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Status Updates posted by guylainem123

  1. we are not what you think we are .... We are golden! We are golden!!!!


    oh hello freddie! just practicing my singing for Oct. 13. ;o) xx

  2. hi! i am not going to the Toronto gig, but the Montreal one. i received my ticket last Thursday. Someone has to sign for the tickets. the name of the company is Sandbags. Leaving a message with them is the best way and they do get back fairly fast. I will see if i can find out more for you. They did say that tickets would be sent approximately 2 weeks before the gig.

  3. then i'll do the same... being me and all ;o) xx

  4. HUH??? what does that mean? you are spying on my wall?

  5. lol i just approved you

  6. il est 1h53 du matin!!! va te coucher!!! ;o) xx

  7. laugh his head off. well nite! see u later! xx

  8. 18 years old lol

    took 3 of us 6 hours!

  9. lol last year we did that to my son's bedroom... didn't you see the pictures?

  10. lol he was in his 30s.... they were just covering his entire front yard! this year, his wife asked my sons to fill his car with balloons while he is sleeping :lmao:

  11. really? ha! wouldn't surprise me! i remember once, it was my neighbor's birthday and his friends had planted over 100 of them on his front yard with a sign that said "happy birthday" :lmao:

  12. that bird is blue???? huh... could have sworn it was bright pink!

  13. OMG! maybe i'm cured then!

  14. well... the only thing is that mfc is a diffent color now... that isn't a symptom on the list!

  15. :lmao: noooooooo i'm not that witty in english! it must be the cool calming pills you gave me to carry me away! ha! can i have more?
  16. of course!!!! mr zapper!!!! say... why is there 2 of you and 6 of him?

  17. ROFL your words!!!! not mine!!! say... can i borrow your little friend??? :lmao:

  18. oh ok nurse! where are we going?

  19. lol i think you'd do a great job!!! say... is that a stun gun behind your back?

  20. :lmao: not to mention that we used crayolas to repaint the mikafanclub over the weekend... it was hard work!
  21. lol i was letting my hair down too!! ROFL!! i think it's funny! i spammed you hehehehe

  22. :teehee: a lady never tells! ;o)
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