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Marilyn Mastin

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Posts posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. I can only imagine what that song's lyrics are about.

    I think we need to get Mika's side of the story. All stories have two sides, and the papers are only going to print the side they prefer. It's all very confusing, because Mika isn't a spiteful person. If he offered the song to Boyzone, then took it back (as I said before) he was wrong to do that. But I've been thinking about it a lot since my last post, and I don't believe Mika would refuse them the song, without a good reason. Could Mika possibly make a statement to us, with his side of things? Then, at least we would know how to support him in this, because we would know the truth. As I said before, this could damage his reputation if people think he is selfish and spiteful, when he isn't.

    I have a thread about Mika in The Sun Forum. I could go onto the thread and tell his side of the story, if we knew what his side of it really is.


    Love again, from Marilyn

  2. :naughty: I wondered who that was!! I knew it was an MFCer...




    Oh yes, I am so SICK of Cowell namedropping Leona ALL the time..


    In fact I'm fed up of X-Factor, full stop. It has absolutely no meaning any more, not since the advent of Mika. Manufactured pop "acts" are so 2006...:roftl:


    I'd like to see your letter Marilyn. Could you post it here??

    Yes, I'll copy it out because I can't scan it






    Actually, I have seen bits of X Factor, because my son watches it. I've seen what they are doing to that poor guy Rhydian. I mean, the guy is an opera singer. Isn't that okay for them? The poor guy looks so uncomfortable and so stupid in those daft clothes. It's all about the judges now, not the contestants at all. It's just a way for Simon and company to keep their acts at number one. Since X Factor came along, there has been no fair fight for the Christmas Number One, and no fair fight at the time of the show, when the judges are plugging their established acts who don't need X Factor any more and should be fending for themselves the way Mika does.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  3. THE going is getting tough in the BOYZONE camp just two days after I revealed they are getting back together.


    Their plans for a comeback single have been thrown into chaos by...MIKA.


    RONAN KEATING, SHANE LYNCH, MIKEY GRAHAM, STEPHEN GATELY and KEITH DUFFY wanted to release a track written by the flamboyant singer for their big return.


    Mika penned the song, called I Gave It All Away, for other acts to buy and release.


    But after Boyzone recorded it the Grace Kelly star decided they were “too cheesy” — and BANNED their version.


    An industry insider told me: “Mika wrote the song and made it available for other artists.


    “Boyzone loved it. They thought it was perfect to launch their comeback so they recorded it and it sounded great — a certain No1.


    “Just like the title of the track, Mika gave it all away. But then he took it back again.”


    Boyzone — who had a No1 single with When The Going Gets Tough in 1999 — have been left gutted. A spokesman for the band said: “It’s a real shame because it’s an incredible song and we all loved it.”


    I’ve heard the track and I think Mika is being a spoilsport for not allowing Ronan and Co to release it.


    It sounds like a classic Boyzone song and surely it’s best it goes to an act who can do it justice.


    It would have been a huge No1 for Boyzone and Mika’s decision has cost him a fortune.


    I reckon the single could have made him £250,000.


    Yet despite being hardly the most high-brow of artists himself, he simply does not want Boyzone performing his material.


    A source close to Mika revealed: “He is keen to start writing for other pop artists as well as himself. But Boyzone isn’t really what he had in mind.


    “He was hoping to work with some more interesting artists — Boyzone are a bit too cheesy.”


    Before they split seven years ago the Boyz notched up six No1 singles and four chart-topping albums in the UK.


    They will perform a medley of their hits for the BBC’s Children In Need telethon later this month.


    They are yet to sign a new record deal but are thrashing out plans for a new album and tour, as well as the single.


    Mika’s snub is a setback. But When All Is Said And Done, I’m sure the comeback will be a hit.





    This has got me worried! It could damage Mika's reputation and the respect he has from other artists.


    If he wasn't using the song, and had made it available to other artists, I honestly don't see what the problem is. Boyzone are sure to still have a lot of fans and probably would have been number 1. I can understand, that Mika may have not liked their version of his song, but maybe he shouldn't have offered it to them in the first place.


    I think it would have been great for Mika to have a song, sung by a major boy band (or whatever they are now) at number one. It would have been a big thing for him. Boyzone could write their own song, but i think it would have been an honour for them to do a Mika song. It shows they love his work and respect him as a songwriter. I am worried now, how this is going to look to people who are not Mika's fans.


    I honestly don't understand why he gave them the song, and then took it back. I'm sorry, I love him, but I think he was wrong and he's given his critics plenty of ammunition to use against him.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  4. I know, in different countries, they release different singles. I think Relax, has been recently number one in Lebanon and Israel (I might be wrong) The singles don't all come out at the same time all over the world. It is confusing. But it is probably about the DVD. At the moment, in Britain, we have the Woolworths ad playing. Then next week, they should advertise the DVD. It's all good!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  5. Absolutely amazing!!! Well done MIKA. Just let anyone try to steal your name now!!!!


    The man has worked so hard. No other performer works harder, and there has truly, never been anyone in the world of music and entertainment, like our Mika. For his hard work around the world, for his voice, his wonderful meaningful songs, I thank him with all my heart. It's time the whole industry, and indeed the whole world, all sat up and realised what a special, wonderful man he is, and how lucky we all are to have him with us. It's time he was known for his wonderful music, not for the stuff he won't talk about which doesn't matter!!! I am sick of people focussing on all that rubbish, when we have such a wonderful musician amongst us.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  6. It's always nice if you see something of your own hands printed out! Maybe you could scan it and show us...

    The trouble is, I don't know how to scan, but I'll copy it for everyone on this thread. It's no use making a new thread, The threads just end up getting lost. I posted my news on my Sun Forum thread.



    I've decided not to watch The X Factor this year, as I'm so disgusted by the fact that Simon and Louis are using the show to promote their acts.

    They've already brought in Leona Lewis, and Shayne Ward and Westlife are also set to appear, thus continuing the shameful plugging of their artist's work. Why not get someone genuinely talented like MIKA to do the mentoring? Oh, that's right, Simon rejected him.


    I wrote it because I am genuinely pissed off about Simon going on about Leona and Shayne, and Louis going on about Westlife (boring song it is too) and our poor guy had hardly any promotion of his single, Yet it's way better than any of the others. I couldn't resist the sarcastic dig at the end. Oh well... I think Princess Grace Kelly would be so proud of my sarcasm, in fact, she's probably doing the thumbs-up sign in Heaven, as we speak.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  7. lol. facts:


    belgium mika-

    -real name: SOPHIE

    -located: uh, Belgium

    -famous for: not actually famous

    -occupation: sings reggae music

    -releases: five albums, sold for £2 on her website.


    -no-one actually knows her, even in her home country


    Maori mika-

    -located: New Zealand (i think thats what NZ stands for anyway :roftl:)

    -famous for: isn't really famous either

    -occupation: said he was in a few shows. and tours. Sometimes in England. Still, no-one actually really knows who this guy is either and everyone knows MICA doesn't do these kind of shows.



    -real name: Mica Penniman

    -located: London, England

    -famous for: Hit single "Grace Kelly" which charted at UK's #1 including his -debut album "Life in Cartoon Motion".

    -occupation: singer/songwriter

    -releases: one album so far, which went to #1 and four top ten singles.


    -has toured around the world with sell-out shows.



    Woah...! Don't forget the four awards he scooped the other night... I'm talking about the talented Mr. Penniman of course. But here are some suggestions for practrical uses for Belgium Bitch, and Maori Idiot's CDs if we find them in a bin somewhere.


    They could be hung on wires and used as Sun Catchers

    They could be photographed against a dark background, and the pictures sold to the papers as UFO sightings.

    They could be used as frisbies.

    If you were stranded on a desert island, they could be used as mirrors, to start fires, or signal passing ships (that is if you could tear yourselves away from listening to your 6 Mika Penniman songs)

    You could show those two Mikas, their own reflctions. They would both turn to stone and leave our Mika alone!

    We could shove the CDs sideways up their arses, after all, if they want to be Mika, they need to learn to sing some high notes. Shoving their CDs up their arses might just do it.... Then again... Maybe not.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  8. I have a letter in Total TV Guide. I sent it in to complain about the X Factor judges using that show to constrantly plug their acts. It also gave me an excuse to mention a guy with REAL talent.... and I don't mean Rhydian!!!


    So maybe this is another way to go. Letters in the TV magazines.


    Love today, and thanks to all who have got involved in this, from Marilyn

  9. MIKA needs LOTS OF VOTES to exceed the others--

    especially "meat pie" Johnny

    in the SPANISH poll for "SEXIEST MAN ON THE PLANET!"






    It's gone down to 6% again. We're going to have to keep an eye on this one. Someone doesn't want Mika to win this!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  10. I actually thought he was Christened, Michael Holbrook Penniman, but was always called Mica, until he slightly changed the spelling so people wouldn't mispronounce his name.


    By the way. Someone tell that Blegiun bitch to change her name back to Sophie, cos that's what she's really called!


    In the end, there can be only one Mika - who is just called Mika - and it's our awesome, world famous guy, not some stupid looser, who can't even be found on Google!!!!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  11. 'Sex On Legs' is up to 7% in the new poll. Hey, have you checked out the other threads? Mika has won 4 World Music Awards in Monaco (that's Grace Kelly's place folks)

    He's won Best selling New Artist. Best selling Male Entertainer. Best selling Rock and Pop Artist. Best British artist!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that is such good news after he was robbed the other night. But the sad news is that he was too ill to sing. Oh but doesn't he deserve this after all that hard work and feeling so ill as well!!!! It's supposed to be on Channel 4 on the 7th November, but I can't see where it says it's on. Not in my TV Guide.


    Love today, from Marilyn

  12. Yes, well said.


    Objective fact #1: Mika has been THE musical revelation of 2007 and has shifted enormous numbers of records.. This cannot be denied, even by those who for some unfathomable reason are still immune to his wonderfulness :naughty:


    Objective fact #2: He has worked his backside off this year!


    (Is there no award anywhere for Hardest Worker of 2007??)

    This news has made my year! Yes, any award based on sales and that kind of thing, are going to go to Mika! This is more important than those EMA that he was robbed of! I think the EMAs were rigged anyway, the voting ended too soon, and surely all the people from Europe, wouldn't have been voting for a Canadian girl with a crappy song and not much of a voice.


    And, you are saying he had to fly off, that very night, when he was ill!!!? He's going to have to listen to his own lyrics "Relax, take it easy". His health is more important than whether we get to see him live at the moment. He needs to rest and get well soon


    God bless you Mika. Congratulations, and for God's sake, get some rest!!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

  13. who has seen this video? I just watched it and it looks like it was performed in

    a theater or something! it's soo cool :)

    watch it:




    (I'm in a rush to go, that's why it's a bit hurried)

    Yes that was his awesom performance from that event. You also need to be aware that Mika wasn't well, and had to actually get out of bed to perform. Of course, all the attention was given to Miss Winebottle, who couldn't be bothered to make a speech when the other artists voted for her (God knows why) and when she tried to sing, she sounded like ten cats urinating on an electric fence. Then there was the event itself, which was probably rigged. Does anyone remember the voting buttons going off, unexpectedly on the Monday night, when we'd been led to believe the voting would stay open until the end. I'll leave you with that thought.


    Love today, and all my love to Mika, from Marilyn

  14. Perhaps we could start a petition and when we have enough votes send it to Universal...

    A petition? What would it say, and how would we go about it? I think, at the moment, it's important to talk about Mika, outside of the fan club. Here, everyone understands where we are coming from when we say about the impact Mika has had, how kind and friendly he is, and how talented. Other people seem not to know this, because they are only reading the stuff about him being too private about his life, and they are not hearing all his songs, because the media are too obsessed with Amy Winebottle and Leona Lewis, etc, and can't be bothered to play Mika's lovely songs, or show his concert footage and videos at a time when we are all still awake. So getting the word out there seems, to me, to be the way forward at the moment. What does everyone else think?


    Love again, from Marilyn

  15. marylin, i'm going immediately.

    in Italy they NEVER write about mika.

    nothing appeared before and after the gigs, only a few, short, banal reviews.

    i'm totally crazy about that, but i cannot understand why this is happening in the uk too.

    i have an idea about this...universal is not supporting mika, nowhere.

    they do not send material to the press and do not advert about him.


    i would like to do the same here in italy,open threads on some magazine's forums.


    i'll be back to you about this, i want to talk this over with you and make up my mind.


    thanks for all your mika committment!

    mika must know that we care!

    I read your post. It's brilliant. I'm so happy that people are getting involved and I really didn't mean to come off as a bossy-boots. But just think, Mika might have won those awards if more people were aware of whoi he actually is. Peoples' perceptions of him seem to be... "He's that weird looking guy who sings Grace Kelly. Or... "He's that camp guy who won't say who he sleeps with."


    As you said. People need to know he sings all kinds of songs. Grace Kelly might not be to everyone's taste, but he writes and sings so many wonderful songs that everyone could find a song they loved.


    And he doesn't talk about his sex life! I'd like to find out what all those critics would say if I went up to one of THEM and said. "Hi there! Are you gay? Do tell, because I'm dying to know!" I wonder if I'd be sued for asking that, or insinuating it. I suspect I probably would be. I actually like the fact that he says nothing, and bugs the hell out of them. If they can't talk to him about his wonderful music, and the brilliant fun-culture he has single-handedly created, then they can drop dead, as far as I'm concerned.


    This is why it's important to find out what people are saying about Mika, so that we can set them straight and stick up for him. He doesn't deserve to be facing such unjust criticism, especially when he's done no wrong, and has actually, only done an awful lot of good in a short space of time. I'm not trying to be dramatic here, but I actually think there has never been a person like Mika, in the entire history of the world of music and entertainment.


    Thank you again for your post. If people can't get on to the sun site I don't know what to suggest. I know nothing about computers. Maybe someone with more brains than me could help. We need to stop this habitual slagging off of this wonderful man!!


    Love today, from Marilyn

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