a half behind)
  2. OMG I love puppies <3 hehehehehe thanks!!! I think I'm going to name ALL of them Mika
  3. Hehehe. Um well on Saturday I'm taking a practice ACT then going to a study group with my Chemistry class, and on Sunday I think I'm free until 3:30-ish...I think!
  4. Vanessa!!! Thank you for the phone message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. browwwwwnnnnniiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeessssssssssss yuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. THANKS EVERYONE!!! yeah I'm having a fun birthday so far, but I haven't opened many prezzies yet so I have that to look forward to (: Hahah that's so funny that you had a dream about making this thread
  7. YAY MULTIPLE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!! Hehehe yeh my friends are pretty awesome (: I think someone took a photo of the lollipop cake, so I'll probably scan that photo too Oh and my Spanish teacher is pretty cool too. She assigned homework for tonight, but she's giving me automatic credit for it because it's my birthday YAY NO TAREA DE ESPANOL ESTE NOCHE! Awww, I'm sorry that your friends forgot your birthdays ): That's not very nice of them! But we can celebrate your birthdays now! haha.
  8. OH my gosh you guys I had the most fun at school today! haha. First, two of my friends who I gave LICM to made me a card with all photos of Mika and it's so cute and they gave me chocolates, then one of my friends who also likes Mika made me an AMAZING cake that was in the shape of a lollipop and made a card with Mika photoshopped into a photo of us (: AHHHHH hahhaa it was amazing, I'll upload the scans of the cards because they are sooooo cute
  9. Ahaha I guess it is kinda funn But yeah I'm allergic to cats, and I have cats...so it's not good haha. And my severest allergy is to grass...which is everywhere haha. It's a good thing I'm not allergic to Mika
  10. Bleh I despise allergies! I'm allergic to basically everything that grows or is alive
  11. Hahahahaha yeppppp. ¿Que News? Ahahahaha. 29th eeeeeeeeeeee
  12. Yeah I think I'm going to send her a message!!! And we would have to get tickets and scream the whole entire time!!! AHH!!! Haha. Hehe I'm good thanks (: I'm enjoying the last day of being 16 ahhahah by doing lots of homework, bleh! How are you???
  13. Good afternoon everyone!!! (: I was thinking, wouldn't it be amazing if Mika was the guest on the Ellen show!!! Ah it would be so cool !
  14. Mika3Maniac


    Heya! Welcome to the club!!!
  15. Yeah I agree. This and facebook take up too much time. But I have so much fun here so it's ok
  16. Yeah it does! I went to school on that day lol but my last class ends at 12:20 so it was okey hahah.
  17. I know!!! I love her show! My mom was in the audience back in October *jealous* I was at school hmph.
  18. Hmmmph I'm sad that I missed it BUT American Idol is on tonight eeeeeeee davidddd hahaha. OOOH I learned how to salsa and chacha today at school ahha.
  19. yes you do lol Ahahaa yeah it's pretty cool, and it actually works! Anyways, I gotta go "type" it up now haha. talk to you laterssssssssssss
  20. Awwwwww don't worry! As everyone who has posted above has said, we're all here for each other (wow that sounds awfully cheesy), but it's true. High school can be academically and socially tough sometimes, but you have to try to think of the positive things in your life, even though I know it's hard ):
  21. awww haha. I had to research something so I could type up an essay, but now I can "type" it while watching tv because I have this system where I can write using a special pen in this special notebook and plug it into my comp and it turns it into typing haha it's so cool. (btw you'll be receiving something in the mail from me in the next few days ) hahaa
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