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Marilyn Mastin

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Posts posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. Please someone give me some good youtube links :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

    Mika did fantastic, and I also saw him being interviewed on the 'Red Carpet', and I must say, I was worried.

    Why was I worried, you ask?

    Because Mika said he'd been in bed for two days and only got up to come to the event! Of course the interviewer asked who he'd been in bed with (cheeky sod) To which, Mika answered, "Sadly, by myself".

    This told me that Mika has been ill! He's been overdoing things with all these concerts. He really deserved to win the awards, but still, he gave a fantastic performance. Yet the only thing the media are interested in this morning, is 'The Wino', whom many other performers voted for (it's called the sympathy vote folks) and who couldn't even be bothered to give a speech.


    Never mind Mika! No one can survive on sympathy for long. One day the other performers will have to vote for you!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  2. That's what I thought. They're probably trying to get his name out there.

    Yes, I hope someone is trying to help Mika. His record company should be trying to promote him, no other singer-and-songwriter has to do it all himself, like Mika seems to have to do! Yes, I hope he gets nominated because he's the best there is today, and probably the best there's ever been!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  3. God bless Mika, today, and always!!! I hope he got the chance to have a good night's sleep last night, and is fighting-fit for his performance tonight! Whatever happens in the awards, his performance is sure to be spectacular. I'm going to be so nervous tonight, and I hope that Mika has a happy ending and brings home the two awards.


    Love today, and we are going to love tonight, from Marilyn

  4. :giveup::mf_popeanim:

    May your words be respected!

    Okay... I believe that Mika is very open and honest in his interviews. Yes, he keeps part of his life private, but that is his right. I actually think he's way more honest than every other celebrity, and doesn't even like to be called a celebrity.

    He's like two people in a way. The one we see on stage, the performer, then the one who we see in interviews. The child-like man... The boy next door... Affectionate, vulnerable, compassionate.

    We love him (in whatever way we say we love him) because he IS all those things. He's got the whole world spinning in cartoon motion, and he is out there, promoting his message of love and tolerance. But I don't think Mika actually realises the impact he's having on people, and that's part of his charm as well. He is a very unique individual. In fact... I'll stick my neck out here and say... there's never been anyone quite like him before, and probably won't ever be again. So we are all going to have strong feelings for him and want him to do well. We wouldn't be human if we didn't love Mika!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  5. *I sent the link to the Spanish thread requesting help.



    I think with moderate effort we can get 1% point a day;

    with "full court press" maybe 2% points a day.




    Depp = 37%

    MIKA = 2% [Just NOT right!]

    Great idea to send it to the Spanish thread! Does anyone know if there are any more of these around. We need to find them, so we can vote Mika into the lead on all sites. He's up to 48% on the French one, so I think we should aim to get him to a nice round figure of 50% before the end of the week. On the UK one he's on 36%, and that can rise as well. It will give us something to do while we wait for the awards tomorrow. God... I'm going to be in such a state!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  6. Los 40 Principales is one of the most important radios in Spain & LatinAmerica (Argentina, Chile, México, Colombia, Costa Rica & Guatemala).

    This year, their prizes "Premios Principales" are nominee Mika in 2 categories:


    -Mejor artista o grupo internacional en lengua no española (Best international artist or band in non-spanish language)

    - Mejor canción internacional en lengua no española (Best international song in non-spanish language)



    You can choose if you want him to win or not. I don´t know if you can be from another country apart of the mentioned above, but i´ll post this because i think it´s important to know it


    Congrats Mika for the nominations!! ;)

    I'm not sure how to vote in this. Or if we can. I think we need advice. Thanks for telling us about it. Hope he wins!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  7. OH NO!!!! How many different ones are there??????




    Have you found any more? YES, we need to make sure that all countries, all cultures find Mika #1, right? Since we can't vote for the EMAs anymore, I need something to do:biggrin2:

    Right! Bring it on!!! We'll get him there. I think the polls stay open all november at least. Like you say, we're not voting in the emas anymore, so we'll get him there. We need all the links. I've already added this new one to my favourites so I can keep voting!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  8. You would have missed it if you blinked, but it was sooo funny.


    Chelsey Handler, for those who do not know, does a show on E called Chelsea lately. She is a VERY funny comedian.


    She was doing a spoof on donating her eggs, and she was laying on the table asking the doctor if he could relax her by playing some music. She said "Do you have Mika?"


    Small ... but so great as in the US I don't hear much about Mika!

    We don't hear that much about him in Britain either. Not as much as we should! He certainly doesn't get onto any shows in this country, and only one terrestrial channel ever airs his concerts. Usually in the middle of the night. British women are being denied a real treat! They don't get to actually SEE Mika!


    Love today, from Marilyn





    Yes SATU, if Mika wins it's mainly down to you. You got us the multi-links that were so helpful. I kept hoping none of the other nominees fans had anyone a smart as you, and that we were the only ones voting on all the links.


    Thank you for a brilliant job.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  10. I've looked through the lists and I can't find Mika's name anywhere. It's probably me, I'd loose my head if it wasn't fixed on. What is he possibly nominated for? Oh God, I really really hope he wins. Will we be able to vote, or is it decided by a committee?


    Love and hope today, from Marilyn

  11. hey people i was just thinking and ive been thinking about this alot lately, i was just wondering does anyone here feel as if they are in love with mika?? cause like not just a silly crush but actaully really have this feeling for him? i know i may sound like a silly kid but some one here has to agree with me!!


    like not just because mika is adorable and cute but his wodnerful personailty and ability to make you smile. it cant be just me that thinks this way surely it cant be!!!


    lol well there has to be some one that beleives they love mika for who he is and wants him all their selves lol not just cause he attractive but his actually personality like as if you know him so well and no one else knows the way you feel and you wish some times so hard that you could just run your fingers through his curls or just hold him for a moment or two.....lol sound like you?





    i feel so lonely with this and i really want to know if anyone feels the same way and well if its actually possiable to love some one you havnt even met in person!!


    cause some times i feel that way and i want to know if others do too. sorry if this thread has too long and a bit silly but hopefully it might help others (if there is any) that feel the same way.


    thanks for reading this. :biggrin2:

    Mika is a very safe fantasy. In other words, we're not cheating on our spouses, or boyfriends, but there's this gorgeous guy who makes us feel great!


    The only thing I would say, is, keep Mika as your fantasy, but don't neglect your real life. It's possible to find someone special in your real life, I did! I have a wonderful husband whom I wouldn't swap, even for Mika, and the fact is, Mika is two months younger than my son, so if I met Mika, I'm likely to want to mother him, but I know that I'd not want to sleep with him. That would be too weird really.


    But Mika has done so much for the world of music, and so much for his fans. He's like the ultimate party host and we are all invited. That's why we love him!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  12. Those articles are lovely! Thanks for posting them! Yes Mika is seducing all the generations. At 53 years old, I never thought I'd be a fan of a pop star, but there you go. However, Mika is NOT just a pop star is he! He's everything more. He's bringing the whole world together under his multi-coloured banner. The guy is a true ambassador for love and harmony in this awful world and we all love him so much! Thank God for Mika!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  13. When is the closing date for these polls?

    The So Feminine ones I mean.

    Does anyone think, like me, that Mika is doing too much!! How many gigs have they given him!!! It's not like he's like Westlife, who spend most of their time on stools, or just standing still. Mika works so hard. No wonder there's nothing of him. Call me maternal if you want. I am old enough to be his mum, and I think they are working him too hard!!!!!!


    Mika, if you read this, listen to your own lyrics. "Relax, take it easy", you have absolutely nothing to prove to us! We just want you with us for a long time, and we want you healthy.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  14. In case you don't see it on MTV on 1 November...


    Channel 4 picks up Europe Music Awards


    Monday, October 29 2007, 09:26 GMT


    By James Welsh, International Editor

    Channel 4 has snapped up the terrestrial TV rights to this year's MTV Europe Music Awards.


    The show, which airs live on MTV One at 9pm on November 1, will go out on Channel 4 as a 75 minute programme on November 11 as part of T4 Sunday.


    This year the awards - now in their fourteenth year - will be hosted by Snoop Dogg and feature Mika, Avril Lavigne, Babyshambles and Foo Fighters.

    That's flipping brilliant!!!! I will be able to see it live but many will not, and if it's on T4 it will not be on in the middle of the night! Many people will see it and see Mika perform! Channel 4 (bless their hearts) are the only channel at the moment, who give Mika any airtime. God bless you Channel 4! I can't wait until the rest of our stupid British media catch up and get with the Mikamania!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn




    Good stuff again Alice!!! Hey, I've noticed you're from America. How IS Mika perceived over there. Is he cracking the US as some people say, or not, as other people say?


    Well, I'm back and ready for action here on Sofeminine. It's been a long slog with the emas, but now we're back to make certain the world knows who is the sexiest man. The other so-called hunks won't know what's hit them, but what's hit them is called 'Hurricane Mika'!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  16. Here's a question (that i cannot answer!!), what can we expect from Mika's second album. Will be as light hearted and colourful as the last one or will it be dark and gothic (dont think so...). Will the Quenn legend Mr. May be on it as rumoured for so long and if so will it be more rock instead of pop??? What will his album art be like??? Will his live concerts be as mad as they are now??!! ( and i mean "mad" in a good way) Or am I just thinking ahead too much.


    Anyway let me know your thoughts.....:wink2:

    I'm hoping that 'How Much Do You Love Me' is on the album. I think his new song 'Missionary Man' might be on it too. I would really love it if that song 'Your Sympathy' (is that what it's called) is on it, because it is a lovely song. I also love that song 'The Only Lonely One'... Oh let's face it, I love all Mika's work. I think his work will evolve and become edgier, but that is good really. He doesn't want to become predictable and we wouldn't want him too. I think it's great that he surprises us, and will continue to do so. His songs and style cover all genres. He is totally unique. People will soon have to stop calling him the new Freddie, and start calling him "The unique maestro, Mika."


    Love today, from Marilyn

  17. Hey guys heres my article,I would appreciate if I have any grammar or mistake in english maybe you can let me know



    How Mika changed my life ..

    by DavidM


    I remember the first time I heard Mika, I was doing homework and listening to MTV , when all of the sudden I heard a piano entrance , so I turned back my head and read the corner of the Tv and said Mika and I saw this beautiful cute boy with the cutest curls ever jumping around as he sung the most catchy and melodic song but at the same very operish song I ever heard.


    I remember that day going immediately to iTunes and download his single , Grace Kelly, ever since then the obsession and madness for him started.I remember I listen Grace Kelly every morning before I went to school an I finish learning the song by the week.I fell In love with the song because I always liked high pitched falsettos and lyrics because of the meaning behind that happy sounding song.


    Then I went to you tube to search videos of him and interviews and , I feel in love with Mika, the way he acts , the way he speaks, the way he looks, he got me so crazy for him , as I was searching for videos I found one with him explaining Grace Kelly, and I remember crying , because of what he said its so real and the way I always felt and Im so glad someone capture that feeling and wrote it on a song.


    I cant even explain what Mika means to me, he is my life , I have great respect for him, I get picked out at school because Im gay and fat and Sometimes I feel suicidal and then I think of what Mika lived and how he made it and it just gives me strength and courage to keep my head up and dont let people getting me down or walking over me.


    He is truly my role model, he made me accept and like myself by the way I am . I been trough all the rejection he went trough when he was young and tough Im only 15 I share the same ideal of being the way you are and the ideal of being yourself 100% . I have too many things I need to thank him and one of those is to being an awsome role model, because is hard to found someone to admire this days.And also for being there for me, not physically but musically he have helped me a lot .


    I hope I can meet him and get to know him and look at his eyes and just tell him thank you and how much I love him, It seems like it not going to happen because I live in Mexico but Im sure he will come here one they or that I would go and see him in the usa


    How mika have changed my life ?


    He have not changed my life, he have changed my world and my perspective of life, He created a whole new colorful world I can hide in called Life in Cartoon Motion.

    Oh, that article was lovely and brought tears to my eyes. I hope you do get to meet Mika one day. Don't let anyone get you down. Mika has changed many peoples' lives and he is an awesome role model. God bless you and don't worry about all those bullies, you have friends in this fan club, and I believe that Mika reads the forum, so he may read what you wrote and be very touched by it.


    Love today, your friend, Marilyn

  18. Maybe someone it's interested in this kind of stuff...you know...the astrological things...

    My english sucks, I know! :thumbdown:



    Open and generous, Mika enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and he thrives on sociability and fellowship. He is adventurous, playful, freedom loving, and always ready for a good time. Mica Penniman rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep him down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Mika always expects a better, brighter future. In fact, he is uncomfortable with his own or other people's problems and emotional pain. Mika often tries to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but he unwittingly avoids or ignores the emotions involved.


    Friendship means a great deal to Mica Penniman, perhaps even more than love relationships or romance. For Mika to be happy, his mate must be his best friend and encourage Mika's aspirations and ideals. Mika also needs a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility.


    He is likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for his belongings give Mika a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to him. Antiques or articles with sentimental value from Mika's past are especially dear to him.


    Mika may also cling rather tightly to money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather than sharing freely with those outside of his immediate circle.


    He is dedicated to the people he cares about and conscientious about fulfilling his responsibilities, especially to family. Family solidarity and cohesiveness are very important to Mika; accordingly, so are the traditions, rituals, and memories that keep the bonds strong.


    Mika is apt to do more than his fair share in the family and go the extra mile, but for the most part this is satisfying rather than burdensome to him.


    He is a sensitive soul and a dreamer who is very much attuned to the world of imagination and fantasy. Mika often retreats into his own inner world in order to escape the harshness of everyday living in the "real world". Gentle and often rather passive as well, he will not fight or assert himself, even when he needs to. Mika is very sympathetic and somewhat naive emotionally and must guard against being taken advantage of.


    Mika has very deep feelings and profound attachments to people he cares about. His relationships to his mother, sisters, daughters, and other females in his life are likely to be incredibly close and intense. Furthermore, Mika may easily be manipulated too when it comes to one of these important relationships because he is so emotionally invested in it.


    He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones and often becomes subservient to his love partner. Mika is more comfortable showing his love by doing or making something for his loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. He is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Mika also underestimates his attractiveness and lovability and doubts his own worthiness of love and appreciation.


    Promoting beauty, the arts or entertainment can make Mika very happy. Mika wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and he wants to be recognized for his beauty, artistic gifts or loving generosity. Mika may be "married to" his work - namely he may be more involved in his career than in his private life. Mica Penniman is a natural host or diplomat.


    Mika shares whatever he has freely and his friends know they can always count on Mika's generosity and support - both emotional and material. His good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others' foibles goes a long way toward maintaining harmony in his relationships. Mika also has a lazy streak and sometimes avoids confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it seems like too much trouble and too petty. Mika likes to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. He cannot tolerate being overly restricted by his love partner, and encourages his partner's freedom as well.


    His love feelings are easily aroused and his romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and Mica Penniman may be in and out of love relationships - especially in his younger years. Mika craves emotional excitement and needs to feel spontaneous and free, so he may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to Mica Penniman, and he is attracted to unique, creative or unstable people.


    Astrological factors in this interpretation:


    Moon in Sagittarius

    Moon in 2nd house

    Moon Sextile Saturn

    Moon Conjunct Neptune

    Moon Sextile Pluto

    Venus in Virgo

    Venus in 10th house

    Venus Square Jupiter

    Venus Square Uranus

    That sounds great! Exactly how I imagined Mika to be. I don't follow astrology and don't set much store by it, but that sounds like it could be spot on. Mika is clearly an unusual guy, but isn't that why we love him so much!


    Love today, from Marilyn

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