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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. Yes I am. And I've been sorta stalking you on the boards for ages. Or; 'I often stumble across your posts on the boards' sounds better. But I've been meaning to get to know you better.
  2. I want you for the next one! *claims*
  3. I mainly meant for being able to shop easter candy [Oh how I love the Bunny shaped Reeses you can get in the US ]. But I can see what you mean. Hm. *scratches beard*
  4. Perhaps just before easter? Or just after...there's always such lovely novelty chocolates at easter!
  5. I'm sure I will be. Oh deary me. Martine: Oh god that picture made me spit milk on my screen!
  6. Oh dear. I hope parcels here can be sent on the ground for cheaper for last time I tried to send a package that was only 0.5 kg to America in two weeks it was nearly 15 quid post. Oh my oh my oh my. I just plan this parcel perfectly. :biggrin: ETA: Wow Pink. That's incredible.
  7. True true. I'm worried about when my time to be a Mummy comes.
  8. She does! I was sitting watching LICM [Am I the only one who seems to always pronounce that as Lick me? ] and being all because of the upcoming concert sp she offered.
  9. Mum's making butterscotch cookies for me.
  10. I should send some to be given. I'm way too obsessed with them.
  11. Oh well that's good. I want to wait until I'm about 25 anyway.
  12. I think that they take away the person with the lowest votes. So if Mika isn't listed then he isn't in I guess.
  13. My friend sent it to me and I was like "OOOOH MIKE GRACE KELLY.....THAT'S NOT GRACE KELLY" :shocked: It sounds like it so much though. I plan to interrogate them if I ever meet them. This is true. I bought the Freia PĂ„skeegg and thought "Hmm. I wonder if Mika would like a packet of these"
  14. I love his tummy. It's so hairy there. And it looks so lovely to nuzzle and rub my nose in. Oh my that's so lovely. He's going to be the best daddy in the world. So will I. I think if we have a daughter we should call ber Bianca.
  15. Now we have a week to just be on here. Oh dear. The start reminds me of the start of Grace Kelly. And then the video just reminds of Mika when they get up on the cloud. And over all it just has a Mika vibe. I wonder if they know?
  16. Faaar too much work! You should just make your own. Or just. Wait until tomorrow. HURRAH WINTER BREAK
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