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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Hi!!! Welcome to the MFC!!! Come and join the California thread!!! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1230717#post1230717
  2. YEPPPPPPPPPP AHAHAHA eeeeeeeee I get so excited over birthdays, even if it's not my own. But when it's my own I go craaaazyyyyy!
  3. Hey everyone!!! YEAH CHAPTER 2 of amazingness hahaha. How's everyone today??? p.s. GUESS WHAT'S IN TWO DAYS!!!
  4. YEP!!! >>> http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1230717#post1230717 <<<
  5. HEYA!!! So this is the continuation of the awesome thread "Calling all Californians" http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8946&page=189. Here we can talk about random stuff, but most importantly, discuss how amazing Mika is!!! YEAH! (Non-Californians are also welcome )
  6. Ok I will! Wooo we'll have a new hang out spot!
  7. Helloooooo Californiaaaaaaaa... Do you think that we should make a new thread like "Calling all Californians: Take 2" or something, because this thread is quite large now
  8. Awwwwwwww that's ok, you can just stay all night but not go to sleep, then it's not technically a "sleep over".
  9. The Hoosiers' fans are slightly mean also, well not "mean" but no where near as nice as MIKA FANS!!! WOO WOO UNITE!!!
  10. Yes. Yes it would. That's why it's gonna happen in the very near future, and it will be epic
  11. Totally. When I get something signed by, touched by, or breathed on by Mika, I will take it with me everywhere I go, and then clone it and freeze the cloned copy so that it will last forever
  12. Well we've been thinking for a while that we should have a mega-MFC-Mika get together at the Irvine Spectrum...in Irvine...lol. Because it would be amazing
  13. It HAS to be Mika's thumbprint...does it look like his thumb? (Creepiness rating: 10) Oh great haha.
  14. Yeah I wear my Mika pin everyday and my teachers kinda...are creeped out. Haha. YAY official or unofficial, we are still ~teh coolest~! Ahaha. I have no idea when this spectrum thing is gonna happen, but it's gonna be amazing
  15. Wow...well actually, I kinda didn't wash my clothes for...a week...Yeah I suppose we are all just so cool like that. Seriously, Mika if you are reading this, please DO NOT file for restraining orders...we are perfectly harmless *smile*
  16. Awww, I agree. That's so nice of you!!! Spreading the Mika joy :]
  17. I love this place too! *group hug!* AWWWWWW.
  18. Well I though being official just meant that we would have a link on Mikasounds and his myspace page, and just recognition I guess. Yeah true. Because we are still going to have an amazing time on this website eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. HEY!!! !!! !!! WOOO 3 WEEKS! It still seems like yesterday *sigh* hmmm, best night ever :]
  20. Awww. OoOoO so because we joined when the MFC was unofficial, we're going to get benefits??? YAY! Ehehee. Hmm, maybe their going to wait till my birthday to officially announce officialness ahahaha
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