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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. Ooooh that'd be amazing too if Kylie was the lollipop girl
  2. I just seem to have gotten worse since meeting him. I want to meet him again so bad so I don't get jelly brain like I did last time. I know exactly what I want to say. I plan to write it down and memorize it.
  3. I love that we knew this a day before.
  4. It started off by, oh I don't even remember but someone wanted to know what their member number was, which you can find if you press your profile and look at the address and you'll see it at the end. Then it got around to talking about how many people have posted on the boards and that there are only X amount of people that have actually posted and the X that have posted over 25, X over 1000 and so on and so on.
  5. We had prom in december. I couldn't bother with paying for a ticket and a dress.
  6. Secret gig in Hanne's backyard.
  7. I'm waiting for them all. Mummers doesn't understand my excitement.
  8. Because he posted a link to it in the MFC will soon be official thread and I pressed it. Hi!
  9. there is crotch appeal. Even unintentional. Like by me at the Oslo gig.
  10. Thanks to Freddie I have celebration stuck in my head
  11. I'll be having this thread open at all times you updating 15 times a minute.
  12. Ooooh can I request someone give him a hug for me too? Abby's going to try to ring me and rope him into talking to me I think I'm the one with the biggest crush on continental Europe. If not I hope in scandinavia atleast.
  13. Oh that would be lovely. I love her shoes in 'Muder on the Dancefloor'
  14. Thank yuou. bye! I'm confused. Who's Mickey? D:
  15. In all honesty I think that him performing with Beth is just part of what his thing is. I sorta can see like. Him singing with Beth and then a little girl coming out and being all "HEY!!! What's the big idea?!" and then it breaks into Lollipop and everything goes nuts and Lollipop girls and Big girls and everything else will just be pouring for every door in the building.
  16. :roftl: That just made me laugh out loud. You need to do a drawing for me for a friendsonly banner for my LJ tbh. How much would you take in commission?
  17. Ooooh. I can't wait to see pictures.
  18. .... Obviously that's what Mika will be saying to all of us at his shows from now on. irl lol tbh. xD
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