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Marilyn Mastin

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Posts posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. Well I'm no Sherlock Holmes but looking at the clues and using my awesome powers of deduction :cool: I'd guess it's something to do with the DVD release.


    But, it's still odd!!:shocked:

    I haven't seen one comercial in Britain for Mika's DVD. I've seen lots of comercials for other stuff, Like Amy Winehous's DVD, but as yet, no sign of anything to tell the viewing public that he has a DVD coming out!

    As I have said before. It's a pity he take me on as his PR person. Then he'd be all over the adverts, and his concerts would be on TV.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  2. However I don't think Mika will be there in person at March 27 next year, perhaps some of the Belgian fans can go to the courthouse in Brussels to show that we support our Mika. :mf_rosetinted:

    I'd say that's a good idea! All the Belgiun Mika fans at the courthouse, supporting the awesome Mr. Penniman, and telling the other one to get lost! I'd like to be a fly on the wall for that and if I was Belgiun, I'd be there!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  3. thanks so much!!!! great interview :thumb_yello: I loved when he said that the best video he has made so far is the video for Happy Ending :) and when he said that his sisters are on the Carribean while he's on tour...but he doen't mind it coz he's rather be on stage! that was so sweet!

    Did anyone pick up on the bit where he said he isn't singing at The Brits with Brian May? This means that we must often get information which isn't true. Maybe everybody needs to sign the petition to make us his official fan club

    (I signed the other week) that way, we'd have less chance of getting wrong information on the forums.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  4. I need to know how you guys define sexy. If you're talking about incredibly good looking, extremely talented, and seems to be a genuinely lovely human being, then yes, Mika is sexy. If you mean does he make me want to jump into bed with him? Then actually, no, I vote Johnny Depp. Now don't all kill me at once. But I watched those clips and because I tend to see my Mika obsession as something more ummm cerebral?? I really enjoy looking at him (he is extremely gorgeous), but don't want to see him shirtless. It's almost like too much information. I'm sitting here wondering what's wrong with me to be honest. And for those of you that would like to get him in the sack, well, more power to you. But I don't think I can honestly vote him the Sexiest Man on the Planet.

    Hey, hold on! I agree with what you say, in the sense that, I'm not interested in getting Mika into bed. For one thing, I've forgotten what to do, I'm too old and worn out, but seriously, Mika is two months younger than my son.


    But the point is, it's not really about whether he is sexy to us, or whether we love him for his art, or a bit of both. It's a popularity poll, to get him into a magazine. Get his picture in there and an article about him, so that People decide to investigate further and listen to his music, etc. That's why I'm voting. While he's not being invited onto TV, in this country anyway, we need things like this to promote Mika. If he wins all three polls, people will have to take notice, and if they look for him because he might be sexy, they'll stick with him because of histalent. So please vote for Mika. Johnny Depp doesn't need this at all.


    LOve today, from Marilyn

  5. My local supermarket plays Stuck in the Middle :thumb_yello:




    As he pointed out in an interview yesterday record companies change their minds all the time about this kind of thing. Maybe Happy Ending is doing better than they anticipated and they think that LiCM still has legs and don't want to let it die. Since Relax is better than Big Girl and Happy Ending it's not surprising.


    It doesn't mean he won't release an EP in a few months.




    Can someone please explain to me the significance of having the Christmas Number One? I've never understood this. What difference does it make whether your song is number one at Christmas or the week before or the week after? I've never heard of this outside the UK.

    The explanation is, that, in the UK anyway, a lot of acts go all out to get the Christmas Number One single, so they kind-of save the best for then, and I agree, it's stupid really, but if we want Relax to have the best chance of emulating the success of Grace Kelly it's better if it comes out when the Christmas holabaloo, has died down. Plus, as I said earlier, the new 'Pop Mafia' known as X Factor, is a thorn in the side of many decent acts these days. It's become a case of... if you release a single at the same time as the winner, or one of the other X Factor alumnis (who should be fending for themselves like Mika has to) then you don't stand a chance, against the promotional efforts of the likes of Cowell and Walsh, who have grown too big for their boots.


    LOve today, from Marilyn

  6. Hey guys,


    Could you pls advise how much is Mika's CD? I am not able to buy it here in China and I have a friend who will be over there in England next week.


    And anything you would suggest me buy about Mika?


    Many thanks in advance.

    It's available in all high street shops. Like Virgin Magastore, HMV, and Woolworths. It's called, 'Life In Cartoon Motion'. There is also a DVD, out on Monday, called LIVE In Cartoon Motion, but you will possibly have to order the right one for your reigion. Or else, get one that is for all reigions.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  7. Well said! Lollipop Monkey (a few posts previous to this) I didn't attatch my reply, because I wasn't sure how long it would be, but that's what I always say! Mika will meet someone one day, and he won't want to keep it quiet because that would mean a secret relationship. I doubt the would make such a fuss as jumping on someone's couch. He would just be very digfnified about it, and just say he's with someone, and that would be it. He wouldn't have a spread in Okay magazine, because he doesn't court that kind of publicity.


    At the moment though (and I don't know if anyone thinks like me, or not) but i tend not to think of him as either, gay, or straight, I think of him as Mika! I think he's too unique to be labeled as anything and I don't really think, at the moment, he's interested in a relationship with anyone. I think his music is his passion and everytime he writes a song, he puts a part of himself into it. I think he, kind of, makes love to the whole world through his music, if that makes any sense. After all, there is something for everyone in the songs he writes, and also, something for every mood. Gay people will love Billy Brown, Fat girls love Big Girl, etc. I don't believe for a minute that he wrote Billy Brown to get gay people liking him, or Big Girl, to get fat women liking him. I think he simply penned those songs, because it felt right, to him to write them, at the time he wrote them and in the case of Billy Brown, that actually caused him a bit of trouble and could have affected his sales of the album. But it didn't, and it shows he's not in the business for the money, but for love of his work

    I think also, that that is why he's protective of his music, because it is such a part of himself Because his music IS the way he makes love to the world, he's reluctant to part with it, and certainly not to part with it if someone is going to sing it all wrong.


    Anyway, that's what I think. I can't get inside Mika's head, so I could be way off, but this is how Mika seems, to me. I think there has never been anyone like him, and the press need to leave him alone if they can't talk about his music.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  8. Say, when will the "winner" be announced:blink: ?

    From what I understand, the voting stays open until December, but when, in December, it closes, i don't know. We have enough time to maintain, and increase, his lead in the UK and French poll, but it's important now, to give the most effort in the Spanish poll, to get him past the others and get Mika the hat-trick of victories.


    GO MIKA! Number 1 in the Tatler Poll!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  9. I'm very sorry if this sounds stupid.. But I don't really get the point of the article. :cheerful_h4h:

    It's really a popularity poll, like the ones in Sofeminine. It's just good publicity for a change, and shows people know and love him. No one thinks he's going to go off and marry some posh girl. It's just a great compliment. I certainly hope he doesn't mind anyone voting for him in those polls. I vote for him on Sofeminine and I'm old enough to be his mum and wouldn't dream of trying to get with him, but like I say, it's just a compliment and helps to prove he is popular.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  10. ... sorry to say but mika was not one of them he lost out too.......................................................

    I didn't expect him to win. He should have, but I knew he wouldn't. Please would someone tell Mika to give me a job as his PR person... or actually... anyone else in this fanclub. Any one of us could get Mika some decent publicity, and then he'd win every award that's going.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  11. I have just read on Channel 4 teletext, that Mika will release Relax/Lollipop as his next single in the UK, on Dec 31st.

    Backed by remixes, Ashley Beedle, Boy 8 Bit?, Fred Deakin, Alphabet and Frank Musik.


    This sounds a bit too precise to be wrong to me.


    As predicted by Showtunes and wanted my me as it is my absolute favourite song, espec the acoustic version.


    Just to hear the first few bars at gig makes shivers go down even my spine. :naughty:

    I actually thought Relax had been released here, before Grace Kelly. Obviously I'm wrong, and I'm thrilled about this. I love Relax, it's an awesome song (they all are) but when you hear that bit at the beginning pure Mika magic with his gorgeous vocals.

    Another thing I'm really pleased about, as well is, that he isn't going to release it at Christmastime. The reason I say this is that, the race to the Christmas Number One single is no longer a race. A few years ago it was a fair fight, and we had some terriffic Christmas Number Ones. These days, it's whoever wins X Factor that gets the Christmas number one. So even though he's Mika, our guy wouldn't stand a chance because everyone would be playing the X Factoir winner's song and ignoring Mika (as per usual)

    So it's great if he releases Relax at New Year. A lovely song to help the nation through the winter. Just as 'Grace Kelly' did. Also, Lollipop is sure to be popular. Eother of those two songs could possibly even make it onto the adverts. Relax, could advertise a holiday destination, and Lollipop, could advertise sweets or something like that.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  12. Flamboyant pop singer-songwriter Mika, 23, leads the 100 desirable boys. Often compared to the Scissor Sisters and Freddie Mercury, his debut single Grace Kelly has been this year's runaway hit.


    He was born Mica Penniman in war-torn Beirut, but his family fled Lebanon for Paris when he was just one, and moved to London eight years later. He was educated at Westminster and the Royal College of Music.




    Scroll down...

    dun know if it is posted before...



    Brilliant! No matter what the media try to do to him, they can't keep a good (and drop-dead-gorgeous) man down.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  13. her's an idea boyzone . why dnt you try pen your own song and get over it!!!

    mika has the rights to his song.

    stop crying over it and try something else like eariy retirement



    sorry just read the article and the not so nice dicussions about mika at the sun !!!! one has to protect and look after our lad!!!!!

    The more people get onto the discussions in The Sun, the better. They need to know as well, how angry we are that they didn't mention all those awards. I have had my say already.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  14. well for starters I think the MFC is doing a great job.. not just for the fans.. but also in "search" engines on the we.. they are doing Mika a HUGE favour by promoting him online.. better than most of the entertainment websites


    keep up the good work ladies and gents..


    I think we can also, help promote him in other forums such as yotube, myspace and facebook. which I have seen sevearl people already doing.. Even Oprah is now on youtube, and her people read all the comments and messages...


    If you have contacts with your local radio stations, request his music.. (this is key in the US as his music is loved by his fans but radio stations simply refuse to play his songs on air )


    Other websites that supported Mika such as Perez Hilton need to keep his news fresh... even Perez put Cilin Dion's picture instead of Mika's on his website when he spoke about World Music Awards... leave comments, etc..



    There are many ideas out there.... the more the better...


    If there is any negative review that does not make sense, reply to it - and don't just discuss it here...


    MFCers... Keep up the good work!



    I have been doing my own little bit. I have a letter, printed in Total TV Guide, which is mainly about X Factor, and about Simon and Louis using the show to plug Leona Lewis, Shayne Ward and Westlife, but it gave me a chance to mention someone with more talent. I also have a forum thread at The Sun, entitled "Why Are The Media Ignoring Mika", which I started after they didn't even mention his performance at the EMAs, and only concentrated on the likes of Amy Winehouse. Just because she was too drunk to sing or even speak. Of course, they continued the trend by not even mentioning those four awards he won the other night. I also posted a comment on the story in the Sun today, saying they needed to get Mika's side of the story, and my friend also did one, about them not mentioning that he won all those trophies the other night, and printing a picture of Rhianna instead!

    I think letters to your favourite TV Guide are a good idea. Also, and I did have a thread about this here, but it didn't get many hits, so it's sunk without trace, but I was asking fans to contact gmtv, to suggest that they get Mika onto Entertainment Today, or one of the other morning shows, where they usually invite stars to talk about their albums, etc. That sort of thing does work, because Shayne Ward was on enough of them and his song reached number 2. Leaona Lewis was on a lot of them as well, though she has the personality of a slug. Poor Mika wasn't on any, and Happy Endings (a better song than both of theirs put together) only peaked at number 7. Perhaps if Mika did a bit more TV, he would get his face and personality out to more people, and might be able to slow down that crippling pace which is only going harm his health if he keeps it up.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  15. I agree!


    I think the media is not supporting the positives. His performance was outstanding in the EMAs compared to the winners and yet very few reviews included any feedback other than the word "flanboyant"


    the latest article Mika vs Boyzone is interesting... even if he decided to withdraw the song, it sounds he did it for creative reasons - the only downfall is calling them "cheesy" cause I am sure they have their own fan club and support.


    I think Mika should also do more interviews and get in touch with the press. Relying on his performances (which are outstanding) is not enough.. His PR team need to work harder. I think his fans are doing a better job at spreading his positives

    My son told me that, the other day, the Sun mentioned The World Music Awards. They printed a picture of Rhianna and said that she had been at the awards.

    Oh what big news. There wasn't any bigger news for British viewers to find out about, was there!?

    Of course, today, Mika IS big news, because they have something negative to say about him! It is disgusting. It's one sided, and it's hateful. The picture they have printed of Mika looks terrible, but was probably taken when he was ill. The picture or Ronan, however, is smiling happily. Unless it's just wind.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  16. Sorry, I did not realise there is already a thread about this article, so I opened a similar one..


    I think it is great that other artists are contacting Mika to collaborate as a songwriter which makes him more than just an entertainer or a pop star.. after all he is artist first.


    I already mentioned that before, I think Mika has every right to withdraw any song that he offered earlier if he is not comfortable with the delivery – from a purely artistic point of view. The only downfall is calling other entertainers “cheesy” which I doubt he did, but still it is negative and I am sure Boyzone has their own fanclubs and supporters that will not appreciate that comment.


    The media is not helping much by positioning things in a subjective way. I wish they stop giving their opinion instead of stating facts – and leave it up to us as readers to make up our mind. But I guess that the media game.


    Mika needs to tackle this by doing more interview and get his PR people to work as hard as his fans or the MFCers to get his message across. He is a great performer, songwriter and artist and I don’t think there has been enough support for his image from a marketing point of view.

    You are so right, and it's what I've been saying. His managers, or PAs haven't done him any favours, because, in this country, no one has ever got to see the sweet, boy-next-door who wouldn't hurt a fly. They only know Mika very vaguely, from certain of his songs. If he was in more interviews, people would know him better and admire him more.


    Apparently, in the Sun the other day, they had a picture of Rhianna, from the World Music Awards, and stated that SHE had been at the World Music Awards!!!! Excuse me, Sun newspaper, were you forgetting one tiny little thing, like Mika's four trophies, or were you just waiting for something to print, to try and bring this awesome man down? Please everyone, go to The Sun site, when it is working and have your say. Please support Mika!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  17. HOLY SH*T.......37%?!?!?!??!!?

    You guys ROCK!!!!!

    I luvya SO muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!



    I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but have you seen what's kicking off on the other threads. Mika is in The Sun, accused of taking back a song that Boyzone reckon, he gave them to record. The article makes him look really petty and spiteful. I have no idea what the real story is but I've already posted a comment in. The Sun, on the actual story, and I'm keeping an eye on my thread in the Sun Forum.

    Please, everyone, get onto the sun site and post a comment on the story itself, saying they need to get Mika's side, and at least we know he isn't in it for the money or he wouldn't care who sings his songs.


    I don't know how to do a proper link, but the address is


    http://www.thesun.co.uk but there is a proper link in one of the threads on the subject.


    Love today, from Marilyn (this is urgent)

  18. There is another thread about this, but basically, everyone, get onto the Sun site. I have posted a comment on the actual story, and have a thread there about Mika which I started last week, when no one mentioned his awesome performance at the awards. My thread, ironically, is called "Why Are Our Media Ignoring Mika". The comment I put on the actual story, says that they need to get Mika's side of things. This proves he's not in it for the money or some extra fame, but I think we all need to know what really happened, because we know Mika isn't spiteful. Why would he give a song away, and then take it back? There must be more to it. There has to be.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  19. i agree with u on this 100% i was gonna say the same thing, but u saved me time :biggrin2: lol

    Well, I've been onto The Sun and added a comment on the story. I've said that they need to get Mika's side of the story. He can't have actually signed over the rights to his song, or thay would sue him. but I know he doesn't want his songs used in Karaoke and he wouldn't want just anyone singing his songs, that they can't sing anyway, we can't blame him for that. 'Angels' has been murdered that way. But there are going to be a lot of spiteful comments, so everyone neede to get behind Mika and post our comments. We know Mika isn't spiteful, so it's NOT because of any spite he's done this and this proves, he's not in it for the money, otherwise he wouldn't mind who sings his songs. But if I'd been him, I wouldn't have offered it to a tuneless lump like Ronan Keating, in the first place.

    I have a thread about Mika in The Sun forum called ironically enough "Why Are Our Media Ignoring Mika" I started it last week, when they didn't even mention his performance at the awards. So it's there, in the entertainment section, for people to have their say.


    Love again from Marilyn

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