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Everything posted by guylainem123

  1. I should fly to Montréal just to try their poutine... mmmm poutine!! we have all kinds now... italian poutine (which is with spaghetti sauce), chicken poutine, poutine with hotdogs in them etc... myself, i prefer the regular poutine... once in a while, not too often though! i prefer good old french fries with mayo
  2. lol i knew that one... my friend had told me! i though that was so funny! he had sent me a care package from aussie, in exchange for one from canada. i sent him maple syrup & he sent me vegemite!!! OMG that stuff is.. i don't know ... very hard to describe! i'm sure it takes an acquired taste!
  3. i remember asking the same question to a friend of mine that lives in perth, he explained it like this... it is just like our deer and caribous.. they are not everywhere, but can be hit when travelling. oh and by the way, we do not live in igloos in canada lol i've never really seen one ;o) (i used to get asked that question when i had penpals in my teenage years
  4. because hubby speaks english, i know the difference between biscuits and cookies... however, to make matters worse, in french (which is what i am) biscuits means cookies ... see why my kids are completely messed up, poor things!!?? hahaha:naughty:
  5. THERE'S SO MUCH SNOW. dsafksjdfksfd i second that one... was out shoveling 1 hour ago... should go back again otherwise we wont be able to walk!! thank god the jeep is in the garage! it is horrible outside... suppose to get another 30cm!! think we got about 30cm already! hmmm + another 30cm you do the math!!!! i can't even see on the other side of the road!
  6. i bought 3 copies...they are all the same 2 from ebay (somewhere in indiana) - xmas gifts 1 from canada - xmas gift to me... couldn't wait anymore since it was "from me to me", i gave myself permission to watch it the minute i got home... :naughty:
  7. is that "chicken" soup? that should help wendi feel better in no time! get well soon wendi! guylaine, montreal:thumb_yello:
  8. funny thing happened to me last thursday at work where i work, there is 3 companies but 1 receptionnist. when she goes on a coffee break, she transfers the calls to me. (the joys of being bilingual & having a phone voice!) so the phone rang, and it was a customer from florida wanting to talk to a sales rep. i had to take a message. soooooo he gives me his name and rest of info... he tells me his name is Bill Brown. soo... i kinda went silent on him. and he then said to me... oh dear... u know that song too huh? i said yes. he said it caused him a bit of a problem. his business cards used to read Billy Brown, he had them reprinted with William Brown, but every one calls him Billy. he thought that calling to Canada he could use Bill as his name without anyone knowing about it! he says he won't take that change anymore, even when he is calling out of the country hehehe.. thought it was funny! (he didn't think it was :roftl: )
  9. hello mes amis canadians does anyone know if there is an opening act for mika in montreal? does anyone know who?
  10. hahahahaha you are funny! but it is true! imagine if that was our face... i would feel so self concious!
  11. that's what they said on the radio! i have to travel on sunday too.... hopefully i can get out of it:naughty:
  12. ok... it was -20 celcius when i woke up this morning and they predict 40 cm of snow on sunday!!! and it isn't even officially winter yet!! mika better get his mom a very warm coat for january:naughty:
  13. get well soon wendi!! this place needs you!!!
  14. i just have to thank you for doing this! i just love to hear his interviews and this one is quite long and cute i would not have been able to hear this without your hard work! so thanks again!! :punk:
  15. hi there wish i could help you, but i don't know "life in toronto" i live in montreal. when i go to toronto, i only do the "tourist" thing... you know, visit cn tower i know in montreal, you can live without a car, i assume you can in toronto as well. you are right, we love mika. canadians in general are very polite and well behaved people... you should enjoy it!
  16. i'm on the floor as well. i'm bringing my 2 sons girlfriends, my niece and my son's friend to the concert (christmas gifts made easy) hehe my sons did not want to go unfortunately... they like mika but not enough to go to a concert. they want to go to lincoln park or something like that. i will be getting there around 5 p.m. the girls have go to school that day, so i have to wait til they all get home and then i can pick them up. i asked for my tickets express post, but i haven't received them yet... does anyone know how long it takes?
  17. oh that's true... i forgot all about the americans duhhhhh!! (how could i...!! sorry!)
  18. lol yes, but i'm sure most will be rushing for work and not on here
  19. that's nice! maybe we'll get to meet... are you on the floor?
  20. i'm not sure if anyone else does this, but whenever there is a Mika concert happening in europe, with the time difference, the details and nitty gritty of every concert are available in early evening. when we get our concerts... say in montreal, i'll get home at about 1:00 a.m. latest, which is when most of europe will just be waking up... there will be no one eating popcorn online and dying for our posts during the evening that's what time zone does !
  21. has anyone else notice how much they are playing Mika on the radio at the moment? it went from once a day to 4 to 6 times a day!! ever so cool! i'm not complaining
  22. i tend to agree with you... there is a conflict happening. but you know what... he can get away with it... i couldn't!!!
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