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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Ahahaha I'm a ninja when it comes to posting Oh yeah that would be coolio
  2. Wooo I hope I get a thread dedicated to my birthday ahahahahaha jk
  3. OOOOOH HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!! !!! !!! :] Doin' well thanksss. I went to the bookstore and looked at the picture of Mika in Vogue for about 1 hour hehehe
  4. Ok here I go! : Since hearing Mika for the first time last February (wow it's been a year) I have been completely obsessed, and much happier. His music has really made me a much happier person. I've never been a big fan of music as those dreary love songs and intense heavy metal stuff makes my head hurt, BUT after finding Mika I have realized how amazing music is. His songs, style, and personality are so genuine and I can't believe someone that amazing actually exists! The best day of my life so far has been when I went to see Mika live in concert (as you can see from my siggy). After soooo long I finally got to watch him in the flesh ahah! AMAZINGNESS!!! It was like a huge partyyy...AND that brings me to the MFC. I've been reading the forums since about March and finally joined in June, but then lost my password, so I re-joined in August tadaaaa. I LOVE everyone here and I've made so many new friends It's so great. Yes, I'm sad that LICM has come to an end...but really has it? I mean we still have the singles and the album and the dvd and the memories so it will live on FOREVER!!! And I am so looking forward to the next album because I know Mika will not disappoint. He's extremely talented, so anything that he creates will be fabulous Yay!!! :]
  5. Yay I'm glad it went well! Eh who needs mics anyways!
  6. Oh cool!!! Being a Senior must be fun/stressful...haha. awww I love parkssssss Yay!!! Well yeah but I don't know how I'm supposed to get into rated R movies without ID...because I'm so not carrying my passport around with me all of the time haha. GOOD LUCK!!! AND HAVE FUN!!!! YAAAY!!!
  7. Woooooo. Are you a junior? I knowww sometimes I want to go to the park and go on the swings but I can't because I can't really fit on the little swings anymore Ehehehehe.
  8. Hehehe. The big 1 7 yeaaah. I still feel like I'm 12...'tis strange how the years have passed...I blame it on school
  9. Heyey everyone Yay one day left then it's the weekend (: and my birthday is in 7 days
  10. Heyhey!!! AH So I just had a slightly scary experience: I joined the Hoosiers fan club. And so far the people there aren't as welcoming and friendly as the MFCers . I posted in the introduction thread about 3 hours ago and there are no replies. When I joined the MFC I had like 10 replies within the first 5 minutes...*cry* At least I'm back at home now with you guys...I don't think I'll be visiting that fan cite very often...
  11. Yeah hahaha that rendition was kinda annoying because he kept saying "door door door door". I'm gooooooooooooood hahaha and kinda annoyed
  12. Wow haha I've seen this about 10 times and it makes me laugh every time! Haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uod8v6lTTOU
  13. It's 264 I think, or something like that, but I have satellite tv.
  14. Oh my goodness, it WAS two weeks ago!!! It seems like it just happened yesterday...uhh I have to go cry now...I miss the memories
  15. Yeah Johnny Depp is way too good for the Academy Awards anyways, just like how Mika is waaaaaay too good for the Grammy Awards [: Brit Awards March 9th 8pm, BBC America
  16. I hope you move here too!!! I was doing fine until about 1 minute ago when they announced the academy award for best actor...*hmmph johnny depp should have won*
  17. Oh it was so funny, I remember turning on my tv and all of a sudden I hear "and now I'm with Mika" and I was like WHAAA!?!! MIKA IS ON TV IN AMERICA!!! WOOOO!!! ahaha.
  18. Ah yeah I usually do all of my homework on Saturdays, but I was tired yesterday (I had the whole week off of school so I went on two holidays) so all of my homework is left to do today. Oh well, it's pretty easy stuff anyways hahah thanks. I keep imagining that I'm seeing Mika walk down the red carpet, but obviously he's not there. I'm just waaay too obsessed.
  19. So this is in the march edition of Vogue, not teen vogue, right? *runs out to buy a copy*
  20. Hahah I'm in love with Jon Stewart, so I'll be watching it, but I also have to do SO MUCH HOMEWORK!!! eeeeeekkk!
  21. *bump bump bump* who is watching the academy awards?!?!?! haha
  22. hahaha you'll have to do a bunch of random posts to get there quickly!!!
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