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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  2. Jeg ville elsket å bli spammet! Jeg syns det er kjempe moro. Du har jo nummeret mitt og
  3. Good night Wendi! Sleep well!! Why did I just get this amazing image of us wearing them on our chins in the pouch, and then it tied over our head so they'd be sticking out? We could keep our change in it!
  4. I hope so. I need to see our darling boy again. That's fantastic. I should have posted a warning. Oh dear I shall. Thank you for the lovely advice.
  5. I'll be sitting on my couch knitting a bunch and sending them to you all for a right laugh. We can bring them to shows as an 'official mark of the knitters'
  6. Exactly! to Mum again! Though I'm hoping I'll be able to be allowed to go to Glasgow for a week in summer due to the denial now. So some good may come from it.
  7. Oh dear. What did he say? Of course not! I can't joke of such things. To make matters worse; my friends mum had knitted some for easter that looked like chickens. She's going to teach me how to make them properly next time because I was laughing too hard.
  8. No; but I met them at the Mika show in Norway [i even had travel companions from Norway!] and I could have easily given numbers.
  9. I live in Norway, so it'd be a short two hour planeride away. I had a ticket, money and a place to stay, and people to meet so there wasn't really much to worry about. Annoying Mum. That's okay though.
  10. *grumbles and bends you over my back; then hands knitting needles and yarn* Which reminds me. I was talking to my friends mother who knits and she told me about Hand knitted cockwarmers. My thoughts immediately jumped to Mika because of the knitting thread. [of course ] And made me all While she was all
  11. She doesn't think it's worth it to fly to a different country to see him I guess.
  12. Oh so I seem younger than I am? That's wicked cool. I'll come arrest muggers and robbers for a few days if I can come to Loondon.
  13. Can't wait to see you there. I guess that's what it is. But I'd be missing ONE class on tuesday and then 3 on Wednesday but still. IT'S MIIIIIKA. I've dropped so many classes because they were keeping me up so much that I got sick with worry and refused to go to school, so I have to wait until I'm 23 until I can go to uni anyway so I don't see why I can't just go. I have the money and ticket! I'm still so upset.
  14. Mum's the same way!! She thinks it's just going to fade away that in a few months time I'll have completely forgotten about him. She won't even listen to any songs by him. I went to my first concert at 16 to Green Day, with my dad. Then I went to little concerts like, local shows. Mum thought I was too young when I wanted to go to a festival at 18; but I went anyway. And she thought I was too young to go see Mika on my own as well.
  15. Mum said I was far too obsessed with him and that he was just an artist! That I'd had a lot of minor obsessions before. But nothing has been like Mika!
  16. I've had a bunch of good good cries over it. D: Jealous! Alright. That settles it. Knitting night in my 40m2 flat!
  17. Jeg vil ha en norsking til å sende meldinger med om Mika for jeg får aldri noen!
  18. If Mika's a bigger perv than I then we could spark quite the interesting conversation. We should invite him 'round for a knit.
  19. I'm bloody upset now over not being able to go to Loondon, but at the same time really wired working on the Mika Teapot design! What are you up to?
  20. What upsets me more is that I would really like to give him the owl necklace I wore to the gig of his I did get to go to and now I can't. *weeps* Oh well. I shall be stalking next year when I have years off before uni.
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