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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. We don't call it soda or pop.... Its soft drink here
  2. Exactly... or conversations about the new thongs your wearing... where some people think your giving TMI
  3. Another one I just learnt. 3/4s..as in jeans that sit about halway up the calves. Everyone I know calls them 3/4....I only rarely hear them called capris like the americans call them And another thing thongs in australia = flip flops. Not g-strings (which can lead to interesting conversations if you don't clarify that you're talking about shoes)
  4. We get alot of American movies...alot. We do get a few aussie films occasionally thought
  5. Ah yes thats a misunderstanding.. We dont have kangaroos roaming around everywhere (theres some up where I live, nearly hit one once, Canberra has lots etc) but mostly its certain places. Rural places mostly. The suburbs and the metro area doesnt have any apart from the zoo (and we dont ride them to school or have them deliver our mail, though we spread the rumours )
  6. That is bizarre... I've done that before with a few people... its so weird
  7. I know.. its so weird... Sometimes i jump on having gotten up and people are going to bed
  8. 1 in the afternoon... Such a quiet peaceful time, to sit down with my kabana topped pizza
  9. Thats it entirely... The fact that it is only.. *glances at clock* uh 4? in the morning there has nothing to do with it
  10. Hmm.... we'll have to wait for some british people to arrive to answer that one
  11. I see... We get a few Maccas around, Bazzas, Kezza, Shazza and Lazza as well... Their popular Bogan-ish nicknames
  12. Uh uh Maccas all the way. Why waste the extra syllable... so much easier to say
  13. Pants and trousers are the same here as well... Where are they different? I'd find it odd to call it differntly Okay, a simple one is McDonalds.. Alot of aussies I know tend to call it Maccas (less syllables)... others have never heard it referred to as this. Micky Ds is an obvious one as well
  14. Ah yes... I remember this one coming up We use cookies and biscuits pretty similar here... but your biscuits are kind of similar to scones from the sound...(less sugary etc)
  15. I have regular noticed when talking to people overseas that words that seem common to me, often aren't used over there of have different meanings. Things such as Jelly, jello, jam, preserve and conserve drama Or trying to explain what a bogan is (which is a oft used Aussie term). And Crisps and chips So I thought I would start a thread What words are often used in your country but you find yourself having to explain on here? What sentences or phrases are misunderstood and you have to repeat or search for an image to explain yourself? Maybe this thread will help with understanding. I feel I have learnt a lot on here as is, and am eager for some more learning
  16. Wow you guys are totally at part 3 stage postwise:wink2:
  17. I've only had mine for a short while, and if the offer was there then I'd go for it (However, I only want Mikas genes for my future children, being with him would be too problemaic and would totally ruin everything)
  18. Any idea if the song has been given a name by Mika yet, or if it still only has the ones we call it (namely how much, or how much do you love me)
  19. Yep... looks like Mikas sleeping What do you spy then?
  20. I spy Mika with a street sign
  21. I was going to start this this morning Looks like someone bet me too it
  22. Does this count I spy Mika in purple pants
  23. Thanks for letting me know, I'll reupload it later...
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